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关于”劳动的意义“的英语句子49个,句子主体:the meaning of labor。以下是关于劳动的意义的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the meaning of labor


1、The research on rational labor intensity based on the mental load has remarkable significant.


2、The Chinese people are forced to perform voluntary labor.


3、The problem of labor contract management is not only in COBY but also in labor-intensive enterprises in developed coastal areas, so the study of this issue has universal relevance.


4、Has not accepted, all pedagogical activity can become the invalid work to dwindle.


5、Ideal meaning would be the engine of intentionality in acts of consciousness.


6、Therefore, it's of great significance to study the migrant workers' right of obtaining remuneration for labor.

第二十九条 用人单位与劳动者应当按照劳动合同的约定,全面履行各自的义务。

7、Article 29 Employers and workers shall fully perform their obligations respectively in accordance with the stipulations in the labor contract.


8、Therefore, it is significance that focuses on the impact of Chengdu non-state-owner economy on labor resource allocation.


9、The word “opera” itself is from Latin and means “effort”, “labor”, “work.”


10、The creation of Labor Contract Law is the resh of comprehensive operation of multiple factors, and has legal significance.


11、The essence of factual work relation is ineffective work relation and only has phraseological meaning.


12、Consequently, it is so significant how to accomplish production automation, improve production quality, reduce consumption and increases labor productivity.


13、Karoshi can be translated quite literally as "death from overwork".


14、The automatic spike detection in EEG is significant in both diagnosing illness and alleviating the heavy labour force of the doctor.

但是今天,我们去 那是参加义务劳动。

15、But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor.


16、Bruno criticized the meaningless activities of bummer and pedant and held that the true laborers are the people who engage in meaningful labor.

本发明对于节约资源、 减少强碱对环境的污染、提高劳动效率具有重要意义。

17、The method has important meanings for conserving resources, reducing environment pollution by strong alkali and improving labor efficiency.


18、Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light.


19、Social Security Departments or their authorized prefecture-level labour

研究目的和意义。 合作运动是近现代劳动者在资本与劳动对立的矛盾中自我利益的实现形式。

20、Aim and Significance of ResearchCooperative movement is the realization way of self-interests of modern laborers in the contradiction between capital and labor.

21、Labor legal services: labor, personnel and social security to promote social harmony and stability and long-term healthy development of enterprises of great significance.劳动法律服务:劳动人事与社会保障对促进社会和谐稳定与企业健康长远发展具有十分重要的意义。

22、One of his volunteer roles was particularly meaningful to him: Lawton helped out at the Disabled Parking area at the Cape Town Stadium.在劳顿所负责的义工业务中,最有意义的,莫非是在好望角球场,协助行动不便人士停车。

23、She often does volunteer labour during holidays.放假时她常去参加义务劳动。

24、With the development of the market economy in our country, the regulation of the labor relationship becomes complex.作为现代意义上的雇佣劳动关系的调整,我国立法还没有完全与经济的发展同步。

25、So the experience is very meaningful and I kno the value of labour.所以说那是一件非常有意义的事情,从中我认识到了劳动的价值所在。

英文句子26:,26、In its broad sense, it refers to the agreement which offers all kinds of labor service.广义的劳务合同是指一切与提供活劳动服务(即劳务)有关的协议。

27、Justice seems to mean adhering to the principal, justice in the city, adhering to the principal of division of labor.正义似乎意味着谨守本份,城中正义,谨守着劳动区分的主要原则。

28、The conclusion of labor contracts shall have binding force. The obligations as agreed therein shall be observed by employers and workers.依法订立的劳动合同具有约束力,用人单位与劳动者应当履行劳动合同约定的义务。

29、The automatic detection of EEG spikes is important both in diagnosis and alleviating the hart work of doctors.脑电癫痫特征波自动提取对于患者的诊断,以及减轻医生的繁重劳动力都具有重要意义。

30、Social necessary labor time, the factor that determines the value of commodities, is the integration of multiple implications.社会必要劳动时间具有多种含义,决定商品价值量的社会必要劳动时间是多种含义的统

31、This is very important to ensure constant linear density of assembled roving in…对确保合股无捻粗纱络纱过程线密度稳定及减轻工人劳动强度有重要意义。

32、An issue of key interest to East Asia is the mobility of labor markets - and its impact on growth.对东亚地区具有关键意义的一个问题是劳动力市场的流动性及其对增长的影响。

33、Article 第三条劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位确立劳动关系、明确双方权利和义务的协议。

3 The labor contract is the agreement concluded between the employee and the employer-unit that establishes labor relationship and specifies the rights and obligations of both parties.

