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关于”浪漫的短唯美“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Romantic short aestheticism。以下是关于浪漫的短唯美的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Romantic short aestheticism


1、As beautiful and romantic as the concept is, I do not believe in pre-ordained destiny. Fate. Whatever you may call it.


2、Moonstones symbol "health", "prosperity" and "longevity" is a rather gentle romantic gem.

…as a eternal souvenir, Idee will realize all your beautiful dreams.奢华浪漫、梦想企盼,为向往所有的美的你实现一份永恒的纪念。

3、Luxurious, romantic, adream , expectant…


4、Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.

眼前的景物仿佛就是童话世界里描述的一般, 是那么的浪漫与美丽, 让人徘徊陶醉!

5、The scenery before me was like the one depicted in the fairytale, fantastically romantic and charming!

岁月漫漫掠过我得心间,唯有母爱照亮我心田。 ——艾伦。

6、Over my heart in the days have flown, No love like mother-love eer has shone.


7、Take a sip on the fine wine and taste the subtle food, surrounded by the jazz melody and night view, and enjoy the romance and leisure of the night.


8、Fine beautiful sea and the duty to be friendly extension and driver, to create a romantic have situation appointment.


9、The Islet presents to the visitors the creams of both oriental and occidental cultures, and the Island of Pianos and Music Town are only two of its many eulogies for charm and romance.


10、Your week was long, you just had a romantic dinner with red wine, and if you played your cards right, she wants to get it on in a hurry.


11、This opposition is played out along the polarity of concentration and distraction and against the backdrop of the Romantic aesthetics of the "beautiful semblance"which equates art to the "beautiful.


12、Moreover, it was in that poetical and leisurely city that Milan Kundera conceived so beautiful a story.


13、Chinese dress characteristic is bright red, with Chinese flavor embroidery art, the Oriental woman, classical Chinese bride also beautiful romantic! More and more Chinese girl like this style!


14、The office located in the beautiful romantic city - Zhuhai, which has the convenient transportation.


15、There is a beautiful and romantic "Lovers' Bridge" in the port. It is shaped like a sailboat and is the landmark of the port.


16、It did for me, turning its promise of romance into a beautifully crafted lie.


17、Being emotioanl, you will show more romance and gentle of a delicate woman, and the beauty and love of life.


18、Romance, youth, reality and fantasy as a furnace, but also with a 'whirling' beauty, no name better than it.


19、Fashion and elegant, chic and delicate, romantic and touching, all in your beautiful encounter with Royal Hotel.


20、But now, autumn night was not romantic, not beautiful, because there is no cricket and its partners in the play.

21、This philosophy derives its name from the fact that it was a combination of the romanticist theory of truth with the idealist conception of the universe.这种哲学的名字来源于:它是关于真理的浪漫主义理论和关于宇宙的唯心主义观念的结合。

22、The iron art products of company adopt method of cold bending and hot forging to depict perfect classicality , elegance and romance of iron art.我公司的铁艺产品,采用冷弯、锻等工艺手法,完美的刻画出铁艺的古典,优雅与浪漫。

23、In the face of such beauty, it’s easy to romanticize these surroundings.面对如是美景,你很容易会把眼前的一切都想象得很浪漫。

24、With this hand I will lift your sorrows.你的杯将永不干涸因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉

25、The romantic spirit, special sentiment and rebellion to classic spirit in Schelling's thought have provided nourishment for modern humanitarian aesthetics.另外,谢林思想中的浪漫气质、独特情绪和对古典精神的反叛又深深影响了现代人本主义美学。

英文句子26:,26、Absolutely, what you were describing is this western romantic ideal of nature of wilderness as being the beautiful sunset, the gorgeous view, the beautiful day.当然,你所说的,就是西方对于自然和荒野的浪漫想法,他们理想中的自然就是美丽的日落,壮丽的景象,美好的天色。

27、Situated on the banks of a romantic lake, in beautiful green surroundings yet only a short distance from Brussels, this is the only 5-star hotel in the South of Brussels.这家酒店坐落于优美翠绿的环境中的浪漫湖畔,距离布鲁塞尔不远,是布鲁塞尔南部唯一的一家五星级酒店。

