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关于”地震的句子“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Earthquake sentence。以下是关于地震的句子的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Earthquake sentence

1、The results show, the M_S4 earthquakes intensify 2 years before M_S7 earthquakes and the M_S4 earthquakes are quietude 1 year before M_S7 earthquakes are the main characteristics in Xinjiang. 结果表明:①新疆发生7级地震的主要地震活动特征是震前xx年新疆4级地震增强,震前xx年新疆4级地震平静;

2、A preliminary discussion is made on application of gas geochemical method to prediction of seismic trend after Shunyi 4.5 earthquake. 初步讨论了气体地球化学方法在顺义4.5级地震震后趋势判断中的应用。

3、Aftershocks typically occur near the fault line of the original quake. Sometimes, seismic waves can cause earthquakes far away. 余震通常会发生在原震区所在的断层线附近.有些时候,地震波会在很远的地方引起地震.瑟韦尔根说如果余震发生在离主震区超过一条断层线长度的距离外的话,地质学家称这些地震为"触发事件".

4、Japan's worst previous earthquake was of 8.3 magnitude and killed 143, 000 people in Kanto in 1923. 日本此前发生的最严重的地震是xx年的关东大地震,震级8.3级,143,000人在那次地震中丧生。

5、News of this, the Haiti quake and now Chile make it seem Earth is becoming ever more active. 日本地震的消息、海地地震和现在的智利地震使我们感觉地球正在变得越来越活跃。

6、The actual non zero phase wavelet was extracted from seismic traces by comparing synthetic seismogram with near wellbore seismic traces and was used to be deconvolved with seismic data. 通过合成地震记录与井旁地震道的对比,从地震道中提取了非零相位的实际地震子波,并据此对原地震数据体进行子波反褶积处理。

7、Quakes of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale happen 10 times as often as quakes of magnitude 6.0, and 100 times as often as quakes of magnitude 7.0. 里氏震级5级地震的发生频率是6级地震的10倍,是7级地震的100倍。

8、On the right waist have a seismograph, it tender prior to the earthquake forecast the earthquake. 在右腰上有一个地震仪,它嫩在地震前预报地震。

9、The Surficial deformation caused by the earthquake is mainly expressed as earthquake fractures, landslides and earthquake faulting. 震区的地表地震变形主要表现为地震破裂、滑坡和地震断层三种形式。

10、Applicability of regional P/S amplitude ratios for the discrimination of low-magnitude seismic events was tested and proved using earthquakes and explosions in Central Asia. 基于中国新疆及中亚地区大量天然地震和地下爆炸,检验了较大震级情况下得到的区域P/S震相幅值比识别判据对低震级地震事件的适用性。

11、In the case of the Japanese quake, seismologists believe that several magnitude-6 quakes in the same region on the previous day were foreshocks to the Saturday event. 在这次日本地震中,地震学家认为,同一地区在周六地震之前的几天,发生了几次震级为六级的前震。

12、The magnitude 8.9 earthquake was preceded by what seismologists call foreshocks, including a magnitude 7.2 quake that occurred Wednesday about 25 miles south of the epicenter on Friday. 在此次8.9级地震之前曾有多次地震,地震学家称之为前震。 其中包括周四在此次震中以南25米左右地带发生的7.2级地震。

13、The seismometers are usually termed geophones . 地震计一般称为地震检波器。

14、Seismic data of 202 times in Hubei area since 26 years were sorted out, among them, 138 sensible earthquakes have been distinguished out. 本文整理了湖北地区近xx年来的202次地震资料,从中判别出138次有感地震。

15、Types of earthquake: collapse earthquake, tectonic earthquake. 地震的类型:塌陷地震、构造地震。

16、A scientific decision procedure of earthquake prediction is the guarantee of realizing the decision. 科学的地震预报决策程序是实现正确的地震预报决策的保证。

17、Chinese earthquake experts have also referenced quake data provided by other seismological observatories around the globe, it said. 地震局又说﹐中国地震专家也参考了世界各地地震观测所提供的数据。

18、Applying the linear discriminant approach to the intermediate-term patterns of seismic chains, we present an approach to find the precursors of large earthquakes. 将线性判别方法应用于地震链的中期图象,给出一种探索大地震前兆的途径。

19、Scientists study the Earth and natural disasters through the science of seismology – how seismic waves move through the Earth – and seismometers are their most important tool. 地震学是研究地震波如何在地球内部传播的科学。 科学家通过地震学研究地球及自然灾难,地震仪是最有效的工具。

