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1、With the falling away in spring, dressed in a green children summer in the walk of crowhop.


2、"No, " the mother replied, "spring is just smiled, early waiting! "


3、Spring of the year as we are accustomed to the beginning of the spring may be the beginning of this life in the end it should be run where?


4、But mostly we gloried in our second spring at the summerhouse.


5、Do your eyes water just at the thought of sniffing a spring flower or mowing summer grass?

equinox"(春分,秋分)在拉丁语里是“(与白天)长度相等的夜晚”(equal night)的意思。

6、“Equinox” is Latin for “equal night.”


7、Finally spring burst into glorious green and Reubens spirits erupted.


8、This look just screams spring and is almost impossible to mess up.

我是克丽丝? 布鲁姆,希望你在这个春天心想事成。

9、hoping you have more of everything you want this spring.


10、In spring, here, drizzle moistens land , also feed rice sprout .


11、Let me see you what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.

Thank you for your love. 让我怎样感谢你,当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。

12、Just the time, place, and character of the God is safe, but you let me experience all the life!


13、After that, thousands of flowers come out for the banquet of spring season.


14、They can cut all the flowers, but they won't stop the spring.


15、He looked towards the sky and cried painfully, “O youth, return!


16、First day just crossed, as soon as spring then treadonned the rabbit year threshold.


17、Willow dropped, green sash over clothing, it is the messenger of spring, it?


18、The trees bleed when trimmed after the sap is up in the spring.


19、Another week over--and I am so many days nearer health, and spring!


20、I arranged the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back home.

21、We don't have winter here, everyday is spring, snow and frozen could only be seen in the mountain and fridge.我们这里没有冬天,每天都是春天;下雪和冰冻只能在山上和冰箱里才看得到。

22、If wind had colors, in spring it should be green. Flowers come out in spring.倘若风有颜色,那春天的风应该是绿色的。

23、Last spring, we held a party at the edge of the hot spring.去年春天我们在温泉边举行了一场舞会。

24、Flowers in full bloom perfuming the spring air of the campus.例


25、Only a cup of fresh tea can help modern people appreciate the spring field.现代人只能从一杯新茶中品味春天的田野。

英文句子26:,26、Is this your gratitude for my attentions to you last spring?今年春天我待你那么殷勤,你就这样报答我吗?

27、Finally spring burst into glorious green and Reuben's spirits erupted.春天终于来了,带来片片绿意,鲁本的精神也随之振奋。

28、But if we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;但是如果没有冬天,我们如何能体会春的温暖。

29、But if he is born in spring, he will be less of a braggart.但是如果他在春天出生,他将是较务实。

30、She looks forward every spring to walking in the flower-lined garden.每年春天她盼望着在鲜花郁郁的公园里散步。

31、In youth, we clothe ourselves with rainbows, and go as brave as the zodiac.青春年华,能把彩虹作衣,敢上九天揽月。

32、In spring, bright flowers in full bloom covering the green grassy slope;春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争奇斗艳的花朵到处可见。

33、When spring comes, without being noticed, the tree bursts into green leaves.春天到来的时候,不经意间,这棵树就长出了绿叶。

34、We have wran days and cool nights in early spring and late autumn.新奥尔良的初春和晚秋白天暖和,夜间凉爽。

35、When spring comes, the thick leaves make the tree beautiful and lively.那是一棵桂花树,几年前的春天移植到我家窗前。

36、Rain stopped, I go back the country, found that spring had waken up widely.雨停了,回乡下一趟,发觉春天已勃然觉醒。

37、Many people think of this classical music piece when they think "spring".一想到春天,很多人都会想起这首经典的曲段。

38、I am looking for a skirt to go with this sweater.你今天看上去满面春风,什么事让你高兴起来了。

39、On the last day of Spring Break, I took Kevin to the city library.春假的最后一天,我带孙儿恺恩去市图书馆。

40、In spring, here, drizzle moistens land , also feed rice sprout.春天,这里细雨蒙蒙,滋润着土地,也哺育着稻苗。

41、Spring is really in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere the glow vitality.春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。

42、The weather should soon pass from this bitter cold to more spring-like temperatures.天气很快就将由奇冷转为温暖如春的气候。

43、My home in the spring, every year it is vibrant, green and lush.我家乡的春天,每年总是生机勃勃、绿意盎然。

44、Now that spring is here, you can put away these fur coats till you need them again next winter。 春天了,你可以把毛皮大衣收起来,下个冬天需要时再拿出来穿。

45、Let's create the warm resplendence together, and greet the polychrome spring.让我们共同创造温暖的辉煌,迎接万紫千红的春天。

46、Spring came, with its unique sound, light to slowly come then.春天来了,带着它特有的声音,轻迈碎步,缓缓而来的。

47、Spring has arrived; the flowers of elm trees are floating down all over the ground.春天到了,榆钱花随风飘得满地都是。

48、Bloom in spring. View them at New Farm Park or Paddington.在春天开花,可以在新农场公园或帕丁顿观赏它们。

49、We rattle down a quiet avenue on a warm spring morning.在这个温暖的春天的早晨,我们打扰了这里的宁静。

50、The woman across the street emerged in the spring with a giant belly.街对面的那个女人从春天起渐渐隆起了腹部。

经典英文句子51:春天,51、The spring in Beijing of this year came earlier than that of other years.北京的春天今年来的较早,桃花也快开了吧。

52、Spring is coming, and I desire to go to the country to seek the smiling year.春天来了,我要到乡间田头去寻找她。

53、Like tea, in the cold weather, when I would drink the cup, and then tell ourselves, winter comes, can spring be far behind?像茶一样,在天冷的时候我会饮上一杯,然后告诉自己,冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

54、The first signs of spring, often clobbered by summer's heat and autumn's rain.春天的第一个迹象,常常因酷暑和秋雨而衰败。

55、因为我喜欢春天我可以去野餐和我的家人 Because I like spring I can go on a picnic with my family

56、All the spring around him seemed to grow more lovely and alive .周围的春天似乎变得更加可爱,更加生气蓬勃了。

57、Spring is working it's magic on the woodland floor, spreading a carpet of bluebells.春天在林地上施展魔法,洒满一地的风铃草。

58、I like it, In spring the sunshine is warm, leaves of trees became green.喜欢呀,春天阳光很温暖,树叶都变绿了。



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