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要翻译为英语通常读作: would like,其次还可以说成" will",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到67个与要相关的短语释义和例句。


1. would like

要翻译为 would like 。

示例:他要小便。 He needed to pee.


2. will

要翻译为 will 。

示例:要伸展股四头肌,你要运动你的跟腱。 To stretch the quads, you work the hamstrings.


3. ask for

要翻译为ask for。

示例:我要撒尿。 I need to pee.


4. important


示例:This is really, really important! No. really important!



1. Haters Gonna Hate(要)


2. teshuva( 要忏悔;

3. essential ingredients(要成分)

4. flow demand(要流量)

5. key data(要数据)

英语短语&俚语, Factors of production productive factors the factors of production the elements of production means( 生产要素 )

having the Party manage itself well the CPC Party properly manages its own affairs to supervise the( 党要管党 )

Requirement ask for ( 要求 科技 )

total-factor productivity total-factor productivity multi-factor productivity total factor producti( 全要素生产率 )

dialectical elements elements of dialectics dialectical element s dialectical element s Элементы ди( 辩证法的要素 )

important period of strategic opportunity the period full of important strategic opportunities an i( 重要战略机遇期 )


1. He's going down, he's going down, he's going--!

译文:他要摔了 他要摔了 他要。

2. invaded-- inv-- invit-- invited to the name day celebration for Rylene Florent on the first nigit--"

译文:诚要... 要... 诚邀。

3. Fucking shit. This is sick. This is sick.


4. Yes i am. i'ii be sleeping soon.


5. if not, you're welcome to spend the night here. i'm taking it!

译文:要 要 就这根吧。

6. Do you seek revenge, or do you find the truth?


7. i want this one more than photo!

译文:我要! 我要! !。

8. - We're gonna... it's a, it's like a pri...

译文:-我们要 - -要。

9. Be ca... Watch... Watch...

译文:小心 我要 我要。

10. - in the morning. - it's the nurses or it's me.


11. So think tall, you gotta smile, and wave, and just have fun.

译文:因此要志向远大,要微笑 要挥手,要开心。

12. - Need it, got it, got it, need it. - Hey, hey.


13. Yeah, i'll have the... the... the... the, uh... the... not...

译文:好吧 我要... 要... 要 嗯...。

14. Want it or not? Sure, i won't pay you back.

译文:要要要, 不还的。

15. We're gonna fish. We're gonna fish.

译文:要钓鱼 要钓鱼。


标签: 单词

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