爱笑的英语可以这样说: Funny love,还经常被译作 Love laugh,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与爱笑相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. Funny love
爱笑翻译为 Funny love 。
示例:她非常的爱笑(她最近很少笑了)。 How she loved laughing (and how little of it she'd done lately).
2. Love laugh
爱笑翻译为 Love laugh 。
示例:她是典型的那种爱笑的、总是保持乐观态度的女孩。 She is typical of the kind of girls who like smiling and are always optimistic.
3. Love to laugh
爱笑翻译为 Love to laugh 。
示例:他是如此地充满活力,他最爱笑,朋友很多。 He laughed more than most people. He had so many friends.
4. love to laugh
爱笑翻译为love to laugh。
示例:# i love to laugh (laughs) 我爱欢笑
1. G. C.( 有机锗;
2. risibility(n. 爱笑, 欢笑)
3. laughter club( 爱笑俱乐部;
爱笑的;笑的;与笑有关的\nn. [常作复数]笑感;幽默感;好笑的感觉)
4. risibler(adj. 能笑的;
爱笑的;笑的;与笑有关的\nn. [常作复数]笑感;幽默感;好笑的感觉)
5. risiblest(adj. 能笑的;
英语短语&俚语, World Laughter Day ( 世界爱笑日 )
ProgressiveTranceMix Hyman Remix ( 爱笑的眼睛 )
I Love Gags ( 我爱笑话 )
Twins Chinese New Year ( 最爱笑迎鼠 )
The person who laughs People love to laugh People who love to laugh Person loves to laugh ( 爱笑的人 )
Laughing Baby ( 爱笑的宝宝 )
I love laughing more I am more laughs ( 我比较爱笑 )
1. You see... he was in love with the laughing bat.
2. i tend to joke around a lot... so someone who likes to laugh.
译文:我很喜欢说笑话 所以喜欢爱笑的女生。
3. The vines. They're Laffy Taffy.
4. He is developing jet-blackly what shines hair And mouth is fond of laughing !
译文:他长着乌黑发亮的头发和一张爱笑的嘴巴! 。
5. He's faking, lots of repressed hostility.
译文:很爱笑 都是装的 心里压抑着不少敌意呢。
6. - She's often laughed at prayer.
译文:- 她在祈祷时 本来就老爱笑.。
7. - You're a big laugher, are you?
译文:你很爱笑吗? 是啊 - You're a big laugher, are you?。
8. i'm serious. Giggling. All right.
译文:我是认真的 爱笑的姑娘 好吧。
9. Life is ajoke, therefore i laugh.
10. My personality alacrity is bright, i am always ready to smile, and i think that the smile is the mankind's most beautiful language.
11. Everybody laughs for love at least once
12. Kids at that age laugh a lot.
13. - Why are you always smiling?
14. "i'd never known a people so eager to laugh ...
15. The girl whose smile made her a household name.
译文:这个叫做美津子有着可爱笑容的女孩 因此广告深受大众喜爱。
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