34、The theory of all interests concerned and give attention to both public and private is formed and developed according as the characteristics of labor relations under socialist planned economy.利益一体和公私兼顾的劳动关系理论,是依据社会主义计划经济体制下劳动关系的特点而形成和发展的劳动关系理论。

35、The pre-assessment of labour safety and hygiene of projects is a work of importance, which can help promote the design of labour safety and hygiene of projects.建设项目劳动安全卫生预评价制度是一件很有意义的事情,它对今后建设项目的劳动安全卫生设计工作起到积极促进作用。

36、But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.但是,今天我们去那里参加义务劳动。

37、It briefly introduces the background, status of peasant workers'labor and employment protection and the importance which resolve the issues of peasant workers'labor and employment protection.简要介绍农平易近工劳动参加工作权益保障问题提出的配景、近况以及解决农平易近工劳动参加工作权益保障问题的重要意义。

38、In the society of socialist market - oriented economy, there are different kinds of misunderstanding and indistinct understandings.在社会主义市场经济条件下,存在对劳动和劳动价值论的种种误解和模糊认识。

39、Meanwhile, the connotation and meaning of production labour need developing, the connotation of necessary labour needs enlarging, and the construct of surplus value is pluralistic.同时,生产劳动的内涵与意义需要拓展,必要劳动的内涵应该扩大,剩余价值的构成是多元的。

40、Labor Standard Law applys to labors who contract with employers only, but what's the definition of "the labor"?劳基法之适用对象限于与雇主订立劳动契约之「劳工」,但劳工之定义如何?

41、Active sense consists of controllability and willingness while passive sense consists of uncontrollability and unwillingness.主动意义由可控性和意愿性构成,被动意义由非可控性和非意愿性构成。

42、It's of great importance of ruling-by-law to fully realize the criminals' right of obtaining reward from work.全面实现罪犯劳动报酬权具有重大的法治意义。

43、The upshot of the changes is that for the first time, Chinese workers can decide when they want to travel.这些调整的意义在于,中国的劳动者首次可以自行决定他们何时休假。

44、The socialist emulation drive in our factory is really lively.咱们厂的社会主义劳动竞赛搞得真热火。

45、Under the trend of internationalization and unitization of the labor standard, it is of great significance to compare the labor standard legislation in the three places to make mutually profits.在劳动基准日益国际化、统一化的趋势下,对两岸三地的劳动基准法制进行比较,相互借鉴以取长补短,具有重大现实意义。

46、In socialist public-owned economy, wages are distributed according to work and are the monetary reflection of the value created by laborers in their necessary labor time.社会主义公有制经济中的工资实行按劳分配的劳动报酬形式,是劳动者在必要劳动时间内创造价值的货币表现;

47、While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project.他在那里时参加了一项工程的义务劳动。

48、For the understanding of the labor, the book wrote: "a person spirit is full, or have to live without meaning, mainly depends on his attitude towards work."对于劳动的认识,书中这样写道:“一个人精神是否充实,或者说活得有无意义,主要取决于他对劳动的态度。”

49、and you degrade yourself in submitting yourself to it.从事劳动意味着贬低自己

50、On the basis of New Liberal Ideology, the tremendous capital superiority of multinational corporations has helped highest labor force enter the market and its segmentation.以新自由主义意识形态为基础,跨国公司巨大的资本优势建构了高端劳动力市场的过度市场化和高端劳动力的碎片化。

经典英文句子51:劳动的意义,51、It is through hard work, dedication, and creativity that the meaning to life is found.通过艰苦工作,辛勤劳动及创造力人们才找寻到人生的意义。

52、Services, in one sense, are the antidote to labour-saving manufacturing-led growth.从某种意义来讲,服务业对是劳动节约型制造业主导的经济增长的一剂解药。


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