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关于”如何区分中的主谓宾“的英语句子34个,句子主体:How to distinguish between subject-predicate objects in。以下是关于如何区分中的主谓宾的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:How to distinguish between subject-predicate objects in

分区键 由表中的一列或多列组成,用于使用户可以选择如何对他们的数据进行分区。

1、Partitioning keys consist of a column or set of columns from the table and are used to allow users to choose how to partition their data.


2、This treatise divide into four parts, the first part introduce which is woman hero;


3、Can you tell Yollo the difference between a tiger and an elephant?


4、When you change the primary and secondary setting in an existing partition profile, the partition needs to be reactivated to pick up the changes.


5、At the Philippines' Tzu Chi grounds,

15 Rotary Club members from the Makati Forbes Park are learning how to turn plastic bottles into blankets!


6、It aggregates or sorts query results from many partitions

7、I passed him the salt. = I passed the salt to him. 我把盐递给他。


8、This article mainly discussed how to participate in the tourism cooperation under the background of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone.


9、The examiners need to be trained in how to provide patient data for each scenario, how to question the examinee, and how to evaluate and score the examinee's responses.


10、The Kenyan Meteorological Department has begun exploring ways to induce rain in dry areas of the country, through a process known as cloud-seeding.


11、In this column, I'll show you how to create partitioned tables, and I'll show you how a partitioned table's definition determines where individual records are stored.


12、How, for that matter, do you distinguish it from racism?

下载部分解释了如何导入这些工作区(请见 .zip 文件中的 How-to_import_workspaces.txt)。

13、The Download section explains how to import these workspaces (see How-to_import_workspaces.txt in the files.zip).


14、How informational and interactional sites differ


15、If aftershocks can occur years after the fact, how do scientists distinguish an aftershock from a "new" earthquake?

16、b.He saw a girl get on the bus.(意为女孩上车的动作已经结束了。


17、Filipino Phrases: How to Argue, Use Slang, and More!

18、The apple pie tastes really delicious. 苹果派吃起来真是好吃。


19、In the previous section, you saw how to create links, but not how to distinguish the links you created.


20、The Philippines needs Chinese money and know-how to modernize an industry that employs a third of its workers.

21、Cannot create extended DOS partition without primary DOS partition on disk.在盘中没有主DOS分区,故不能建立扩展分区。

22、But what is the Chinese model?但是,何谓中国模式?

23、Volunteers frequently report that they feel entirely at home and secure in their host communities, he said.他说,和平队的志愿人员经常说他们在东道主社区感到完全宾至如归和安全。

24、While some of these groups are based in the tribal areas, others are also in the so-called "settled regions, " such as the North West Frontier Province.在这些组织中,虽然其中一部分位于部落地区,但也有一些活动在所谓的“定居地区”,比如西北边境省。

25、Moreover, see how the subject situates himself in what I might call the suspension of the articulation of the dream.而且,请你们看出,生命主体如何定位他自己,在我所谓的梦的表达的这个悬置。

英文句子26:,26、How do you distinguish between a star and a planet?你如何区分恒星和行星?

27、That index becomes known as the partitioning index, and this method of partitioning is known as index-controlled partitioning.那样的索引就成为所谓的分区索引,而这种分区的方法就被称为 索引控制的分区(index-controlled partitioning)。

28、Q: How do I know if a data partition or an index partition needs to be reorganized?Q:我如何知道一个数据分区或者索引分区是否需要重组?

29、Central Pacific seamounts are mainly distribution areas of Co-rich crusts.中太平洋海区是富钴结壳的主要分布区。

30、And know how todelineate between fantasy and reality.并且知道如何区分幻想与现实。

31、How to distinguish between nanometer pearl powder and ordinary pearl powder?如何区分纳米与普通珍珠粉?

32、Q: How to tell the data partition in which a row resides?Q:如何知道某行所在的数据分区?

33、The European: But how do we distinguish progress from good progress?《欧洲人》:那我们如何从改进中区分出好的进步?

34、Students in Nepal display notebooks distributed by Patan West Rotarians, describing iodine deficiency disorder and its prevention.尼泊尔的学生展示轧丹西区扶轮社社员所分发的笔记本,上面描述了何谓缺碘症及如何预防。

35、However, because deuterium, in so-called "Heavy-Water," is used to moderate neutrons in some nuclear reactor designs, it is separated from regular water on a large scale.如论如何,因为氘,在所谓的“重水”里,在一些核反应堆设计里是用于中和中子的,它和普通的水在一个大的程度上是分开的。

36、What's the acupoints? Which kinds may acupoints divide?何谓腧穴?腧穴分为哪几类?

