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关于”描写元宵节“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Description of Lantern Festival。以下是关于描写元宵节的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Description of Lantern Festival


1、Business metadata typically includes definitions, terms, abbreviations, glossaries, classification, categories, examples, stewards, and owners, which are described using the business language.


2、The price tag is $1,150.


3、This meta-object is described in detail below.


4、The static structure and the dynamic behavior meta-meta-model are designed to describe the SCM.


5、It may thus have been written about AD 66 or 70, and apparently in Palestine.


6、The Old Testament was written from 1400 to 400 B. C. , and the New Testament from 30 to 100 A. D.

硬件描述的电子控制单元(Electronic control unit,ECU)

7、Electronic control unit (ECU) for hardware description

由普拉哈拉德(C.K. Prahalad)撰写的这本书描述了世界上每天靠不到

8、The book by C.K. Prahalad describes the commercial opportunities offered by the

2.5 billion people in the world who live on less than $2.50 per day.


如果描述元素内有一个文档元素,那么就使用它来创建 tModel 描述。

9、If there is a documentation element within the description element, then use it to create a tModel description.


10、The large displacement stiffness matrix of the 4-node space cable element is derived based on the updated Total Lagrangian Formulation and FEM theories.


11、To determine whether a syllable is closed or open, look at the vowel.


12、I was very busy overnight.


13、You can eat it for supper.


14、Jin Yi then spelled out his plan: “On the night of the 15th day of the 1st month, when the Lantern Festival lights up the city in celebration of the year’s first full moon.


15、The scanner includes a scanning module and a unit of controlling scan mode.


16、This article describes this process in more detail and also explains how to revert to the default case-sensitive queries.


17、Then she'll have separate paragraphs about Northerners and Southerners, explaining in detail—and giving evidence for—her claims about each group's reasons for going to war.


18、Each line describes the loading of one element.

在示例中,唯一有文档描述的元素是 。

19、In the example, the only documented element is .


20、I am eating my midnight snack.

21、It is my first time writing english travel notes. Because my english is limited, I can't describe every detail. Please pardon me.这是我第一次用英文写游记。由于英语水平有限,我不能描述每个细节,请见谅。

22、A tag library descriptor is an XML file whose elements describe a particular tag library.标记库描述符是一个 XML 文件,其元素描述了特殊的标记库。

23、Like any other language, a combination of vowels and consonants makes up a syllable, and it is written in the left to right and up to down directional style .和其他语言一样,元音和辅音组合成一个音节。韩语音节从左往右、先上后下书写。

24、Metamodels are self-describing, using DSL to capture the metamodel (domain) for the DSL.元模型是自描述性的,并使用 DSL 来捕获 DSL 的元模型(领域)。

25、In 十分钟内,我每月能够节省下30美元,六个月总共节省180美元!

10 minutes, I saved $30 a month for six months for a total of $180.

英文句子26:,26、The topics in this section describe how to use the WPF element tree.本节中的各主题描述如何使用 WPF 元素树。

27、How frequent do you have supper?多久吃一次夜宵?。

28、The second quarter is the description of each community governance multi-agent accrual.第二节,描述城关区社区治理中的各多元主体的权责。

29、It showed $96 on the screen.萤光幕上写出$96元。

30、In some contests, child elements may be needed to present the details of a contest to voters (such as initiative descriptions).对于一些竞选人,可能还需要使用子元素向选民展示竞选人的细节信息(比如初步的描述)。

31、Gorgeous fireworks bloomed flaring, bright red spring couplets written good omen, strong festival atmosphere to disperse cold, purse full pressure, a red envelope.绚丽的烟花绽放云宵,大红的春联书写喜兆,浓浓的年味驱散寒潮,满满的钱袋压岁红包。

32、The first section describes the comprehension strategy of complete translation.第一节描述全译的理解策略;

33、The distribution of local magnetic force is described with an equivalent node force, which is derived from an extended application of virtual work principle to FEM node.该法将虚位移原理推广应用于有限单元的节点,从而得到用以描述局部电磁力分布的等效节点力。

34、Logic variable element for capital letters.逻辑变元为大写字母。

35、Methods:Models of cartilage injuries were established in 25 cattle knees, with SPIR-3D-FFE-T1WI sequence in the detection of knee injuries.方法: 牛膝关节25只,分别制作关节软骨损伤模型,扫描序列采用SPIR-3D-FFE-T1WI扫描序列。

36、They reveled until dawn.他们狂欢通宵达旦。

37、Consider some specifics. Pearlstein wrote考虑到一些细节,pearlstein写到

38、Mr. Lawrence has mercifully spared us the terrible details of her illness; it is only her ''tortured eyes'' we see, and her children's grief and horror.劳伦斯仁慈地没有描写她病中的可怕的细节,我们只看到了她“痛苦的双眼”和她孩子的悲伤和恐惧。

39、Radionuclide scanning showed 48 cases of "cold" and 放射性核素扫描显示“冷”结节48例,“热”结节4例。

4 cases of "hot" nodules.

