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关于”生活的句子“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Sentences of life。以下是关于生活的句子的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of life

1、Al-Megrahi served eight years of a life sentence in Scotland before he was released in 2009 on compassionate grounds. Doctors said he had only three months to live. 迈格拉希被判终身监禁在苏格兰狱中服刑了xx年,之后他在xx年基于同情理由获释。医生当时说他只有三个月可活。

2、Meiwes was arrested a year later and sentenced to life in prison. [ guardian.co.uk ] xx年以后Meiwes被逮捕并判处终身监禁。

3、Ibrahim is serving a life sentence for the attempted attack. 易卜拉欣因那次未遂袭击而被判终身监禁。

4、Norman, Chen and Nguyen were originally sentenced to life in prison and a subsequent hearing reduced that to 20 years. 诺曼,陈和阮原本被判终身监禁以及随后的听证会减少到xx年。

5、Around 650 of them carry a life sentence, and roughly 80-percent are there for violent crime. 其中有大约650人是终身监禁,80%的犯人因为暴力行为定罪。

6、Correia has watched her brother spend half his life in prison. 科雷亚已经看了她的哥哥花一半他终身监禁。

7、At the High Court in Edinburgh, Judge Lady Dorrian said the 24-year-old posed a high risk of reoffending and imposed an order for lifelong restriction. 爱丁堡的 高级法院的法官道瑞恩夫人说,该女子认为戴利的行为严重冒犯了她,要求判处其终身监禁。

8、Hess was held in Britain until the Nuremberg war crimes trials, 1946, when he was given a life sentence. 赫斯被囚禁英国。到了xx年,他被纽伦堡战争罪行法庭判处终生监禁。

9、Most of the charges carry a maximum sentence of life in prison. 其中大多数被控罪行最高可判终身监禁。

10、S. Federal Bureau of Investigation said that if eventually convicted, he faces life imprisonment and the maximum Bong $ 250,000 penalty. 美联邦调查局说,如果最终被定罪,他最高将面临终身监禁和奉25万美元的处罚。

11、Fritzl will face a sentence of between 20 years and life imprisonment. Fritzl将会面临xx年或者终身监禁的判决。

12、If convicts, Zimmerman could be sentenced to life in prison. 如果罪名成立,齐默尔曼可能被判处终身监禁。

13、Nine men have already been sentenced to death, three others to death with a two-year reprieve, and one to life imprisonment. 九名男子已经被判处死刑,其他3人被判死刑,缓期两年执行,一人被判终身监禁。

14、Some article titles read: “Lincoln Burrows’ Final Appeal Denied, ” “Governor’s Daughter Wins Humanitarian Award, ” and “Life Sentence for Mob Boss Abruzzi.” 《Lincoln Burrows最后一次上诉被驳回》,《州长女儿获得人道主义奖》,《黑帮老大Abruzzi被判终身监禁》。

15、The judge sentenced the man to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 19-1/2 years. 法官判处该男子终生监禁 刑期不低于xx年半.

16、Because life in prison without parole is the worst possible sentence. 因为,没有假释的终身监禁可能是这个审判的最坏结果。

17、Since there is no death penalty in Austria, the life-long imprisonment is the heaviest penalty. 由于奥地利没有死刑,依照奥地利的相关法律,终身监禁是最重的处罚。

18、In Kenya, convicted pirates can face life in prison. 在肯尼亚,被定罪的海盗可能面临终身监禁。

19、But "death penalty with reprieve" sentences are becoming more common and are usually commuted to life in prison. This can later be reduced to 20 years or less with good behaviour. 但判处“死缓”已经变得越来越普遍,而且常常会改判为终生监禁,日后如果表现较好又会改判为xx年或为期更短的监禁。

20、Her captivity and eventual execution at Fotheringay Castle in 1587. xx年,她在佛斯林费堡(Fotheringhay Castle)的囚禁生活及最终的死刑。

21、If he does not violate the terms of the suspension, the sentence will be commuted to life in prison. 若然他没有违反缓刑的规定,那就会改判他为终身监禁。

22、Tim: I am the living proof that it can definitely be a career. 我就是一个活生生的例子,这绝对会是一份能当作终身职志的工作。

23、If convicted, he faces life in prison with no chance of parole. 如果罪名成立,他将面临无假释机会的终身监禁。

24、Michael Devlin has been sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to kidnapping Ben Ownby. 迈克戴夫林在供认绑架本欧文拜后被判处终生监禁。

25、The man pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment. 此人表示服罪,被判处终身监禁。


26、A jury unanimously found her guilty after a three-month trial and she was jailed for life. 通过三个月的审理,陪审团一致判定她罪名成立。她被判终身监禁。

27、Recidivist offenders will face fines of up to$ 8 00000 and life imprisonment . 累犯将面临高达八十万元罚款和终身监禁。

28、It is possible depending on how the facts play out that he could be looking at espionage charges which would potentially carry a life term. 依据事实,他还将面临着可能被判处终身监禁的间谍罪的指控。

29、Imprison me all the life, tattoo on my body, regardless the life how to transmigrate , you still could find me… 把我终身监禁,在我身上刺字,无论命运怎样轮回,你都能找到我。

