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1、Kopi Luwak. The coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the total annual production is only around 500 pounds of beans.


2、What difference, after all, can a few sprinkles of salt make to your morning cup of joe?


3、Use Coffee flavoured Vodka, or a drop of Kahlua, Garnish with Coffee bean.


4、Try: JavaSoy Coffee, a healthy blend of roasted soybeans and Colombian and arabica coffee. Each 8-ounce serving provides

7 times the protein (

2 g) of a regular cup.

5、There was a smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere. 空气里弥漫着咖啡的香味。

凯纳德说:“真正的竞争差距在于咖啡胶囊的生产。 生产商卖这种5克的咖啡胶囊比在咖啡馆卖现磨咖啡多赚5倍。”

6、“The real margins now are in capsulized coffee,” Mr. Gaillard said, “where you basically sell five grams of coffee for five times the price of what you’d get from regular roasted ground.”


7、Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.


8、Give papa a cup of proper in a copper coffee cup.


9、SPR coffee, Jinmao ucc coffee and coffee shops are a good choice, but also my first two appointments, and his place.


10、How about a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop?


11、In the drip method, hot water is filtered through coffee and drippedsintosa receptacle.

12、He used to have a cup of coffee preparatory to his work. 在工作之前,他总要喝上一杯咖啡。


13、A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.


14、Ireland's alcohol strong coffee, for missing the mood of coffee.

他注视着咖啡 壶 破裂的圆顶内翻腾的咖啡。

15、He watched the coffee beating in the cracked dome of the percolator.


16、Poly edge of coffee in all kinds of Italian coffee, fine black coffee, imported high-grade steaks, specialty dishes, seafood.


17、There is more tea in the coffee than coffee in the tea.


18、In Europe 'mocha coffee' can refer either to this drink or simply to coffee brewed with mocha beans.


19、T&G Coffee Paste is made of coffee from Brazil. For 1L ice mix 60~80g Coffee Paste.


20、A coffee percolator is a type of pot used to brew coffee.

21、Tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso.在容器中捣实咖啡粉来煮浓咖啡。

22、Kahlua liqueur coffee beans is one of raw materials.甘露咖啡力娇酒的原料之一就是咖啡豆。

23、They got together for coffee at Café Pamplona, in Cambridge.他们一起在剑桥的潘普洛纳咖啡厅喝咖啡。

24、Coffee, tea, wine;咖啡,茶,酒;

25、Turn on the coffee maker from bed卧在床上就能打开你的咖啡壶帮你煮杯热咖啡。

英文句子26:,26、But coffee aficionados shouldn't scream just yet -- the fuel comes from waste coffee grounds provided by a branch of Costa Coffee.听到这里,咖啡爱好者们可要沉住气了,因为这1万多杯咖啡燃料全都来自于Costa咖啡分店所提供的废弃咖啡渣。

27、Very sorry, we don't serve demitasse in this coffee shop. We serve coffee, only in regular cup, sir.非常抱歉,本咖啡店不提供小杯黑咖啡,我们只提供一般杯的咖啡,先生。

28、Robert: I'm at the cafe. Rita thinks I'm a coffee expert!罗伯:我人在咖啡店。莉塔认为我是咖啡专家!

29、If you do not care services to the less heart of the coffee shop to drink coffee, sometimes hot-cold-drink coffee.如果不小心到服务不那么用心的咖啡店喝咖啡,有时候会喝到半冷半热的咖啡。

30、(经常性的喝咖啡行为)I like to have another cup of coffee. 我还想再来一杯咖啡。

31、Overview: The Division of coffee tincture of coffee mainly produced in Hainan dried beans, have coffee with alcohol tincture cooling method.概述:本司咖啡酊主要采用海南产的咖啡干豆,用乙醇冷却法制得咖啡酊。

32、To grow the Barista's knowledge of and expertise in, the preparation and serving of specialty, espresso coffee through competitions.通过比赛,提高咖啡师有关特种咖啡,意式咖啡的制作和服务的知识和专业化;

33、You can find this package on K-cups by Diedrich Coffee, Coffee People , and Gloria Jean's Coffee.你可以找到这对K -由迪德里奇咖啡,咖啡的人,和格洛丽亚让斯杯咖啡包。

34、Where is the coffee shop FEMALE 请问咖啡馆在哪儿 女

2: Uhh. Coffee shop. Go over there.


