噪音用英语怎么说 噪音英语翻译

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噪音用英语怎么说 噪音英语翻译

噪音通常被说作:"242 Traditional clamp device is used in hydraulic or pneumatic with oil spilling pollution or noise"在日常中也可以翻译为" [环境] Noise",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到82个与噪音相关的释义和例句。


1. 242 Traditional clamp device is used in hydraulic or pneumatic with oil spilling pollution or noise

噪音翻译为 242 Traditional clamp device is used in hydraulic or pneumatic with oil spilling pollution or noise。

示例:有人发出了淫猥的噪音。 Someone made a rude noise.


2. [环境] Noise

噪音翻译为 [环境] Noise 。

示例:我想知道那噪音是什么。 I wondered what that noise was.


3. Noisc level db

噪音翻译为 Noisc level db 。

示例:天哪,有好多噪音呀。 Gosh, there's a lot of noise.


4. dBA

噪音翻译为 dBA 。

示例:You can imagine the distress Dr Gibarian's message caused at DBA. 吉柏瑞恩的讯息震惊了DBA



1. environmental noise(环境噪音)

2. fan noise(风扇噪音)

3. fluidborne noise(流体噪音)

4. hook noise(挂钩噪音)

5. inlet noise(入口噪音)

英语短语&俚语, noise pollution sound pollution white pollution noise e pollution ( 噪音污染 环境 )

noise gate Gate ProFxNoiseGateST ( 噪音门 )

noise music Music of noisc ( 噪音音乐 )

white noise White Noise- Rainy Days Can you see ( 白噪音 电子 )

Noise abatement ( 噪音治理 )

industrial music ( 工业噪音音乐 )

Traffic noise ( 交通噪音 )

Noise level dBA Sound DBA Pre Kg ( 噪音值 )


1. The noise will attract tourists.


2. Complaining about the noise.


3. And this city, city is just noise.

译文:这座城市 充满噪音。

4. The traffic sounds discord.

译文:交通噪音刺耳。 。

5. i have received a report of some noise.

译文:我宣布 制造噪音。。

6. Sorry about all the noise.

译文:对不起 噪音。

7. That's enough static out of you.


8. What noises? What are they like?

译文:什么噪音 怎样的噪音。

9. -We'll stop it, don't worry. -Stop this racket?


10. The noise, the people, it frightens me.

译文:噪音 人群 令我恐惧。

11. - it's the noise, i expect.

译文:- 它是噪音,我期待。。

12. isolated and that noise is gonna bother these other noise.

译文:隔离和噪音 是要去理会这些 其他噪音。。

13. - All that noise. Hold on.


14. Find out where that noise came from.


15. ♪ Noise from the lady upstairs ♪

译文:噪音 小姐上楼。


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