30、Hess was captured after flying to Britain in 1941 and sentenced to life in prison. 赫斯在xx年飞往英国后被俘并被判终身监禁。

31、Miraculously, she survived years of prison and torture and began searching for her son. 奇迹般地从多年监禁和折磨中活过来以后,她开始寻找儿子。

32、The specter of loneliness and its share of frustrations are so many arrows that mystifies love in imprisoning life. 幽灵的孤独和沮丧,有这么多的箭头迷惑的爱终身监禁。

33、By giving Fritzl a life sentence, the jury ensured he received the maximum punishment for the crimes he committed over more than two decades. 在决定Fritzl的终身监禁判决时,陪审团确认是对他承认20多年的罪行的最大惩罚。

34、Life imprisonment: The rows of squalid sheds where the tigers live at Guilin 'park' 终身监禁:老虎被圈养在桂林“公园”内那成排的肮脏【鸡舍】内。

35、After an eight-month trial, al-Megrahi was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. 经过8个月的审讯,迈格拉希被判有罪并处以终身监禁,费希迈则被当庭释放。

36、He faces life in prison if convicted. 如果指控成立,他将面临终身监禁。

37、He was imprisoned for life. 他被终身监禁。

38、Most states made lifers eligible for parole after serving several years. 在大多数州,被判处终身监禁的囚犯在服刑几年之后有资格获得假释。

39、The evidence gathered by the FBI's Explosives Unit was instrumental in putting him away for life. FBI爆破小组搜集的证据有助于法院判决他终生监禁。

40、Repealing commentators argue that the objective of individual prevention will be able to achieve if the death penalty is substituted by life imprisonment. 废除论者认为用终身监禁代替死刑就能够达到个别预防的目的。

41、The author compares the death penalty and life imprisonment to prove that the death penalty for the individual prevention is entirely necessary. 笔者通过对死刑和终身监禁的比较,认为死刑对于个别预防是完全必要的。

42、After the war Hess was tried at Nuremberg and jailed for life. 战后,他在纽伦堡受审,被判终身监禁。

43、But in 1986, he was sentenced to three consecutive life terms. 但在xx年,他被判处终身监禁三连冠。

44、Send this phrase to the people you will never forget . 把这个句子发给你终身不忘的人。

45、Simpson (John, not Homer) and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage. 约翰-辛普森和他的同事们把众多的例句中筛选出在现实生活中最禁得住推敲的句子。

46、His nephew, cliffort pyncheon was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. 他的侄儿克利弗德品思钦被发现与此案有牵连判处了终生监禁。

47、The death sentence may be commuted to life imprisonment. 他的死刑被减刑成终身监禁。

48、The 58-year-old was jailed for life for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 which exploded over the Scottish Borders. 因泛美航空103号航班在苏格兰上空发生的爆炸案,xx岁的迈克拉希被判终身监禁。

49、According to another legend, the King of Chamba sent criminals to the valley to serve life sentences. 而据另一个传说,昌巴国王将罪犯派到这里来,终身监禁。

50、But judicial officials are considering their appeal to reduce the sentence to life imprisonment. 但是司法官员正在考虑他们提出的要求减判为终身监禁的上诉。


51、Today, 140,000 prisoners, or one of 11 inmates, are incarcerated for life, many with no chance of parole. 目前有14万囚犯在服终身监禁,其中很多都无权假释,也就是说每11个囚犯中就有1个。

52、Psychiatrists found no sign of a mitigating mental illness, and he was jailed for life. 精神科医生没发现他有可减轻情节的精神疾病,于是他被判终身监禁。

53、S. officials have decided to release him in November. 60-year-old Jonathan Pollard will have served 30 years of a life term. xx岁的乔纳森·波拉德(Jonathan Pollard)被判终身监禁,释放时他将服满xx年刑期。

54、In 2002 the director of Hebei province's office was sentenced to life in jail. xx年,河北省驻京办主任被判处终身监禁。

55、I had also begun to commute the sentences of a few murderers with life sentences, so that they could be eligible for parole. 我还着手批准了为几个被判处终身监禁的囚犯减刑,以使他们符合假释的条件。

56、On April 30th, Mr Khyam and four other suspects were sentenced to life in prison. xx月xx日,Khyam先生和其他四个嫌疑犯被判处终身监禁。

57、His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. 他的死刑被减刑成终身监禁。

58、April 2007 : Five suspects are convicted of plotting to cause explosions in Britain and sentenced to life in prison. xx年xx月:五名嫌犯被认定犯有密谋制造爆炸罪,被判处终身监禁。

59、While she's there she's participating in Canine Connections a program that brings unwanted dogs and incarcerated kids together. 在此期间,她参加了卡宁联系社,这是一个将被遗弃的流浪狗与受监禁的孩子在一同生活的的项目。

60、Former Argentine military ruler Jorge Videla has been sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. 阿根廷前军事统治者豪尔赫·魏地拉因违反人道罪被判处终身监禁。

61、And I have become convinced that Pollard's sentence of life was disproportionate to his crime. 我坚信,对波拉德终身监禁的量刑与其所犯罪行不符。


标签: 专八 生活

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