第十四英语怎么写 英语

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第十四翻译为英语通常写作: more than i can say,其次还可以说成" veertiende",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到42个与第十四相关的翻译和例句。


1. more than i can say

第十四翻译为 more than i can say 。


1、Although Congress promptly overrode Johnson's veto, supporters of the act sought to ensure its constitutional foundations with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.


2. veertiende

第十四翻译为 veertiende 。

示例:教育委员会认为种族隔离的学校违反了第十四修正案的平等保护条款。 Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


3. th

第十四翻译为 th 。

示例:今天我们学习第十四课。 We study Lesson

14 today.


4. fourteenth


1. super middleweight( 超中量级;


2. supermiddleweight( 超中量级;


3. zuglo( 布达佩斯第十四区;

4. xier(n. 希腊语的第十四个字母(Ξ,ξ))

5. xiest(n. 希腊语的第十四个字母(Ξ,ξ))

英语短语&俚语, hilbert's fourteenth problem ( 希尔伯特第十四问题 )

E-MAIL FOURTEEN Syllabear Third Force Abaddon ( 第十四章 )

Rest Stance and Press Sword Jump Step and Thrust Sword Turn Body and Push Palm ( 第十四式 )

Lesson Fourteen ang eng ing ong Episode Fourteen ACERCA DEL HORARIO ( 第十四课 )

Capture Jack McNeil Coldwater Whiskey Hotel Weather the Storm ( 第十四关 )

Unit Fourteen Tour Guide Interpreting My First Class Unit Fourteen Foreign Policy ( 第十四单元 )

ay Goodbye To UA whiff of danger AC ( 第十四话 )

blood sport Fairytale Obsession Nn Riding the Lightning ( 第十四集 )


1. Under Article

14 of the illinois Criminal Code, - it's a Class

1 felony.

译文:根据伊利诺伊州刑法第十四条 这是一级联邦重罪。

2. Cool balloon form 14th Philippine international Hot Air balloon Fiesta.

译文:第十四届菲律宾国际热气球嘉年华上的雀巢咖啡杯造型热气球。 。

3. - contradiction of the 14th amendment.

译文:- 和第十四条修正案相矛盾。

4. That's at

14. Most start puberty, right?


5. There's proof in the Bible you ask us to read in Revelations, chapter

1, verses

14 and

15 that Jesus had hair like wool and feet the color of brass.

译文:启示录第十四,十五章清楚 耶稣有狼的头发和厚皮的脚。

6. - Of the 14th amendment right guaranteeing equal protection.

译文:- 第十四条修正案不符 公民行有相同的权利。

7. What about you Wish No. 14?


8. Article

7... and Article


译文:根据第九条 第七条 第十四条。

9. ♪ we are here what you say ♪ ♪ we are here to stay ♪ ♪ we are here to stay ♪

译文:嗜血娇娃 第一季 第十四集。

10. in fact, Syria is now the 14th country in the islamic world where U.S. forces have invaded, occupied, or bombed, and that's just since 1980.

译文:In fact, Syria 叙利亚是美国进攻的第十四个伊斯兰国家 is now the 14th country in the Islamic world 也是美军占领并轰炸的第十四个国家 where U.。

11. The official Mascot of the 14th Asian Games is a sea gull, the city bird of Busan.

译文:第十四届亚运会的官方吉祥物是一只海鸥,釜山的市鸟。 。

12. 14th Man: Let's say that you and me like each other.

译文:第十四个男人:比方说,你我都彼此喜欢。 。

13. The 14th man gave up an e-mail address we just traced to the Engineering Department at Bryden University.

译文:第十四个人暴露了一个邮箱地址 我们定位到其属于布莱登大学的工程系。

14. Members of the US 14th Army Air Force continued to wear the "Flying Tiger"badges on their shoulders and were better known as Flying Tigers.


15. Let me guess-- the 14th Apostle, left out of the Bible because she's a woman?

译文:我猜... 第十四门徒是女人?。



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