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关于”通用的句子“的英语句子4个,句子主体:General sentence。以下是关于通用的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:General sentence

1、A general ratio decidendi may be extended to various fact-situations. 一项一般性的判决理由能被扩展到各种各样的实际情况中。

2、She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies? 4.一般疑问句一般读升调(↑) 5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答

3、The children may come with us. → May the children come with us? 3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。

4、"At some point, litigation must come to an end, " Kozinski wrote in his decision. 他在判决中写道,“在某一时刻,诉讼必须划上句号。

5、This essay dwells on thc sentence structure of general negation and special negation in both English and Chinese, depending on the kind and position of the negatives in the sentences. 本文拟通过否定词在英汉一般否定句和特殊否定句中出现的位置,分析比较英汉一般否定句和特殊否定句的句子结构特点。

6、Sometimes I start my students with this quote. 我一般先用下面这句引言开始我的课。

7、You do not normally use two negative words in the same clause. 同一个句子中通常不用两个否定词。

8、Besides, a method using target words cooccurrence degree was presented to identify the correct frame for the sentence. 并提出了一种根据问句目标词共现率来判别句子所属框架的方法。

9、In general, fathers contribute less than half the cost of child support after divorce, and court orders for alimony and child support are difficult to enforce. 在一般情况下,父亲离婚后提供孩子生活费用的一半以下,法院关于抚养费和供养孩子的判决难以得到执行。

10、If it is fine tomorrow, we will go outing. 如果主句的时态是过去将来时,那么从句要用一般过去时。

11、For general communication equipment, canning, car product and general electric appliance. 适用于一般通信器材、制罐、汽车制造及一般电子零件。

12、The CR users in the same cluster make a cluster decision together, and then the cluster-head nodes conduct a communication to make the global sensing decision. 在同一个簇中的认知用户,共同做出一个簇判决,之后,各个簇头节点进行通信做出全局判决。

13、Summarising the story in a single sentence can often clarify your perspective and help you decide which angle to take. 用一句话总结故事,通常可以阐明你的观点,使你决定采用何种视角。

14、Your English level will depend on the number of sentences you can speak. You can communicate much more with ten sentences than you can with one hundred isolated words! 你的英语水平取决于你能说出的句子量。十个句子比一百个孤立的单词更能让你与他人沟通!

15、Resolutions are usually about improving yourself as an individual. They're not often geared towards improving your relationship. 下决心通常是人们用来勉励自己的,一般不用于改善个人的情感关系。

16、Your English level will depend on the number of sentences you can eak. You can communicate much more with ten sentences than you can with one hundred isolated words! 你的英语水平取决于你能说出的句子量。十个句子比一百个孤立的单词更能让你与他人沟通!

17、She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies? 4.一般疑问句一般读升调(↑) 5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答 给我设最加答案了,累死我了,不过还是希望对你有帮助

18、The if clause determines whether the value of the ResponseRequested sub-element for a given comment is equal to Yes. if 子句判断一条给定评论的 ResponseRequested 子元素的值是否等于 “Yes”。

19、This decision is made by the Superior Judge. 一切判决会由总裁判长决定。

20、You normally use "much" in negative sentences and questions. 一般用于否定句和疑问句中。

21、To be heard by the tribunal a case must now have “general repercussion in society”. 此外,在最高法院进行审判的案子必须有“社会上的一般反响”,如果没有,那么在低一级法院的审判则将作为最后的审判。

22、The children are flying kites in the park. 浏览308 20160430 如何写五个一般现在进行时的英文句子?