40、She had supper at home.她在家里吃夜宵。

41、The article applies the connection theory of Non-linear Phonology to describe the metrical grid of word stress and its parameter of Uygur language.本文主要运用非线性音系学的有关理论描写了维语词重音的节律栅及其参数。

42、Firstly, the scenes depicted in this article are not corresponding with the tradition of Summer Lantern Festival at Hangchow in Ming era.第一,文章描述的景况,与明代杭州中元节的习俗不符。

43、Discusses how to implement multithreading in your components.描述如何在元件中实作多执行绪。

44、Annual savings: $1, 825.每年节省:


45、Annual savings: about $1, 000.每年节省:


46、Do you have time tonight?May I have the honor to invite you for dinner with me?今晚有空吗?有荣幸和你吃顿宵夜不?英文单词怎么写?。

47、What do you mean he got a C-minus on his report I was up all night writing that thing!为什么我儿子的报告只得了个C,那可是我花了个通宵写出来的!

48、The first part is on the re-recognition towards the school in the 1980s dealt with in detail in literary reviews and works about literary history.第一节从文学评论和文学史的写作中详细描述了xx年代对鸳鸯蝴蝶派的重新认识。

49、The striking feature of the novel full of mysteries, will be explored from its offbeat plot and structure and symbolic descriptions.在该作品中,作者将曲折离奇的情节结构与富于象征意味的描写相互交织在一起,使小说表现出强烈的神秘性。

50、The CU DIE is the parent of all of the DIEs that describe the compilation unit.CU DIE 是所有描述编译单元的 DIE 的父元素。

经典英文句子51:描写元宵节,51、Last night on a tired night span even what the future is not on the night, Zhenlei ah!昨天晚上上了个通宵累啥俺连,以后不上通宵了,真累啊!

52、Unit of controlling scan mode selects whether visible light source or infrared source is activated.扫描模式控制单元控制该扫描模块选择性地激活该可见光源与该红外光源以进行扫描。

53、As is usual in her stories, plot is limited. The story describes a move the Burnells make from one house to another.同她的所有小说一样,故事情节十分有限,小说描写的是伯尔纳•斯坦利带领全家搬家这一区区小事。

54、The methods and techniques in writing the preconditioner of the finite element modeling of semi-rigid connections with programming language C are mainly introduced.主要介绍用C语言编写梁柱半刚性连接节点有限元模型前处理时的方法和技巧。

55、However, Jin and Yuan are located, he is the novel's depiction of society in fact is the dollar, he is, they are also responsible for law and order.但金元都设里正,小说所描写的其实正是金元社会的里正,他们也负责治安。

56、He has spent the past thousand dollars to buy back technical information and more than 100 books of this (incident), returned home on the night watch.他花近千元购回技术资料和书刊100余本(件),回到家中就通宵达旦地看。

57、Fewer bytes written to disk.写入磁盘的字节数更少。

58、Both the and element may contain extensibility elements that represent information for a specific service description technology.元素和 元素都可以包含表示特定服务描述技术信息的可扩展性元素。

59、Yuanxiao is popular among northern residents, who usually eat it during the Lantern Festival to mark the first full moon night of the first Chinese lunar month.通常,北方人在正月十五食元宵,以此庆祝xx年中第一个月圆之夜;

60、Once you accept it, write a bizarrely specific song that details how exactly you're going to die, live up to your prediction and voila!一旦你接受它,写一首异乎寻常地精确的歌,里面的细节描述你将怎样死去,然后按照你的预言来做。 瞧!

61、Objective To get the character of acromioclavicular joint's motion by using 3D-laser scanning camera.目的通过3D-激光扫描照相机对肩关节运动进行扫描,了解肩锁关节的运动特点。

62、Accessing the elements is case-sensitive.访问元素是区分大小写的。

63、Night hours in spring are extremely precious.春宵一刻值千金。

64、If you're describing how to program GUI applications, your topics can draw on elements from both the programming and UI domains.如果您在描述如何编写 GUI 应用程序,那么您的主题可以利用来自编程和 UI 域的元素。

65、He will not outlive this night.他活不过今宵。

66、So you have text nodes, element nodes, and attribute nodes.所以可以有文本节点、元素节点和属性节点。

67、Before a detailed description of the MHEG objects is given, we will briefly examine the individual elements of a presentation using a small scenario.在给出MHEG对象的细节描述之前,我们将用一个小场景简要说明一个表现的各个元素。

68、The description element contains a textual description of the role, while the role-name element defines the role name itself.该描述元素包含角色的文本描述,而 role-name 元素定义角色名称本身。


标签: 英文

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