关于”感谢“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Thank you。以下是关于感谢的小学英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Thank you
1、Janey:No problem_o. Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate it.
2、Thank you for your gracious hospitality.
3、Thank my family for my birthday.
4、Thank you again for the invitation to speak this evening, and for your warm hospitality here in Shanghai.
5、Thank you for joining the EPILI MEMBERSHIP!
6、 I am grateful / thankful to you for your help. 我感谢你的帮助。
7、Thank you, Iowa.
8、To thank the support over the years
9、Thank you for this article.
10、Say, 'I'm very interested in this position and I sincerely thank you for your time and insights today.
11、Thanks for coming again!
12、I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
13、But most of all thank you for 但我最想感谢你的是,
14、Thank you,Henderson Language School!
15、I thank him for my family and friends, and I thank him for the good life I have.
16、Stifler:Feels like I gave birth to a mayonnaise jar, but thanks for asking.
17、Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons.
18、Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.是我的,太感谢你了。
19、Thanks, but it's been two weeks andit feels like forever.
20、Thank you for all your hard work.感谢诸位的辛苦工作。
21、And the blindman thanked me very much.这位盲人非常感谢我。
22、I shall always be thankful to Megan.我将永远感谢梅甘。
23、So, thank goodness, Stony triumphed.感谢上帝,史东尼,成功了。
24、Thank you Steven, I greatly appreciate your answers and tips that you have shared with my readers.谢谢你,史蒂文。 非常感谢你能和我的读者分享你的答案和建议。
25、Thank you for standing behind me 感谢你一直支持著我,
英文句子26:,26、No, thank you, Azrael, but I think she would appreciate the surprise.“不, 谢谢你,死神但是我认为她将会感激意外”。
27、Thank you for your gracious hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。
28、More to the autumn thank her very much.余向秋非常感谢她。
29、Smith:Thanks you very much, see you, bye.史密斯:非常感谢,再见。
30、Thank you for your calling. Byebye!感谢您的来电,再见!
31、I thank Shirley Tilghman, one of the visionary leaders in education for inviting me back to Princeton.我要感谢Shirley,Tilghman,这位有远见的领导者,感谢她能要求我回到普林斯顿教学。
32、EMMA:Oh, that's it! Thanks very much.埃玛:哦,就是它!非常感谢。
33、Thank you for watch my stroy!感谢你观看我的故事!
34、So thank you for your service.因此,感谢你们的服务。
35、Thank you for using Kentak machinery.感谢您选择建德机械。
36、Tom Mauser , stand up. We thank you for being here tonight. (Applause. ) Tom. Thank you, Tom. (Applause.汤姆毛瑟枪站起来。我们感谢你今晚在这里。(喝彩)。汤姆。感谢你,汤姆。(喝彩)。
37、The author extends a special acknowledgment to the Project Leader, Ying Chun (Daisy) Guo, for her contributions to this article.作者特别感谢项目负责人 Ying Chun (Daisy) Guo,感谢她对本文的贡献。
38、Thank you so much for soldiering on !十分感谢你当兵的!
39、Right. Good-by, and thank you again.行。再次感谢你,再见。
40、Thank you for hiring me. I really appreciate your offer.谢谢你录用我。承蒙贵公司录用我,本人深感*傲。
41、Thank you Minister Wang, and President Liang for co-hosting this important event. Thank you all for coming.感谢王主任和梁院长与世界银行共同主办此次盛会,感谢诸位的光临。
42、How wonderful! willie , thank you so much!太好了,惠利,非常感谢。
43、—— Thank you for helping me.无论如何,我还要感谢你。
44、So again I'm glad you joined us.再次感谢你们的参与。
45、Thank you to the city of Xuchang.感谢许昌这座城市。
46、—— Thank you for helping me. 无论如何,我还要感谢你。
47、TOM: I appreciate your remarks.汤姆:我很感谢你的描述。
48、Not a problem. - Thank you so much!没问题。 - 非常感谢你们!
49、Thank you again for your kindness and considerarion.在此感谢您的体谅。
50、Thank you for your kindness for matriculating.再次感谢您的录取。
经典英文句子51:感谢,51、I became thankful for my existence.我开始感谢我的存在。
52、Loker: All right, thank you.是的。感谢你百忙中抽空。
53、So thank you once again, Dr. Patel.再次感谢您,Patel博士。
54、But these days I just smile, and say thank you, and appreciate the effort.但是最近遇到这种情况时我只是微笑着说谢谢,感谢他们惦记着我。
55、And thank you again. -Alright…bye.再次感谢你。 - 好的…再见。
56、We appreciate Patricia's helping us.我们感谢派翠西亚的帮助。
57、And I also thank our heroes – the health workers around the world – for all they are doing.我也感谢我们的英雄 — 全球的卫生工作人员,感谢他们所做的一切。
58、I was proud of him and grateful to Bo Reece.我很为他感到骄傲,也很感谢波.里斯。
59、Thanks so much. That--That's really fun.非常感谢,真的很有趣
60、Like flowers, like flowers, like eternal, good happy with you often with.若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢你给了我一份记忆。
61、PRESIDENT SACA:(As translated. ) Thank you so much.萨卡总统:非常感谢。
62、It’s been good working with you. Thanks again.合作愉快,再次感谢。
63、My Dear Lin[1], I am deeply grateful, but I have smiting of conscience[2].很感谢你,但我深感不安。
64、thank you for your gracious hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。
65、I'm really grateful for your help! 我非常感谢你的帮助。
66、And thank you for joining us.感谢各位观众的收看。
67、Let me thank our many partners, in both initiatives, for their steadfast commitment and support.让我感谢我们在这两个行动中的众多伙伴,感谢他们坚定的承诺和支持。
68、Richard Larson, thanks a lot.理查德拉森,凯莉,非常感谢。
69、Thank you for your Presence tonight.感谢大家今晚的惠临。
70、But your family owe me nothing.你家里人不用感谢我。
71、—— Thank you for helping me. 无论如何,我还要感谢你。
72、This is to thank you again for…在罗唆一遍“再次感谢…
73、Tks a lot for your kind reply!非常感谢你们的答复!
74、QQ20 Thank you so much for sharing the resources with all.嚯,感觉这个立题很神秘有很熟悉。谢谢楼主了!
75、Thank you,Mr. Wu,for your interest in this job.Good luck to you.谢谢你对这份工作感兴趣,吴先生,祝你好运。
英文句子模板76:Thank you,76、Believe me, I am truly grateful for。 我确实真诚地感谢你…
77、thank you for your gracious hospitality感谢你们的亲切款待。
78、—— thank you for helping me. 无论如何,我还要感谢你。
79、Terry : En…it tastes good. I appreciate what you have done for me.泰瑞:嗯……口感不错。谢谢你为我所做的一切。
80、Thank you for purchasing Breo.感谢您选购倍轻松产品。
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