23、Write sentences with new vocabulary words or compose a story using a group of words or expressions. 收件判决与新词汇的字词或撰写故事使用的一组字或词句。

24、The results show that, for Chinese dependency parsing, action-based parsers outperform generative and discriminative parsers . 结果显示,对于中文依存句法分析,决策式句法分析在性能上好于产生式和判别式句法分析。

25、Eg. a. I'll finish paying for my house by the time I retire. 一般现在时, 主句用一般将来时或将来完成时。


26、The pragmatic value of Ba-sentences is different from that of common SVO sentences. “把”字句与一般的SVO句语用价值不同。

27、hours to work out this problem? (一般疑问句)

28、Generally it's accepted that only the judgment in the text of adjudicate has res judicata, while the judgment in the reason for adjudicate binds neither no one nor nothing. 一般认为只有判决主文中的判断具有既判力,而判决理由中的判断没有既判力。

29、Secondly, some judgemental sentences are not well thought out. 其二、某些判断性的句子,实在经不起推敲。

30、The sentencing wraps up one of the biggest insider-trading cases in decades. 该判决为这起数xx年来最大的内幕交易案之一画上了句号。

31、Francis Bacon have such a famous saying : "an unjust decision, its consequences equivalent to 10 crimes. "" 弗兰西斯·培根有这么一句名言:“一次不公正的判决,其恶果相当于十次犯罪。”

32、the children may come with us. → may the children come with us? 3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。

33、The generic is mainly distributed on place of subject in abstract event-sentences, judgment-sentences, "you"character sentences and abstract adjective predicate sentences. 通指主要分布在抽象事件句、判断句、“有”字句、抽象的形容词谓语句的主语位置上。

34、Because each judicial opinion serves as a precedent for later decisions, as a result, common law is sometimes called judge-made law. 因为每一个司法判决的意见都是今后判决的先例,所以,普通法系有时也被称为法官造法。

35、The usual answer is No single answer is right, use your best judgment. 一般的答案是 没有单一正确的答案,取决于您的最佳判断。

36、Knowing how to thank someone using this phrase will set you apart from the average English learner! 懂得如何用这个句子来感谢别人,将使你与一般的英语学习者截然不同!

37、Barras said a few words to his companions and then gave the court 's decision . 巴勒斯对他的伙伴们说了几句,便宣布了法庭的 判决 。

38、The convictions all stem from unfair trials in which the accused were denied access to lawyers. 所有的判决都是在不公正的审判下作出的,因为被告都一一被拒绝与律师沟通。

39、It was to evaluate the experimental result of single classifier using the reliability function, to classify the documents that were hard to be classified by voting. 通过引入可信度函数,选择出主分类器较难判决的文本,通过辅助分类器,对单一主分类器不易判决的文本通过多分类器投票方式进行判决。

40、Mr. White has three sons,and all of them are doctors. 这句话和上面是一个意思,只是上面那句用的是定语从句,下面这句是一般句

41、Do some critical thinking and write your thesis statement down in one sentence. 做一些批判性的思考,并用一句话陈述出你的论点。

42、The prince was the person in whose honor the ball was given. 一般情况下,定语从句紧接先行词,但是有时为了保持句子的平衡,定语从句可以后置。

43、On one side, as judgment for conducting again is the complement of judgment for rescinding, the validity of the latter affects the former a lot. 一方面,重作判决作为撤销判决的补充,撤销判决的效力对重作判决产生重要影响。

44、As the editors read, they copy on cards every unusual use of a common word , a large number of common words in their ordinary uses, and also the sentences in which each of these words appears. 编写者们一边读,一边在卡片上抄录下普通词的特殊用法,还有大量常用词的一般用法以及出现这些词的句子。

45、To review Yes\No questions Wh-questions. 复习一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。

46、He was apprised of the decision by his lawyer. 那个判决是他的律师通知他的。

47、Judgement is a kind of sentence form in Ancient Chinese. We must judge whether it is a judgement or not according to its structure character. Not all the sentences of nominal predicate are judgement. 判断句是古代汉语的一种句式,确定一个句子是否是判断句,要根据古代汉语判断句的结构特征和本质特征,古代汉语的名词谓语句并不都是判断句。