28、Each woman hope that she can own a pretty face and a romantic life.女人总希望自己拥有如花的美貌,有着如花一样的浪漫生活。

29、Thomas Hardy's Darkling Thrush is a perfect combination of romanticism, realism and modernism.哈代《黑暗中的鸫鸟》是浪漫主义,现实主义及现代主义完美结合的产物。

30、The city is further away from Oriental romanticism than any other in Morocco, and Casablanca is a modern city - and beautiful in its own respect.城市比摩洛哥任何城市远离东方浪漫主义,它是美丽的现代化的城市。

31、The campus also scores big points for its dramatic entrance via Palm Drive, its romantic Spanish red-tile roofs and myriad patches of green.惹人注目的棕榈大道、唯美浪漫的西班牙式红瓦屋顶,以及校园里遍布的绿地,也为斯坦福校园增添了不少光彩。

32、Influenced by the aestheticism arts in the blending of cultures, the 19th-century romantic music stresses on melody, color, stage effects and pure techniques in form.19世纪浪漫主义音乐在文化交融过程中受唯美主义艺术的影响,在形式上片面强调旋律、色彩以及舞台效果,刻意追求纯技巧;

33、It's birthday month, and the universe has cooked up a lovely romantic surprise for you as the month opens.这个月是羊羊们的生日之月,本月伊始,天公作美,为各位准备了一个美好浪漫的惊喜。

34、Guests can also dine Alfresco on the open deck terrace or enjoy a candlelit dinner on the beach.客人可以根据自己的愿望,在敞开的露台享受美食,也可以在浪漫的沙滩享受烛光晚餐。

35、Antique aesthetic feeling combined with new-century design element, color coffee, which is of romantic and artistic tension. Magnum opus, virile and tender, ornate and unique!复古的审美情绪,与新世纪设计元素相结合,咖啡色,自有浪漫和艺术的张力,刚柔交替,华美绝伦的经典杰作。

36、Those who restore ancient ways swing get build an elegant soft beauty, romance also comes dispersedly in the cover between drape.复古的荡领营造出飘逸的美丽,浪漫也在褶皱间弥散开来。

37、Linux's idea of romance is dim lights, soft music, and just the two of us, hacking.Linux 的浪漫理念就是昏暗的灯光,柔美的音乐,是我们的二人世界。hacking (这个要是译

38、With this candle, I will light your way into darkness.现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗?

39、The real and proper use of the word romantic is simply to characterise an improbable or unaccustomed degree of beauty, sublimity , or virtue.其实浪漫这个词真正的、正确的用途是表示一种罕见的或不寻常的美丽、崇高或美德的程度。

40、I'm afraid that in the real world, I'm not so good, so kind, so romantic, beautiful and so otherworldly.我怕现实中的我没有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人间烟火。

41、The lengthy life of Richard Strauss (1864-1949) has covered the period in which 19th century lieders prevailed, whose most songs embody romanticist style.理查·施特劳斯漫长的一生(1864-1949)跨越了十九世纪德国艺术歌曲的时代,他的大部分歌曲反映了浪漫主义风格的审美理念。

42、The outdoor fireplace makes for a very romantic place to entertain. Perfect for Santa Barbara indoor / outdoor living.户外壁炉是非常浪漫的待客地方。 圣巴巴拉的室内/户外生活的完美住居。

43、Although it's a sparsely populated area, the scenery here is really beautiful due to the lush grass and "lang man" flowers.大牛:虽然这里人烟稀少,但是景色实在是太美了, 芳草萋萋,山花浪漫。

44、In China today, however, the practical reality seems to have a hard time living up to this romanticized ideal.然而今天的中国,现实同浪漫美好的理想之间的差距却越来越大。

45、Dong Hong' s elegant and graceful figures with the help of romantic and soft colors bring viewers to a dream world;董红精致优美的画像,在浪漫柔和的色彩映衬下,将观众带到一个梦幻世界;