37、Any unique key or primary key must contain all of the partitioning key columns.任何惟一键或主键都必须包含分区键中的所有列。

38、The key point of the part is how the suburb employment centers promote the formation of the multi-central metropolitan area as well as how they cause the central cities feebly.这部分论述的重点是郊区就业中心是如何促进多中心的大都市区的形成以及如何导致中心城市的衰弱。

39、Regardless of your partitioning decision, make sure to follow the Creating a disklabel section step by step, with the only deviation being to create larger /usr and /home partitions, if you desire.无论您的分区决定如何,请确保按照创建磁盘标签 部分中的说明一步一步地进行安装,如果需要,您只需单独创建更大的 /usr 和 /home 分区。

40、I had my bike mended yesterday. 我昨天让人给我修理了自行车。

41、So what's the definition of a "good strong" password?那么所谓“优良强壮”的密码的定义如何呢?

42、He became a famous doctor. 他成为了一名著名的医生。

43、My aunt bought me a computer. = My aunt bought a computer for me. 我阿姨买给我一台电脑。

44、How have clubs in your area worked with other community organizations?你分区内的扶轮社应如何与其他社区组织配合?

45、Note how Perl distinguishes between undefined and empty (length 0) strings.注意 Perl 如何区分未定义的串和空串 (长度是 0)。

46、For example, you configure how many partitions to split the data into, and how those partitions should be replicated.举例来说,您可以配置将数据划分到多少个分区中,以及如何复制这些分区。

47、However, because deuterium, in so-called "Heavy-Water, " is used to moderate neutrons in some nuclear reactor designs, it is separated from regular water on a large scale.如论如何,因为氘,在所谓的“重水”里,在一些核反应堆设计里是用于中和中子的,它和普通的水在一个大的程度上是分开的。

48、IV. Allotments and Remittances: Allotment shall be paid to designated allottee in the Philippines thru any authorized Philippines bank with the assistance of the EMPLOYER.分配金和汇款:分配金应经过任何认可之菲律宾银行,由雇主协助付款给在菲律宾指定之分配人。

49、When the two centers come to the same teaching activity, it is hard to decide how to distinguish and control the balance between them.在同为主体的教学活动中,教师该如何准确区分与适度把握二者之间的界限,教师在实践中常常踌躇不决、难以决定。

50、Listing 清单

2 shows how to display and switch the active paging VIOS partition.

2 演示如何显示和切换激活的分页 VIOS 分区。

经典英文句子51:如何区分中的主谓宾,51、Figure 图

6 shows an example of how interrupt is handled in partitioned environment.

6 显示了在分区的环境中如何处理中断的一个示例。

52、Here's How To Find Your Ideal Filipina Lady!这里的如何找到您理想的菲律宾籍夫人!

53、The Download section describes how to import workspaces (see How-to_import_workspaces.txt in the files.zip).下载部分描述了如何导入工作区(请见 .zip 文件中的 How-to_import_workspaces.txt)。

54、The following example shows how to create partition table with compression.下面的例子展示如何创建采用压缩的分区表。

55、But what about the non-traditional tasks such as partitioning and virtualization?但是对于诸如分区和虚拟化之类的非传统任务,情况又如何呢?

56、Topic: There will be a 主题: 15分钟主题演讲,关于如何在中国实现“数字生态城”?

15 minute speech about 'How to develop digital eco-cities in China.

57、a.He saw a girl getting on the bus.(意为上车的动作正在进行。

58、If Do dirty can can China to contribute infrastructures, why not? China would never want to govern Philippines but only to benefit economically, surely Philippines also want the same.如果他能让中国帮助菲律宾建设基建,那又有何不可?中国从来不想统治菲律宾,只想在经济上获益,菲律宾也有同样的需求。

59、What are the primary industries and economic clusters in the neighborhood and project area? What appear to be their primary inter-relationships or common "factor" needs?社区和专题地区中,有哪些主要的工业和经济组群?他们的主要相互关系或共同「要素」需求看来是如何?

60、A fundamental cause for the contradiction in Clive Bell's theory in his own works, "On Art", lies in his failure in telling form similarity from realistic writing.克莱夫·贝尔在其《艺术论》中造成自身理论逻辑矛盾的一个根本原因,在于没有分清何谓“形似” ,何谓“写实”。

61、Bill Venners : How do you tell?比尔:如何区分?

62、We can get the money from the hotel's rent and guest house rent.他坐在当地主要街区的一家酒店内如此说道,“我们可以从酒店及宾馆的租赁中挣钱。”

63、In order to decide how to partition your hard disk ready for dual-booting, you will need to know how it is currently partitioned.为了决定如何为双启动准备您的硬盘分区,您必须先了解它当前是如何分区的。

64、How variables flow in and out of regions of source.变量是如何进入源代码区域,以及如何从其中传出的

65、But what of the "neutral" outcomes?不过,何谓“中性”后果呢?

66、If they are not in a single area, how geographically distributed are they?如果他们并不位于单独的区域,那么他们的地理分布如何?

67、If you know what it means.那是说,如果你知道何谓爱的话。

68、The partitioning key should include the columns that are used most often as predicates in queries.分区键应该将最常使用的列作为谓词包含在查询中。

69、How to center align text in JTextArea?如何中心对齐的文本在文本区?



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