日常生活用品用英语怎么说 日常生活用品英语翻译

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日常生活用品用英语怎么说 日常生活用品英语翻译

日常生活用品的英语说作" daiy necessities",还网络中常译为" Grocery",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到55个与日常生活用品相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. daiy necessities

日常生活用品翻译为 daiy necessities 。


1、Old woman has gathered the traditional objects of everyday life, tools and peasant clothing. All the excursions she makes herself, of course.


2. Grocery

日常生活用品翻译为 Grocery 。

示例:这位老妇人收集了各种怀旧的日常生活用品、玩具甚至务农的服装。 Old woman has gathered the traditional objects of everyday life, tools and peasant clothing.


3. daily living equipment

日常生活用品翻译为daily living equipment。

示例:这还不包括服务费,书本费,日常生活用品费,旅游费或杂费。 This still does not include fees, books, supplies, travel, or incidentals.



1. everyday life(日常生活)

2. hypnoscope( 日常生活)

3. lifeworld organization(日常生活组织)

4. everyday practice(日常生活实践)

5. pedestrian movement(日常生活动作)

英语短语&俚语, Garment accessories ( 饰品业及日常生活用品 )

daily living equipment ( 释义日常生活用品 )

chief daily necessities ( 泛指日常生活用必需品 )


1. - Practical, everyday objects?


2. Look at this, Liz. All the comforts.


3. Properties, livelihoods, objects most precious to them.

译文:财产 生活用品 Properties, livelihoods, 还有他们最为珍贵的物品 objects most precious to them.。

4. And we should be developing things -- we should be developing packaging for ideas which elevate people's perceptions and respect for the things that we dig out of the earth and translate into products for everyday use.

译文:我们必须发展事物 我们必须为创意发展造形, 来提升人们的知觉 并尊敬我们取之于地球的事物 将它转换为日常生活用品。 。

5. Heikki Norta is the head of the company's lifestyle products business unit.

译文:海基·诺尔塔是这个公司生活用品事业部的领导。 。

6. i am actually going to go and pick up some supplies, so if i see her, i will tell her to give you a call.

译文:其实我正要去买些生活用品 如果我看到她 叫她回你电话。

7. Mom, you brought groceries?

译文:妈妈 你还带了生活用品吗。

8. Now i make kitchen knives or things for everyday use.


9. The utility model relates to an article for daily life, in particular to a hexagonal rotating jewel box which comprises a hexagonal base.


10. Her products consists of various designer furniture, homegoods and lamps.

译文:产品包括各类原创家具、家居产品、灯具以及其他生活用品。 。

11. it's money for groceries for gas for birthdays and graduation parties.

译文:还可以用来买生活用品和汽油 生日和毕业聚会。

12. He used to go over there and get supplies.


13. i brought you your groceries. i will cook you a nice lunch, yes?

译文:我带了点生活用品来 一会给您弄午餐。

14. You get your groceries delivered?


15. They say you can make bomb from everyday's material. You combine.

译文:他们说做可以用日常生活用品做炸弹 你可以买到。


标签: 翻译 日常 生活

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