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关于”读诗“的英语句子35个,句子主体:read poetry。以下是关于读诗的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:read poetry


1、Shuting, one of the luckiest poet among many modern poets, has a number of readers.


2、Neo-Confucianism Neo-Confucianism continue to interpret within the framework of poetic mood.


3、So there were all kinds of attempts to read Homer,for example, the Iliad or the Odyssey as allegories for physical science.


4、The study of Mao poetry contributed mainly to the study of Confucian classics. Thus its theoretical documents received special concern and proper interpretation in the history of literary criticism.


5、There are three basic approaches to rebuild textual poetics: textual close reading, textual criticism and experienced-rhetorical poetics.


6、One group of French performers has found a new way to read poetry: through a tube.


7、Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning.


8、Rilke is a poet deeply stained philosophical temperament, so his Leopard must be explained from a philosophical perspective.


9、People who don't read poetry think it is only about lofty subjects. In writing about these topics, they are trying to achieve depth.


10、The poetry was not always just read but often performed to music.


11、Yes, this, too, is an utterly regular iambic pentameter line: unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, five in a row.

跟着他,我们的阅读范围从孟加拉文的通俗文学、科普读物直到叙事诗《云使》(迦梨陀娑的抒情长诗,写一个被贬谪到南方山中的夜叉,思念妻子,托北去的空中雨云带信。 ---译注)。

12、With him our reading ranged from popular literary and science readers in Bengali to the epic of Meghnadvadha.


13、Translators' understanding of Zen and the meditation of Zen are critical in recreating Wang Wei's poetic expressions and the Zen allegory.


14、I want to go beyond the norm of a preface to avoid talking about his specific poems, which are already in existence, and reader can taste them by themselves.


15、And you can actually imagine without even having read them what a lot of these poems are like.


16、Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.


17、From ignorance of the poem writers, the poem interpretations must correspond to the whole textual logicality. The effective explain must reflect the writers' type of writing availably.


18、Read Xi Murong's poetry, elegant fragrance, clear and there is no hatred, after sorrow.


19、A thorough understanding of this is better for us not only to understand the origin of scholar poems and the poetry of SUN Xing-yan, but also to promote the study of the poetry of Changzhou school.


20、This thesis attempted to interpret the epic Aeneid from two sides.

21、The second chapter mainly explains Peng Jianming the bright Xiangbei mountainous area which constructs with the poetic sentiment text;第二章主要解读彭见明用诗意文本构建的明净湘北山区;

22、Willingness of the window in the evening for me to read a poem?难道是傍晚窗边的情景勾起了我读诗的愿望?

23、So, what we mean by reading a painting is in reality seeking poetry in its pictorial composition.我们说读画,实在是在画里寻诗。

24、I would say what makes a poem a poem is the context; that we choose, or are cued , to read or hear a work a verbal construct as poem.我可以说,使诗成为诗的就是语境,我们选择或者暗示要读或者要听的一个由言语组成的作品。

25、Interpretation of Chapter forth of the focus beam injection in Du Fu's aesthetic ideology - the "divine reason" concept.第四章重点解读梁注杜诗的审美思想—“神理”观。

英文句子26:,26、When I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean?Without thinking about it much.第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德这行诗的时候,我非常惊讶,它真正的寓意是什么呢?

27、The unscrambling of Wu's complex is helpful for us to understand him and his poems with more sensibility.解读吴均的“游侠情结”有助于我们更为感性地认识其人其诗。

28、You can read the magazines for a thousand years and you won't find the value of one line of Keats .读上一千年杂志,你发现的价值也比不上一行济慈的诗。

29、The approach of exegetic reading of Chinese poetry and prose is a means developed by the Japanese in accepting Chinese classics and then writing poetry and prose in Chinese.汉诗文训读法是一种双向处理汉诗文与和文,使二者相互训译转换的语言机制,是日本接受汉籍并进而创作汉诗文之津桥。

30、The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger.多数情况下,在你读诗歌或读一本小说中的某一段而你又想好好回味一下时,你根本达不到那种速度。

31、Go to bubble tea house Early morning to have a pot of Biluochun , sipping unhurriedly . Read the poetry of tertiary plants in Suzhou dream . Go to book market and listen to the PingTan.清晨起来泡茶馆,来一壶碧螺春消消浅斟慢呷,读一读龚自珍“ 三生花草梦苏州”的诗作。

