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一水多的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为sulfuric acid monohydrate,还经常被译作Ferropallidite,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到23个与一水多相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. sulfuric acid monohydrate

一水多翻译为sulfuric acid monohydrate。

示例:青龙是山区农业县,境内山多地少,素有“八山一水一分田”之称。 Dragon is a mountainous county of mountainous territory, known as "Eight mountains of water a sub-fields,"said.


2. Ferropallidite

3. meratonic

4. Lactinium


1. sulfuric acid monohydrate(一水(合)硫酸)

2. Lactinium(一水乳清酸)

3. potassium carbonate monohydrate(一水碳酸钾)

4. Ferropallidite(一水铁矾, 水铁矾)

5. meratonic(一水盐酸哌苯甲醇)

英语短语&俚语, multiple use of water ( 一水多用 )

Endothal Monohydrate Standard ( 菌多酸一水合物标准品 )

I'm not afraid of tears again many a star ( 我不怕泪水再多一颗 )

What is your one-month salary ( 你一个月薪水是多少 )

there was quite a lot of rain earlier on ( 前一向雨水多 )


1. The triad send-off

18 men in black

译文:十八相送 一水黑。

2. The deaquation, melting, decomposing apex temperatures and water content of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate crystals were measured by DSC and TG techniques respectively.

译文:采用DSC和TG技术分别分析了一水盐酸环丙沙星晶体的脱水、熔化、分解温度和晶体的水含量; 。

3. Diethyl maleate was synthesized from maleic anhydride and ethyl alcohol in the presence of sodium bisulfate monohydrate.


4. The boric acid did not crystallized with kieserite at same time when concentration of boric acid is lower than

4 %.

译文:当硼酸的浓度小于4%时,硼酸不与一水硫酸镁共结晶。 。

5. And Doaa was terrified of the water.

译文:而多阿又很怕水。 。

6. Drink lots of water. - Water?


7. There was just so much water here and i... Oh, God.


8. Drinking and... defecating in the same water.


9. Diethyl maleate was a synthesis from maleic anhydride and ethyl alcohol in the presence of sodium bisulfate monohydrate.


10. The Luohe sandstone water is the only aquifer with eligible water quality and quantity of water supply source in the Huangling mining area.

译文:洛河砂岩水是黄陵矿区供水水源中的唯一水质水量合乎要求的含水层。 。

11. Dextrose monohydrate is produced as food grade, excellent quality and Sufficient supply.

译文:生产食品级一水葡萄糖,产品质量品质卓越,货源充足。 。

12. Not drinking enough water.


13. They are taking her back... across the water. To their own land.

译文:他们把她带回一水之隔 自己的国家!。

14. You should have some water here.


15. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterizations of boehmite powder



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