保护区用英语怎么说 保护区英语翻译

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保护区用英语怎么说 保护区英语翻译

保护区翻译为英语的说法为: Conservation Area,其次还可以说成"conservation area",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到32个与保护区相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Conservation Area

保护区翻译为 Conservation Area 。

示例:人们普遍对在保护区修建新的房屋感到忧虑。 There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land.


2. conservation area

保护区翻译为conservation area。

示例:保护区占地面积大约 The reserve covers an area of some

1 140平方公里。

1 140 square kilometres.


3. nature reserve -

保护区翻译为 nature reserve - 。

示例:正在考虑将这个地区指定为保护区。 The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area.


4. protection zone

保护区翻译为protection zone。

示例:Protection and Sustainable use of the Biodiversity of the WestSide Zone of Hongzehu Lake 洪泽湖西部湖滨的生物多样性保护与可持续利用



1. guard zone(保护区)

2. protecting zone(保护区)

3. protective zone(保护区)

4. protected zone(保护区;防护区)


5. reserve area(保护区;

英语短语&俚语, nature reserve nature reserve ( 自然保护区 林 环境 )

Ross Sea Protected Areas ( 罗斯海保护区 )

marine protected area marine reserve MPAs ( 海洋保护区 )

national natural reserve National Nature Reserves ( 国家级自然保护区 )

biosphere reserve biosphere protection area Man and the Biosphere Programme Urdaibai Biosphere Rese( 生物圈保护区 生态 )

Sinharaja Forest Reserve ( 辛哈拉加森林保护区 )

Cape D'Aguilar Marine Reserve ( 鹤咀海岸保护区 )

World Commission on Protected Areas WCPA World Commission on Protected Areas WCPA ( 世界保护区委员会 )


1. So how much of this do we have?

译文:那我们现在有多少保护区呢? 。

2. The trivial solution is to create really large protected areas like the Chagos Archipelago.

译文:简单的是建立巨大的保护区 象查戈斯群岛保护区 。

3. Huge abundance of groupers inside the reserve, and the closer you get to the reserve, the more fish you have.

译文:保护区内有非常多的石斑鱼 而且越接近保护区 鱼越多。

4. The black mamba has no special conservation status.

译文:黑曼巴没有设立特别保护区。 。

5. i read that he helped petition the federal government to designate most of this land as a National Preserve.

译文:我读了他想做的事 保护区。。

6. Go back to your reservation!


7. You can spend the weekend on a cat sanctuary.


8. Zhejiang: Ximen isle National Marine Special Reserve, Leqing


9. The trivial solution is to create really large protected areas like the Chagos Archipelago.

译文:简单的是建立巨大的保护区 象查戈斯群岛保护区。

10. Hunters would shoot us! No one leaves the reserve and survives!

译文:- 从没人离开保护区存活的。

11. And, in 1972, this nation began to establish a counterpart in the sea, National Marine Sanctuaries.

译文:而到了xx年,美国开始对应地建立起一个海洋保护区 国家海洋保护区。

12. Tram Chim National Wetland Reserve


13. This is outside the protected area.

译文:这是在保护区以外。 。

14. Today, more than half our country is protected, as national parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries.

译文:现在,我们有 超过一半的国土是保护区, 像是国家公园、自然保护区, 和野生动物保护区。 。

15. The nominations in the category

译文:直到恢复保护区 unless protection is restored.。


标签: 翻译 保护

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