20、This result provides important reference for catching future large earthquakes' precursor impending information discrimination. 这一发现为捕捉未来大地震前兆临震信息判别提供重要参考。

21、By using the known data, such as vector length, time interval between the mainshock and the last biggest aftershock, and the earthquake magnitudes of the mainshock and the biggest aftershock, the… 以余震线长、最后一次最大余震与主震发生的相隔时间、最后一次最大余震与主震的震级三个已知条件,即可预测另一特定地区相关地震发生的地点、时间、震级三要素。

22、This earthquake belongs to isolated type. There were short-term anomalies before the earthquake. 这次地震属于孤立型地震,震前有中短期异常。

23、Earthquake shook the ground at a certain point is the deGREe of strength of seismic intensity. China's seismic intensity will be divided into 12 degrees. 地震时一定点地面震动强弱的程度叫地震烈度。我国将地震烈度分为12度。

24、What is the probability that an earthquake is a foreshock to a larger earthquake? 一场地震是一场更大地震前震的概率有多大?

25、Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers. 地震是使用从地震仪观测来衡量的。


26、Seismologists generally describe earthquakes as local, regional, or teleseismic . These terms refer to distance from the earthquake to the recording instrument. 通常,地震学家根据震中距地震仪的距离,把地震分为本地地震、区域性地震和远地地震三种。

27、The earthquake has highlighted the country's lack of seismologists and seismological capacity, said Campos. Campos说,这场地震凸显了该国缺乏地震学家和地震学能力。

28、Wenchuan earthquake; Yingxiu-Beichuan fault; activity segmentation; assessment of earthquake magnitude; recurrence interval of strong earthquake; 汶川地震; 映秀-北川断裂; 活动分段特征; 地震震级; 强震复发周期;

29、Early estimating trend after earthquake depends on the experience of types of historical earthquake sequence in some extent. 震后趋势早期判定在一定程度上依赖于历史地震的震型经验。

30、The earthquake sequence is foreshock-mainshock-aftershock. 地震序列类型为前震—主震—余震型;

31、There are many seismographic stations in the world, that receive seismic waves generated by earthquakes. 目前地球上有成千上万个地震台,但它们都是接收地震波的地震台。

32、Scientists study the Earth and natural disasters through the science of seismology –how seismic waves move through the Earth –and seismometers are their most important tool. 地震学是研究地震波如何在地球内部传播的科学。 科学家通过地震学研究地球及自然灾难,地震仪是最有效的工具。

33、The earthquake’s power came as a surprise to many in the seismological community. 这次地震的能量令许多地震学界的人也感到震惊。

34、The authors give a description of the basic parameters, source mechanism, earthquake sequences, seismological background, assessment of earthquake damage losses and earthquake emergency measures. 文章对该震的基本参数、震源机制、地震序列、地震背景、震害损失评估及地震应急等作了概述。

35、Isoseismals not only represent seismic intensity distributions but also represent earthquake source size, faulting mode, and rupture velocity of fault propagation. 地震的等震线不仅反映了地震的大小,而且也反映了地震断层过程的类型和破裂速度。

36、The activity of microearthquake swarm is limited in an area of coal mine. 盐关微地震群的活动局限在矿区内,地震都是微震和极微震。

37、Both seismological theory and macroseismic observation show that the shape of strong motion response spectrum depends mainly on magnitude, distance of epicenter and engineering site condition. 地震学理论和强震观测都表明,强震反应谱的形状主要取决于震级、震中距和场地条件。

38、Results obtained show that regional P/S amplitude ratios which may discriminate medium or large magnitude events well are also applicable to low magnitude events. 基于中国新疆及中亚地区大量天然地震和地下爆炸,检验了较大震级情况下得到的区域P/S震相幅值比识别判据对低震级地震事件的适用性。

39、Volcanic earthquakes: earthquakes caused by volcanic eruptions. 火山地震:由火山爆发引起的地震。

40、Chile earthquake: A scant six weeks after Haiti's temblor, Chile suffered a quake so powerful, it may have shortened the planet's day by a microsecond. 智利地震:距海地地震仅6周后,智利也震了,震级8.8级。 这场地震的威力甚至使得地球自转减慢了一微秒。

41、The Chilean quake of 1960 shook the entire Earth for many days, a phenomenon called oscillation that was measured by seismic stations around the planet. xx年的智力地震让地球持续震动了若干天。 持续的震动被各地的地震观测站测量到。