35、He won't sell you ground coffee -- whole beans only.他也不肯卖咖啡粉——要买就买完整的咖啡豆。

36、Thus whole sets of coffee machines were imported according to the standard of Starbucks coffee in North America.于是整套的咖啡设备开始运往中国,我们的咖啡机是北美地区星巴克咖啡的标准配备。

37、Taste each coffee multiple times, until you can pick out the contribution both Yukon Blend and Italian Roast make to Caff è Verona.多次品尝每一种咖啡的味道,直到您可以辨识出优肯综合咖啡和意大利烘焙咖啡在佛罗娜咖啡味道中的份量。

38、Opt for decaffeinated coffee, camomile tea, or warm milk.选择含咖啡咖啡、菊花茶者热牛。

39、Eventually a solution was found when coffeehouses and coffee were taxed.最终的解决办法是当局对咖啡馆和咖啡课税。

40、You can get a good cup at Lucy' s Café.你能在露西咖啡馆喝到一杯上好的咖啡。

41、Latte is an Itanlian name. It means "coffee and milk". The espresso-based caffe latte is a kind of coffee drink made with hot milk.拿铁是一个意大利的名字,意思是“咖啡和牛奶”。拿铁咖啡是一种以意式咖啡为基础,配上热牛奶的咖啡饮品。

42、We decided to turn to the coffee relative -- the latte.我们决定换成咖啡的“同族”--拿铁咖啡。

43、Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。

44、Café Soluble's coffee-packaging operation begins at a grinder that discharges the ground coffee into small hoppers , each dedicated to a particular coffee variety.可溶性咖啡馆的咖啡包装行动开始在磨床是在地面排放的咖啡小斗,每个致力于一个特定的咖啡品种。

45、Kopi luwak—the highest priced coffee in the world!麝香猫咖啡——世界上最昂贵的咖啡!

46、Lloyd's of London began as Edward Lloyd's coffeehouse.伦敦的劳埃德(咖啡馆?)最初是爱德华劳埃德的咖啡馆。

47、Kopi Luwak. The coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the total annual production is only around 500 pounds of beans.努瓦克咖啡,这种咖啡产自印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛,每年仅产500磅的咖啡豆。

48、I upset a cup of coffee all over my shirt.我打翻了咖啡杯,咖啡溅在衬衣上,满身都是。

49、Kopi Luwak is certainly the strangest coffee it produces.麝香猫咖啡(Kopi Luwak)无疑是印尼所出产最奇怪的咖啡。

50、“The real margins now are in capsulized coffee, ” Mr. Gaillard said, “where you basically sell five grams of coffee for five times the price of what you’d get from regular roasted ground.”凯纳德说:“真正的竞争差距在于咖啡胶囊的生产。 生产商卖这种5克的咖啡胶囊比在咖啡馆卖现磨咖啡多赚5倍。”

经典英文句子51:咖啡,51、All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot.我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。



52、Again, A cup of coffee in a copper coffee cup.意思就是——一杯装在铜咖啡杯里的咖啡。

53、Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee?你要咖啡茶?要样的咖啡?(加奶或糖)

54、T&G Coffee paste made of Coffee from Brazil. For 1L Ice-mix 40g to 80g Coffee paste.咖啡酱采用巴西咖啡制作而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入咖啡酱40~80克。

55、I have coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice. 我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的习惯。

56、The cup was overflowing while she poured coffee for me.她给我倒了些咖啡,倒得太多咖啡都溢了出来。

57、I'd like some coffee with a laced brandy. 我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。

