l开头的英语单词 英语

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l开头的英语为"head lease",还可以翻译为separate head,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到25个与l开头相关的译文和例句。


1. head lease

l开头翻译为head lease。

示例:Head shot, head shot, head shot. 爆头 爆头 全是爆头 Head shot, head shot, head shot.


2. separate head

l开头翻译为separate head。

示例:Everyone was passing in their separate journeys. Everyone was passing in their separate journeys.


3. make the running

l开头翻译为make the running。

示例:Does it make sense that you're running from a prince? 那你从王子身边跑开就说得通了? Does it make sense that you're running from a prince?


4. intrencher


1. head lease(开头租赁)

2. intrencher( 开头)

3. make the running(开头, 带头)

4. separate head(分开头)

5. jackshaft switch( 插头开头)


1. Not okay. They're listening.

译文:m 115 64 l 115 35 l 171 0 l 177 0 l 133 46 l 143 52 l 179 0 l 184 0 l 159 63 l 229 107 l 229 182 l 145 96 l 135 122 l 207 227 l 137 227 l 115 172 l 115 93 l 126 76 l 115 64 l 104 76 l 115 93 l 115 172 l 93 227 l 23 227 l 95 122 l 84 96 l 0 182 l 0 107 l 70 63 l 45 0 l 50 0 l 87 52 l 97 46 l 52 0 l 59 0 l 115 35。

2. Kathy. is that with a C or a K?

译文:凯西 是C开头,还是K开头?。

3. i'm getting an L name that connects with you.


4. it starts with an "L. "i'll give you a clue. it starts with an "L. "


5. What they're learning is respect for Language: capital "L"Language.

译文:他们正在学的是尊重语言 :“L”开头的单词,语言。 。

6. i starts out with a slow air.


7. Well, yes, and offering Lux to the Dunlear Foundation, not to mention vowing to find Tim's killer. You've identified quite strongly with this man. Yes.


3.4)}m 195 227 l 228 227 l 149 147 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 180 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147 l 163 71 m 134 164 l 195 227 l 228 227 l 150 148 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 177 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147。

8. This never happened before.


9. i just don't think the "L"word should be thrown around casually.


10. Earth is the only planet we know of where life exists.

译文:\fscx0\fscy0)}m 195 227 l 228 227 l 149 147 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 180 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147 l 163 71 m 134 164 l 195 227 l 228 227 l 150 148 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 177 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147。

11. Beg your pardon, Miss Duke, it's Lafferty with an "L. "

译文:请原谅 杜克小姐 我叫拉费蒂 L开头的。

12. The word "lobby"begins with L.


13. i like a practical gift. How about i send you back with this one's head in a bag? What'd you think of that for an answer?

译文:158)}m 195 227 l 228 227 l 149 147 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 180 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147 l 163 71 m 134 164 l 195 227 l 228 227 l 150 148 m 149 86 l 134 100 l 241 210 l 241 177 m 195 71 l 89 180 l 89 210 l 89 210 l 225 71 m 134 71 l 89 117 l 89 147。

14. it's pronounced with a "D."


15. A beginning hard to forget



标签: 单词 开头

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