46、EARLY BIRD WESTERN RESTAURANT –a charming spot for buffet breakfast, lunch, dinner and night snack, offering East and West favorite selections.富有浪漫情调的西餐厅—晨鸟咖啡厅,为您提供精美早餐、午餐、晚餐、夜宵、自助餐及小吃,汇集东、西方美食;

47、And here, on the moonlight beach of the romance capital of the world, she becomes a lady barracuda.此刻,在世界 浪漫 之 都这片洒满月光的沙滩上,她变成了一条美人鱼。

48、It’s odd, but a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale like The Princess Bride offers up a healthy romantic moral: loving someone is about wanting to grant them their hearts wish.有点奇怪,但是像公主新娘这种漫不经心的童话故事倒是提供了一种健康的浪漫美德:爱一个人就是想实现他们的心愿。

49、Whatever your mood Traveler magazine has a recommendation for you—from the romantic hills of Croatia to the perfect beach in Thailand.无论你的情绪怎样,《旅行者》杂志向你推荐——从克罗地亚的浪漫丘陵到泰国的完美海滩。

50、For you, Jupiter and Uranus will be in your fifth house, so romance is likely to be your number one area of gain.对你来说,木星和天王星将在你的第五宫,浪漫可能是你的唯一的增益区。

经典英文句子51:浪漫的短唯美,51、Warm street, various classic fashionable beauty garment filled with all the eyeball, clear color, soft fabrics, instantly create romantic and sweet lady atmosphere?温暖的大街上,各式经典的时尚美衣充斥着众人的眼球,清透的色彩,柔美的面料,瞬间营造出浪漫而甜美的淑女氛围呢。

52、In the literary creations of the schools of realism, romanticism and modernism, sentimentalism showed different stylistic and aesthetic characteristics.在写实派、浪漫派和现代派的创作中,感伤有着各不相同的风格表征和审美特质。

53、You're at 35000 feet. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be in both places at once.身在35000 英尺的纽约上空,巴黎的浪漫仍系心中…唯你的劳力士可两地相容。(劳力士表)

54、A cup of French coffee tea and enjoy the views of the city, will enable you to spend a romantic in leisure time.一杯法式咖啡下午茶,欣赏城市美景,定能使您在此度过一浪漫休闲时光。

55、As Gypsy's casual & romantic personality, here you can take your ease, say whatever you want and heartily enjoy delicate cuisines and wines.就像吉普赛人随兴、浪漫的性格,您也可以自由自在、随兴地在吉普赛美食餐厅享受美食与美酒,畅所欲言,话古道今。

56、Tracy, but they haven't expressed any romantic interest in me.在去看Cheryl之前,我在我自己的地方。 我遇到过几位将近Tracy那般美妙的女人,只是她们对我没有表现出任何浪漫的兴趣。

57、ZhuangZi's humane spirit of unconventionality and wisdom is the reason that brings forth the romantic style and the "plain"of aesthetic angle.庄子超迈放达、穷通物理的人文精神是孕育浪漫主义风格与“朴”之美学维度的共同土壤。

58、Romanic movies always mean sweetness, while sad ones will remind you how beautiful your life now is.浪漫电影总是意味着甜蜜,而伤感的会提醒你你目前的生活是多么美好。 这里面会给出一些建议。

59、Albergo Accademia has turned the ancient cloister into a lovely garden terrace where you can have breakfast or romantic candlelight dinners.Albergo Accademia酒店将古代的寺院变成了美丽的花园阳台,您可在此享用早餐或浪漫的烛光晚餐。

60、What a long sleepless night! I thought I was the only sleepless. So are you!长夜漫漫无意睡眠,我以为唯有我睡不着觉,原来也睡不着啊!

61、As a romanticist, Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller combined art form with psychology and crated a new form-psychology aesthetics.德国浪漫主义文学家席勒将形式与心理结合起来,创造了自己独树一帜的形式心理美学。

62、Victory with a gift to find beauty, find so big office only beautiful and wang sat opposite, a romantic atmosphere, victory is very angry.胜利拿着礼物找美丽,发现偌大的办公室只有美丽和建民对面而坐,一片浪漫氛围,胜利很是气愤。


标签: 短句 唯美

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