产能用英语怎么说 产能英语翻译

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产能用英语怎么说 产能英语翻译

产能通常被翻译为"off-take potential"的意思,还网络中常译为" Productivity",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到19个与产能相关的释义和例句。


1. off-take potential

产能翻译为off-take potential。

示例:世界汽车工业存在巨大的生产能力过剩。 There is huge overcapacity in the world car industry.


2. Productivity

产能翻译为 Productivity 。

示例:如今,中国是世界上最大的汽车生产国,生产能力是美国的两倍多。 Today, China is the world's largest automobile producer, with more than double the capacity of the United States.


3. productivity -

产能翻译为 productivity - 。


1、As a rule, it is essential that the poor's productive capabilities be mobilized and the conditions for developing these human resources be improved.


4. capacity


示例:You need to understand, he may lose capacity. he may lose capacity.



1. period capacity(期间产能)

2. productive energy(生产能)

3. productivity component(产能组件)

4. productivity tool(产能工具)

5. shift capacity(班次产能)

英语短语&俚语, address overcapacity to cut overcapacity cut overcapacity ( 去产能 )

excessive production capacity production overcapacity overcapacity excess production capacity overc( 产能过剩 )

industrial cooperation cooperation on industrial capacity industrial-capacity cooperation industria( 产能合作 )

the shutdown of outdated production facilities phase out outdated production capacity to shut down ( 淘汰落后产能 )

outdated production capacity backward production capacities outdated capacity ( 落后产能 )

surplus production capacity overcapacity ( 过剩产能 )

Production Capacity productive capacity ( 生产能力 )

Overall agricultural production capacity Overall agricultural productivity Agricultural Comprehensi( 农业综合生产能力 )

production capacity in the cement industry ( 水泥产能 )


1. We can get productivity up.

译文:产能可以提升。 。

2. Meanwhile, component prices are plunging, overcapacity is rife and margins are eagre.

译文:同时,零配件价格下跌,产能普遍过剩,利润微薄。 。

3. We lost that frying unit, and then, uh, we... we can't get the same capacity in here any more.

译文:我们失去动力 另一组产能不足。

4. We have this incredible excess capacity.


5. The Productivity Evaluation Model of the Stepped Horizontal Well in Thin interbeded Reservoirs


6. Study of productivity model of degassed deformable medium reservoir


7. Fang Aihua Wuhan University Unbalanced Capacity


8. The result is excess capacity and inventories.

译文:其结果是产能过剩、库存积压。 。

9. Research on Reservoir-Forming Pattern of Coalbed Methane and Productivity Prediction in Tiefa Basin


10. Honda Soltec is prepping to ramp a solar cell production to full capacity, up from current 50% capacity, equivalent to roughly 27.5mw.

译文:本田(Honda Soltec)一电池片产能迅速从50%产能变成满产,相当于27.5 MW的年产量。 。

11. - Do you people have any idea what property values are going to go to around here?

译文:你们大家知道公园周围的 地产能涨多高吗。

12. Studies on productivity of sainfoin pasture


13. So the production capability is there.

译文:所以,产能上基本没有限制。 。

14. This will have an initial capacity of almost 10m tonnes.

译文:这个工厂的初始产能几乎达到1000万吨。 。

15. i still doubt that one abortion can cause infertility.



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