58、This can be compared to how the real coffee gurus prefer to brew freshly ground coffee rather than to drink those instant substitutes.就好像会喝咖啡的人不喝即溶咖啡,非得用刚磨好的咖啡来煮不可。

59、Café au Lait :French version of Caffé Latte, with coffee and milk poured simultaneously in a cup.欧雷咖啡:法国版本的咖啡拉提,在同一杯中同时倒入咖啡和牛奶。

60、The series of main product includes: The high quality coffee green beans, vacuum -packed coffee powder, roasted coffee beans which packed in freshness bag.主要产品系列包括:优质咖啡生豆、真空袋装咖啡粉、保鲜袋装焙炒咖啡豆。

61、For example, we’ve entered into the McCafe category, the coffee category.例如,在咖啡业务方面,我们推出了麦咖啡。

62、When the coffee is ice-cold, when the taste will lower, so pour coffee, to not make the flavor of coffee lower, the important business steeps coffee cup in the boiled water first heat.咖啡冰凉时,风味就会降低,所以冲泡咖啡时,为了不使咖啡的味道降低,要事先将咖啡杯在开水中泡热。

63、Coffee. Mmmm.享受咖啡。

64、Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates.在开课之前,学生和老师都订了拿铁咖啡,热牛奶咖啡和热巧克力咖啡。

65、ESPRESSO VENEZIA Without stepping onto a plane, travel to spectacular Venice in Italy, the birthplace of espresso.威尼斯浓咖啡一杯威尼斯浓咖啡,带您回到意式浓缩咖啡的发源地——威尼斯。

66、UK consumers drink an estimated 70million cups of coffee a day.英国的咖啡消耗者一天要喝掉估计7000万杯咖啡。

67、The drink is typically concocted by those who want to appear as if they are drinking coffee but despise the taste.这种咖啡适合那些虽然不喜欢咖啡味但却想看起来喜欢喝咖啡的人。

68、Fresh coffee beans are produced at the scene, can be considered one of the best coffee Bards .咖啡是用新鲜的咖啡豆现场制作而成,算得上是冰城最好的咖啡之

69、Americano is recommended to new coffee enthusiasts who may find the espresso taste is too strong.对于刚迷上喝咖啡的人来说,可能会觉得意式咖啡过浓,这样美式咖啡就很值得推荐了。

70、"Your coffee, please. " The waitress gave Fiona a cup of coffee.“你的咖啡。”服务生给了菲欧娜一杯咖啡。

71、We make coffee in a percolator at home.我们在家用咖啡渗滤壶制作咖啡。

72、When you walk into Starbucks, you're offered a choice among a latte and a macchiato and an espresso and a few other things, but you can also make another choice.当今走进星巴克咖啡馆,服务员可能让你在牛奶咖啡、加糖咖啡、浓缩咖啡等几样东西之间做出选择。

73、Gano Coffee - A Coffee Thats Good For You?确诊咖啡-咖啡多数民众赞成在良好的吗?

74、After drinking coffee, where have to you put the spoon?喝完咖啡,你应怎样摆放咖啡匙?

75、Vietnamese people are so obsessed with coffee that almost every little street in the city has a local cafe.越南人非常爱喝咖啡,城市里几乎每条小街道都会有一家咖啡馆。 越南盛产咖啡,是继巴西之后世界第二大咖啡生产国。

英文句子模板76:Coffee,76、The difference could also lie in the care with which Kona coffee is handpicked, ensuring that only the highest quality berries are harvested for coffee production.科纳咖啡的特别之处还在于,每颗科纳咖啡豆都是经过人工精选采收的,以确保只有品质最好的咖啡豆才能被用于咖啡的生产。

77、The cafe sells many kinds of coffee: Mochacoco coffee, Espresso (Italian coffee), pure and fine Vienna coffee, Cappuccino, etc. He came here only once and was "addicted" at that time.同时,这里的摩卡咖啡、意大利浓咖啡、纯美的维也纳咖啡、玛莎克兰咖啡和卡布奇诺等等,都让他一口“上瘾”。


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