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复试通常被说作:" re-examination"还经常被译作 secondary examination,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到79个与复试相关的翻译和例句。


1. re-examination

复试翻译为 re-examination 。

示例:许多药物都是经过反复试验后才被发现的。 Many drugs were found by trial and error.


2. secondary examination

复试翻译为 secondary examination 。


1、What those early craftsmen had found by trial and error was that under pressure a pagoda's loose stack of floors could be made to slither to and fro independent of one another.


3. hold a reexamination

复试翻译为hold a reexamination。

示例:从某种意义上说,我们是通过反复试验、不断犯错来学习的。 We learn, in a sense, by trial and error.


4. [社科] reexamination

复试翻译为 [社科] reexamination 。

示例:Readingroom for chinese periodicals of social sciences 中文社科期刊阅览室



1. reinterview( 复试)

2. re examination(n. 复试)

3. repeated trial(重复试验)

4. repeated trials(反复试验)

5. repetition test(反复试验)

英语短语&俚语, repeated trials duplicate tests ( 重复试验 )

trial and error repetition test TE ( 反复试验 )

compresssion and snap test ( 压缩与回复试验 )

buildup test pressure build-up test Buildup well Test pressure buildup testing ( 压力恢复试井 )

The Employer's Point of View ( 雇主对复试的观点 )

Repeated Call attempt ( 重复试呼 )

Automatic Repeat Attempt ( 自动重复试呼 )

trial-and-error process error process ( 试错过程)


1. Equipment can be manufactured to meet NACE MR-01-75 and American Petroleum institute standards.


2. By working to outcomes, people really have to test and bring data into the situation that one's dealing with.

译文:为了取得效益,人们必须反复试验 并把数据信息应用于正在解决的问题上。 。

3. You understand, lot employers like to easy the progress by Number 2-interview the cori date by oneself.


4. We knew they worked through old-fashioned trial and error.

译文:我们所知道的是它们是通过旧式的反复试验得以实现其作用的。 。

5. Finding new drugs like a microbicide often can be a process of trial and error, and requires scientifically rigorous trials, Piot said.


6. Success and Tentative ideas on Soil and Water Conservation Ecologic Rehabilitation Pilot areas of Pengyang County


7. So after some guided trial and error, the child will discover, with or without help, that he or she can duplicate the original figure and then take the result, transpose it, glue it to the original and then proceed [with] what we did before: cut, rearrange, paste — oops— paste and glue, and tile.

译文:所以在一些引导性反复试验后 儿童将会发现,有或没有帮助, 他或她可以复制原始图 然后将复制出的图形,转置它, 将其粘附到原始图形,然后继续 [进行] 我们之前做的: 剪切、 重新排列、 粘贴 — — 哦 — — 粘贴和粘合, 和铺砖。。

8. We knew they worked through old-fashioned trial and error.


9. Coca-leaf tea is illegal in Chile, but up here, two and a half miles high, it's a tried and tested way to soften the effect of altitude.

译文:古柯叶子泡的茶在智利是非法的。 但在这里,海拔高达。

2.5英里, 这是久经考验,反复试验过的缓解高原效应的一种有效方法。

10. And just because the scientific method is allocated to page five of section

1.2 of chapter one of the one that we all skip, okay, trial and error can still be an informal part of what we do every single day at Sacred Heart Cathedral in room 206.

译文:这是因为,科学的方法已经写在 课本第五页的第一章第一部分的第二节里了 而这章又刚好是我们跳过不讲的: 试错法(通过反复试验来消除误差)。 这种方法仍然是 我们每天在圣心大教堂206室里 所采用的一种非正规方法。 。

11. You wowed your prospective employers on your first interview and have been called back for an encore.


12. And further, i guarantee that if you ever try to come into this place again,

译文:造成他身受重伤... "报复试图调解的?克尔.。

13. We can repeat that again, okay?


14. Mrs. Grissom, can i take a retest?

译文:夫人格里索姆, 我可以采取复试?。

15. So after some guided trial and error, the child will discover, with or without help, that he or she can duplicate the original figure and then take the result, transpose it, glue it to the original and then proceed [with] what we did before: cut, rearrange, paste — oops— paste and glue, and tile.

译文:所以在一些引导性反复试验后 儿童将会发现,有或没有帮助, 他或她可以复制原始图 然后将复制出的图形,转置它, 将其粘附到原始图形,然后继续 [进行] 我们之前做的: 剪切、 重新排列、 粘贴 — — 哦 — — 粘贴和粘合, 和铺砖。 。



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