42、The seismometers are usually termed geophones. 地震计一般称为地震检波器。

43、Magnitude measures the energy released at the source of the earthquake. Magnitude is determined from measurements on seismographs. 震级测量地震震源能量释放的大小,由地震仪测量计算得出。

44、Japan's worst previous earthquake was of 8.3 magnitude and killed 143,000 people in Kanto in 1923. 日本此前发生的最严重的地震是xx年的关东大地震,震级8.3级,143,000人在那次地震中丧生。

45、This inference is coincident with deep seismic sounding. 此判断与地震测深的结果一致。

46、The early-stage judgement capability as dynamical characteristics of seismic wave are 75%, 55%-73%, 90% respectively for three types of earthquake sequences. 地震波动力学特征在上述三类地震序列的早期判断能力分别为75%、55%—73%、90%。

47、The earthquake parameters given by Liuzhou Digital Seismograph Network and Guangxi Analogue Seismograph Network are compared. We have discussed the results. 对柳州数字地震台网与广西模拟地震台网记录到的多个地震事件的地震参数作了比较,并进行讨论。

48、The main force of the earthquake was felt 17 kilometres south-west of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. 地震震中位于海地首都太子港西南17公里处。

49、The study shows that one can make the dynamic tracing of S-value in the seismogenic area in East China and provide criteria for the earthquake prediction. 因此,通过对华东地区中强震孕震区中小地震活动的频度面积S值方法的动态追踪,利用其变化规律可以为中强震的预测预报提供一种判定指标。

50、Hidden-explosive earthquake is distinctively different from fault earthquake in the aspects of seismogenic structure, mechanism and motive force of earthquake. 隐爆地震与断层地震在孕震构造、发震机制和震源动力等方面存在着显著的区别;


51、The estimation of seismic wavelet is an important problem in the seismic signal processing. 地震子波估计问题是地震勘探信号处理和分析中的关键一环。

52、Seismologists have observed that for every magnitude 6 earthquake there are 10 of magnitude 5, 100 of magnitude 4, 1,000 of magnitude 3, and so forth as the events get smaller and smaller. 据地震学家观测,每发生一次6 级地震都对应发生10 次5 级地震、100 次4 级地震、1000 次3 级地震,以此类推,而地震等级越来越小。

53、The tectonic earthquake is the earthquake which the earth structure movement causes. 构造地震是地球构造运动引起的地震。

54、Theoretic calculation show that wavelet can be reconstruct from double spectrum of theoretical seismic data … 理论计算表明,对不同性质的地震子波,均可从理论地震记录的双谱中重构子波。

55、Additional rescuers are rushing to the quake-hit region in Qinghai and the disaster relief alarm has been updated to level I by Chen Jianmin, chief of the China Earthquake Administration (CEA). 地震后,各地纷纷派救援队奔赴灾区。同时,中国地震局局长陈建民决定将地震应急响应级别升级为I级。

56、At present, three kinds of seismographs are used at Chinese seismic stations. They are the direct-coupled seismometer, the galvanometric seismograph, and the electronic seismograph. 目前,我国基准地震台上使用三种类型地震仪:直接耦合地震仪、电流计记录地震仪和电子放大地震仪。

57、In West Region are mainly intermediate and deep-focus earthquakes, while in East Region are all shallow focus ones. 西区发生的地震主要为中、深源地震,而东区发生的地震则全部为浅源地震;

58、Foreshocks are earthquakes which precede larger earthquakes in the same location. 前震是更大强度地震发生之前在同一位置发生的地震。

59、Seismic traces abound in singularity, which is essentially attributed to the first arrival of wavelets. 地震道蕴涵有丰富的奇性特徵,而地震子波的起跳点是形成地震道奇性特徵的主要原因。

60、Yesterday's earthquake matched a 1906 quake off the Ecuadorean coast as the seventh-strongest ever recorded. 昨天的地震和xx年的一次地震相当,那次地震发生

61、How do seismologists locate an earthquake? 地震学家是怎么确定地震位置的?

62、Phil Cummins, duty seismologist at Geoscience Australia, which monitors earthquake activity, confirmed the tremor measured 4.6. 在澳洲地震局值班的地震学家 Phil Cummins 监督了地震活动过程,并确认震级为4.6级。

63、These earthquakes are called intraplate earthquakes. 这种地震叫板块内部地震。


标签: 六级 地震

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