大笨猪用英语翻译为" Big pigheaded person",还网络中常译为" Big Bungee",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到35个与大笨猪相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Big pigheaded person
大笨猪翻译为 Big pigheaded person 。
示例:晴左左: 人生就像“愤怒的小鸟”,当你失败的时候总有几只大笨猪在笑。 Life is like the game "Angry Bird ", when you failed , there are always some damn stupid pigs laughing at you .
2. Big Bungee
大笨猪翻译为 Big Bungee 。
示例:Thank God for bungee cords. 感谢上帝,蹦极绳索。
3. big bungy
大笨猪翻译为 big bungy 。
示例:Bungy and i had had an ambivalent relationship over years. 我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。
1. degai(大)
2. macrofold(大褶曲; 大褶皱)
3. multum non multa( 大非大)
4. roughing feed(大进刀,大进给)
5. the Great Hunger( 大饥荒;
英语短语&俚语, To bad big bungy Big Bad bungy Xuehuai big bungee ( 学坏大笨猪 )
Super silly pig super big bungy Super Bungee ( 超级大笨猪 )
You are a big bungy You're silly pig ( 你是大笨猪 )
You are a big bungy ( 你是个大笨猪 )
You are a big bungy ( 你是一个大笨猪 )
Wife you're a silly pig ( 老婆你是个大笨猪 )
You are a big bungee ( 你就是一头大笨猪 )
You silly pig ( 你个大笨猪 )
1. Vous vous etes tellement habitue a ce que les nazis vous lechent les bottes... que vous avez oublie ce que signifie le mot "non"?
2. You is a nasty common freak!
3. "Tryout,"you half a meatball.
4. Hey fatty. What are you doing down there?
译文:笨猪 你在这儿干嘛。
5. You think you're tough coz you're so big.
译文:身体大块有什么用 大笨猪。
6. And so i graduated from primary school.
译文:大蚂蚁, 大蚂蚁。
7. Yeah. Like one of them bungeejumps, only without the bungee bit.
8. i also found myself gawking at the many "sky jumpers "who went bungee jumping off the tower!
9. i dig the bungee. lt's the way i live my life. i grip it and i rip it.
译文:我喜欢笨猪跳, 追求刺激生活。
10. Ah, big booty, big booty, big booty!
11. Big, let's all go for Big!
译文:大呀! 大... 全买!。
12. Now i kill you where you stand, you imperialist Yankee little dork of a pig.
译文:我要将你就地正法 你这帝国主义美国大笨猪。
13. introduction : chao huan bungee jump than bungy jump also stimulate ah , try your letter .
14. One hundred for big, it must be so
15. Growing and growing and growing and growing
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