32、He was perusing the bulletins of the grand army, those heroic strophes penned on the field of battle;他读着大军的战报,那是些在战场上写就具有荷马风格的诗篇。

33、Go to bubble tea house Early morning to have a pot of Biluochun, sipping unhurriedly. Read the poetry of tertiary plants in Suzhou dream . Go to book market and listen to the PingTan.清晨起来泡茶馆,来一壶碧螺春,消消停停浅斟慢呷,读一读龚自珍“三生花草梦苏州”的诗作。

34、This thoroughly comprehensively explaine its person ofitspoem for all previous dynasties study person to create has been—inconvenient.这为历代学人深入全面地解读其人其诗造成了不便。

35、ShenHu about Xiao Hui full read now, not only has a powerful military figure.申虎说起萧辉不仅饱读诗书,还有很厉害的军事图。

36、Inditing is based on lived experience , and readers can communicate with poets by lived experience .读者可以通过“重新体验”达到与诗人的沟通。

37、Reading Wordsworths' natural poem in terms of Eco-literature we can understand, explore the value of the poem and obtain new aesthetic experience.从生态文学的角度阅读华兹华斯的自然诗可以更好地理解、发掘其诗作的价值并获得新的审美感受。

38、The explanation of Qin Luofui identity as corpse daughter make the whole poem understood unobstructodly and reasonably.罗敷作为尸女身份,用来解读全诗也是通畅的。

39、Readers' aesthetic interpretation differs due to their own experiences, knowledge level and mood, which are called "Poetry has no absolute interpretation".而读者的审美阅读又因经历、知识水平、心境的不同而见仁见智,正所谓“诗无达诂”。

40、"The days that make us happy make us wise. "----John Masefield when I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me.约翰•梅斯菲尔德 第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德的这行诗时,我感到十分震惊。

41、Later he told me that poets and readers were asking who Fei Ma (my Chinese pen name) was.后来他告诉我,许多人在读了我的诗以后,纷纷向他打听非马是谁。

42、Therefore, readers could get the main idea-regret-of the poem by reading carefully.亦由于这些技巧而令情诗“遗憾”值得读者一再地细细品味;

43、Reading great poets, I walked day and night in the shadow of excellence.常读大诗人的作品,朝朝夕夕走在出类拔萃的影子里。

44、It's a social experience, in this view, and the social experience is intrinsically a conservative one.读诗是一种社会经历,这种社会经历本质又是保守的。

45、Everybody had read it, and everybody was discussing whether or not it was really poetry.每个人都读了,每个人都在讨论它是否算得上真正的诗。

46、The finest poetry awakens thoughts and feelings the reader was not aware of before.最好的诗唤醒了读者前所未知的思想与情感。

47、Unnamed Lake in the school is the ideal school environment, full of poetic.在未名湖畔读书求学是最理想的环境,也充满着诗情画意。

48、Scholar-bureaucrat families, several years already, either be taught, person or to "ritual", The biography, junior do not break "poem", "theory".士大夫的子弟,几岁以上,没有不受教育的,多的读到《礼记》、《左传》,少的也起码读了《毛诗》和《论语》。

49、Dawn immigrated to Canada in 1968 and took a Real Estate and Mortgage broker licensing course through UBC .xx年移居加拿大,在卑诗大学读地产按揭,领有地产经纪牌照。

50、You're well-read, well-dressed; you're snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement?你饱读诗书,衣着华丽,却在街头长椅上打盹,你不想做个解释吗?

经典英文句子51:读诗,51、Of poetry I do not read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the live dog.对于诗我读得不多,要读的时候,我总是宁可选择过去的佳作而不要当代的次品。

52、Yes this too is an utterly regular iambic pentameter line: unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable five in a row.是的这是个典型的抑扬格五步格诗:不重读的音节后面一个重读的音五个成一行。

53、Lloyd Morris "The days that make us happy make us wise. " --- John Masefield When I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me.约翰·梅斯菲尔德 第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德的这行诗时, 我感到十分震惊。

54、Thus its theoretical documents received special concern and proper interpretation in the history of literary criticism.毛诗之学的主要贡献在经学,文学批评史对毛诗派的理论文献有自己的关注重心和解读立场。

55、Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.有些诗是为了叙事,或描叙某事给读者以强烈的印象。

56、The Bible studies this year focused on several《Psalms》, which allowed us to spend time cultivating ourselves through the word of God and through prayer.今年圣经研读的经卷是《诗篇》,让我们藉著研读神的话语和祷告而得到造就。


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