魔鬼鱼的英语说作" Manta",还可以翻译为 manta ray,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到28个与魔鬼鱼相关的翻译和例句。
1. Manta
魔鬼鱼翻译为 Manta 。
示例:真正的深海幽灵不是魔鬼鱼! Devil fish is not real deep soul!
2. manta ray
魔鬼鱼翻译为 manta ray 。
示例:我会试著不提起大都会球迷不好的回忆,但是他稍后被交易到当时的魔鬼鱼队。 I'll try not to rehash too many bad memories for Mets fans, but he was later traded to the then-Devil Rays.
3. Manta Ray
魔鬼鱼翻译为Manta Ray。
示例:运气好的话,还能见到小鲨鱼和魔鬼鱼呢! Good luck, can see small sharks and the Devil Rays this!
4. Kraken Isaac
魔鬼鱼翻译为 Kraken Isaac 。
示例:isaac, isaac, isaac, isaac, 以撒,以撒,以撒,以撒,
1. daimon(魔鬼
2. devil(魔鬼
3. fiend(魔鬼
4. our foe(魔鬼)
5. the arch foe(魔鬼)
英语短语&俚语, Tampa Bay Devil Rays Tampa Bay Rays J Shields C ARCHER ( 坦帕湾魔鬼鱼 )
Barracuda ( 食人魔鬼鱼 )
Tampa Bay Rays Treva Bay Devil Rays ( 坦帕湾魔鬼鱼队 )
Flight of the devil rays ( 魔鬼鱼的迁徙 )
Stingray City ( 魔鬼鱼城 )
Imperial Manta Ray ( 帝王魔鬼鱼 )
Manta Trust ( 魔鬼鱼基金会 )
Devil Rays tampa bay devil rays ( 魔鬼鱼队 )
Manta Ray Village ( 魔鬼鱼村 )
1. Well, i'm gonna have the house anchovy loaf to start... and... the devil ray filet.
译文:我的头盘要 你们的特色凤尾鱼面包 主菜要魔鬼鱼排。
2. it's a horrible poison. Usually Mantari in origin.
译文:是一种可怕的毒 通常源自魔鬼鱼兽。
3. Really, really marvellous.
译文:这次 难以捉摸的魔鬼鱼直接出现了。
4. "Evil is evil,"he would say.
5. Demon, come up out of Kisha, demon.
6. You are evil. Profoundly evil.
7. The Devil ... you are the devil!
译文:魔鬼 你是魔鬼!。
8. And as the apex predator, by removing them in such large numbers out of these areas, that has drastic impacts on all the other species underneath it.
译文:魔鬼鱼会被皮击 但是它们伤口的位置一直是个迷 魔鬼鱼的眼睛在头的一侧。
9. They have located a manta cleaning station, but they still haven't found what they're looking for.
译文:看起来那对魔鬼鱼也不错 他们看起来很喜欢那种感觉。
10. There's a shark bite, right there at the Very back.
11. (Music) However, when plankton densities increase, the mantas line up head-to-tail to form these long feeding chains, and any tasty morsel that escapes the first or second manta in line is surely to be gobbled up by the next or the one after.
译文:(音乐) 而当浮游生物聚集得越来越多时, 魔鬼鱼就开始首尾相连, 排成长长的进食队形, 队首的魔鬼鱼漏掉的美味 会被后面的同伴吞食干净。 。
12. The manta that we did see didn't have any injuries at all, and it's actually specifically the injuries that i'm really interested in going and having a look at.
译文:有点像化妆了的感觉 同时也做了个按摩 寻找魔鬼鱼。
13. They're Very small, black and white-striped fish.
14. i keep imagining that i'm seeing them coming out of the gloom. Toni, there's a manta!
15. Every living thing here is vital to this ocean's health, right up to its most extreme predators, sharks.
译文:魔鬼鱼游来游去 所有的注意力都集中在它们旁上。
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