48、They had a party last Halloween. 一般疑问句是

49、The judge decided the case. 审判官判决了这个案子。

50、she wants to go to the movies. → does she want to go to the movies? 4.一般疑问句一般读升调(↑) 5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答 给我设最加答案了,累死我了,不过还是希望对你有帮助


51、Do you know the man who was here just now? 主句是一般现在时而从句却是一般过去时。

52、Tag - question normally consists of a statement and a question tag. 反义疑问句通常有陈述句和一般疑问句构成。 。

53、As I said before an assertion a statement of truth an assertion of any kind is the utterance of a metaphor because the deep structure of any assertion is that A is B. 正如我之前所说,一个表判断句子,是一种对事实的陈述,一切表示判断的句子说出口后都变成了隐喻,因为所有的判断句的实质结构为,甲是乙。

54、Handle to the previous instance of the application. This parameter is always NULL. 指前一个应用程序的句柄。一般都是NULL。

55、Compact, usually short sentences, each word selected and placed for maximum effect. 句子要紧凑,通常要用短句,精心选择并正确使用每一个词,使之产生最大的效果。

56、正如我之前所说,一个表判断句子,是一种对事实的陈述,一切表示判断的句子说出口后都变成了隐喻,因为所有的判断句的实质结构为,甲是乙。 As I said before an assertion a statement of truth an assertion of any kind is the utterance of a metaphor because the deep structure of any assertion is that A is B.

57、The statement is thinking most general form, is also the most widely used a sentence. For example. 陈述句是思维的最一般的表现形式,也是运用最广泛的一种句子。例如。

58、Case law describe the entire body of judge-made law and today includes common law and equity precedents . 判例法是法官判决案件的整合,至今包括普通法和衡平判例。

59、If ever the market has rendered a just verdict, it is the one rendered on G.M. and Chrysler. 倘若市场曾经做出过公正的裁决,领受这样一份判决书的正是通用和克莱斯勒。

60、The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against. 最高法院的这一判决为终审判决。

61、Your English level will depend on the number of sentenc you can speak. You can commun much more with ten sentenc than you can with on hundr isol words! 英语水平取决于你能说出的句子量。十个句子比一百个孤立的单词更能让你与他人沟通!

62、Here are a couple of examples from typical business letters and you'll see how removing the business cliches changes the tone of the sentence. 以下的例子是由一般的商业通信中抽取出来,你可看到如何将陈腔滥调的句子改写。

63、Basic judgments include: repeal judgments, performance judgments, modification judgments, overruling judgments, affirmation judgments. 基本判决包括了以下几种:撤销判决、履行判决、变更判决、驳回判决、确认判决;

64、The example I use is: "Apples grow on noses." 我让他们判断的句子是“苹果结在鼻子上”。

65、we can work it all out 很普通的一句, 我们自己都能解决

66、General , there are several judgment matrixes proposed by different experts . 在群组决策中一般要由多名专家给出多个判断矩阵。

67、P250 is too new for me to pass judgements. P250的是对我来说太新通过的判决。

68、1】Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members. 分析:该句在结构上是一个相对简单的句子,但如果我们按照原文的句子结构死译,就可能被译成:"安全理事会有关程序事项的决议应该由九个理事会成员的可决票进行表决"。

69、Alternatively, the sentence can be rephrased, using a plural noun. 变通一下说法,可以改变句子的措辞,使用复数名词。

70、Accordingly, the generic reflexives in Russian belong to unaccusative verbs, which make up of middle constructions. 俄语中的一般反身动词属于非宾格动词,它构成的句子是中动句。

71、The target sentence supplied by Google Translate is not and must never be mistaken for the “correct translation.” That’s not just because no such thing as a “correct translation” really exists. 首先,谷歌在线翻译呈现的句子不能看做为“正确的翻译”,这不仅是因为“正确翻译”不会真正存在,还因为谷歌在线翻译呈现的句子是通过上天入地般在互联网搜索出来的天文数字式匹配句子,随后进行必要运算处理才将句子呈现到使用者的面前。


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