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1、Tuition and fees are payable on or before the beginning of each semester and are non-refundable.


2、We will begin to learn English next term.


3、Some schools expel plagiarists for a term, ;


4、Recently a high school in Beijing announced that their students from them on take separate classes.

5、开学第一天(my first day of school) how quickly time has flown by!


6、Jane has just begun learning to drive.


7、It's the official opening of the new semester in Ishinomaki city.



1. Thinks through a discipline plan before school begins and Conveys the plan to the students when school begins.


9、Ministry of Education; Institute of Polymer Chemistry; Nankai University;

10、The New Term's Plan The new term is coming. 新学期计划新学期来临。


11、The scholars argue that with anthropology being an open discipline, Chinese anthropologists should upgrade and construct new anthropological theories through open field studies.


12、This semester has started,officially today.


13、Some schools expel plagiarists for a term;


14、She surprised us all on her first day of school by going off like a lamb.


15、You will receive a copy of your official course guide in the first week of the course.


16、All the high schools and 71.3% elementary schools in our city offer information technology course according to the new syllabus.


17、The New Term's Plan The new term is coming.


18、Strategy and suggestions for teaching open problems of mathematics:

1. Cultivate students' positive attitude of learning open problems.



19、Students of Master's and Postgraduate Diploma programmes must commence study at the beginning of a teaching term, while doctoral students must commence on the 1st day of a month.


20、Zhang Jianwei Law School Henan University; Kaifeng 475001; China;

21、The time for registration begins the 报到时间从每学期开学日前的3个工作日(周一至周

3 working days (weekdays) before the opening day of each semester, which are scheduled on March

1 for spring semester and Sept.

1 for fall semester.


22、I started playing viola when I was 我问他几岁开始学中提琴。 他告诉我xx岁开始学,但他真正的开始是喜欢拉琴后。

10, but I didn't really start till I started to care for it.

23、Distance open education encourages students to do self-learning, but the learning of students can not deviate from the guiding of teachers.开放教育提倡学员自主学习,但学生的“学”离不开教师的“导”。

24、The new term will begin in september.新学期将于xx月份开学。

25、a freshman in molecular science and engineering at Nankai University南开大学分子科学与工程专业大一学生

英文句子26:,26、Upcoming school expenses (books and tuitions).写上学业开销,书费,学费等。

27、Tuition can not be refunded after courses commence.开课后退学,学费不退;

28、Results: The qualified rates of school drinking water in term was 90.9%, before term was 63.6%.结果:我县学校生活饮用水开学期间合格率为90.9%; 开学前合格率为63.6%。

29、[搜狗问问][1] 扩展资料 近义词 The new term is coming. 新学期就要到了。

30、A proposal is put forward that various subjects be taught in an open and integrated way.建议各科教学开展开放的整合式教学。

31、Durex college is noble college in this school begins at let us warmly celebrate celebration!杜蕾丝学院是贵族学院在这开学之际让我们热烈庆祝开学庆典!

32、Learn to fly a plane.学开飞机。

33、The pupil had absconded from his school.那个小学生偷偷地离开了学校。

34、Yao Qi, Yue Guoan Department of Social Psychology, Nankai University.南开大学社会心理学系;

35、Students shall register for the new school year.学生应在新学年开始时注册。

36、Nankai University Chinese Language and Literature background, writing and lead the reader happy for the industry.南开大学汉语言文学专业出身,写小说引读者开心为业。

37、The entrance examinations to high school began yesterday morning.中学入学考试昨天上午开始了。

38、At Keyfind, he'll conduct research on developing students' potential and raising their interest in learning.在开华,他将负责研究开发学生潜能,提高学生学习兴趣。

39、He left the school in 2008 and had started an apprenticeship.他于xx年离开学校并开始成为一名学徒。

40、The day of the opening ceremony was held in second weeks after the semester starts I feel the time is late the opening ceremony as the name implies is the beginning of the semester on ah!开幕式当天是在开学第二周的第二个星期开始,我觉得时间晚了,开学典礼上,顾名思义,就是开学了上学期啊!

41、Yes, Actually, I've already started. I began my studies at the beginning of this semester.是的,事实上我已经开始从商了,我这学期一开始就开始学商科了。

42、Some schools expel plagiarises plagiarists for a term, ;一些学校每学期开除一次剽窃者;

43、Through surveying MOPT in Grade One of primary middle school from teachers and students, we have found some problems that should be paid attention to in MOPT;笔者通过对初中教师和初一学生的开展数学开放题教学情况的调查和分析,探讨了开展此类教学应注意的几个问题;

44、We therefore developed, and began to teach, a one-year course in condensed matter physics at the University of Pennsylvania.因此,我们在宾夕法尼亚大学开发一学年用的凝聚态物理课程并开始教学。

45、You wouldnt have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I havent been.我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。

46、But I haven’t started neurology yet.但我还没有开始学神经学。

47、They reopen this week, along with state schools, where the academic year was delayed to prepare for the flu.本周这些学校同国立学校一道重又开课,本学年因猪流感问题而延期开课。

48、Some universities have Earth Science programs but most offer more specific training in programs such as geology, meteorology, oceanography or astronomy.有些大学开设了地球科学专业,但多数大学开设的是分得更细的专业,比如地质学、气象学、海洋学和天文学。

49、At 级新生开学典礼正式开始。

3 o'clock in the afternoon, the opening ceremony started.

50、The introduction of open mathematics questions in mathematics classroom teaching helps to develop individualistic and open mathematics education, vitalizing mathematics education.在数学课堂教学中适当引入数学开放题,有利于促进数学教育的开放化与个性化,使数学教育更具生命活力。

经典英文句子51:开学,51、She is learning to drive.她在学开车。

52、The new colleges are expected to open in 2013.新学院预计在xx年开学。

53、When I started college, tuition was $350 a quarter.我开始念大学的时候,学费是一个学季350美元。

54、Han Yuntao Literature College of Henan University; 475001; Kaifeng; Henan; China;河南大学文学院; 河南开封;

55、Some schools expelplagiaristplagiarists for a term;一些学校会将剽窃者开除一学期;

56、He obtained a Ph.D. in physics before starting a career in software development.在开始他的软件开发生涯之前获得了物理学博士学位。

57、This was showed by his two lectures and list of sinology books for students of Tsinghua University.主要表现在他先后两次关于中学古文教学的公开演讲及为清华学生开列的最低国学书目中。

58、The naughty student was finally thrown out of school.这顽皮的学生最后被学校开除。

59、The entrance examinations to high school began yesterday morning. 中学入学考试昨天上午开始了。

60、We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain.我们刚离开学校天就下起雨来。 我们刚离开学校天就下起雨来。

61、The school, the school has a new English teacher, he is from USA, he is tall, very humorous. 请给好评谢谢

62、She surprised us all on her first day of school by going off like a lamb. 我们感到惊奇的是开学第一天她就乖乖地上学去了。

63、Is this Nankai University?这是南开大学啊?



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