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在课间的英语有三种写法,可以翻译为 during break times,还可以翻译为 In class,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到13个与在课间相关的短语释义和例句。


1. during break times

在课间翻译为 during break times 。

示例:凡是被抓到的孩子在课间游戏时要被留在里面。 Any child who is caught will be kept in at playtime.


2. In class

在课间翻译为 In class 。


1、With one of my children, the powerful girl in their group of four friends convinced the others—in second grade—to ditch my daughter at recess.


3. during recess

在课间翻译为during recess。

示例:然后在课间我结识了许多新朋友。 And at recess I met lots of new friends.


4. during the break time

在课间翻译为during the break time。

示例:During which time you will work with me. During which time you will work with me.



1. during recess( 课间休息时;

2. seatwork(n. 课堂作业, 课间自修)

3. in progress(在进行,在执行,在发生)

4. previous to(在...前, 在...先, 在...以前)


5. in moult(在脱毛;

英语短语&俚语, Running in the class He ran in between lessons Running during recess ( 在课间跑 )

punch in between lessons ( 在课间追打 )

during break time ( 在课间休息时 )

during break times ( 在课间休息的时间 )

eveninguniversity ( 在夜间上课的业余大学 )

During the class During the school day ( 在上课期间 )

In spare time ( 在课余时间 )

Him during school hours His class schedule ( 他在上课时间 )

Now it's time for class ( 现在的上课时间 )


1. i flunked it big-time. And i studied during break.

译文:我要不及格了 我课间还复习过。

2. They're far too small. They get congested between classes.

译文:实在是太小了,课间的时候就会特别挤 。

3. They play Nazis and Jews at break.


4. We should reprimand them for their attitude.

译文:我们应该训斥她们这种态度 让她们去 课间休息。

5. Principal got five complaints of Monica's little sister getting beat up at recess by some punk.

译文:校长说接到过五次Monica的妹妹在课间 被混混欺负的投诉。

6. We'll now take an hour recess for lunch.

译文:现在,我们将需要一个小时 课间吃午饭。。

7. And they use them, in the breaks, for water pistols.


8. How about during break in between classes?


9. Thank you, Finchley. - i want to see all whips in my study after break.

译文:- 课间休息后我想见见所有管事。

10. about

2,500 calories... taken in today and about

11 minutes calisthenics.

译文:约2500卡路里的热量.. 在今天采取了哪些措施 11分钟课间操。。

11. A mouse. i'll let it loose during class.

译文:一只老鼠 我在课间 把它放了。

12. i write at school. The time now is playing time.


13. it was just after recess. The culprit... the most innocent of foods.

译文:病情发生在课间休息时 而凶手就是...。

14. i was telling you what happened, um, during break and i want to finish it off.

译文:我要告诉你课间发生的事... 我还要完成罚抄。

15. - i floss between classes.

译文:我课间都用牙线清洁的 I floss between classes.。



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