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关于”学写的方法“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Learn the method of writing。以下是关于学写的方法的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Learn the method of writing


1、"Females can consider math-oriented fields as well as law, social sciences, humanities, and medicine," the authors write.


2、This study, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, investigates how a web-based peer revision approach in English writing is effective in developing students' writing skill.


3、The main research approach has history method, phenomenon method, Semiology method, and the sociology method , generally acknowledged truth etc.


4、It includes three aspects: (

1) When he wrote histories, the historical method of commend or reduce judgment are come from the ancient Chinese classics interpretation;



5、Zero-Class-Hour approach to writing is a combination of process writing and product writing which aims at promoting learner autonomy.


6、This part mainly introduces the significance of the thesis, the retrospection of the academic history, the writing skills and the innovation of the thesis.


7、For the MMSE method, we first reformulate the MMSE solution in a way that the extra matrix multiplication can be avoided.


8、Exiting an activity is possible in several ways, as you see with the "Fill out Enrollment Forms" activity.


9、Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.

然后它重写了click 方法,像在“混合Traits”章节重写的方法几乎一样的实现。

10、It then overrides the click method with an implementation that looks almost the same as the overridden method shown in the section called “Traits as Mixins”.


11、The realization of the teaching aims in the teaching of applied writing and the correct choice and creative application of the teaching methods are equally important.


12、The view can access the model getters, but it has no knowledge of the setters.


13、The language features, writing in the modus operandi, but there are many places that we can learn.


14、Nothing wastes more energy than worring


15、Two basic approaches to the teaching of writing are what are called a product-oriented approach and a process-oriented approach.


16、A man can be a teacher when he review something old and get new ideas.


17、Appropriate correction of college students' English composition will help them improve their writing ability.


18、This method is to make full use of the three steps:prewriting, writing and rewriting to cultivate steps:prewriting, writing and rewriting to cultivate the students'overall competence in writing.


19、The course is conducted by encouraging each and every student to imitate and express themselves freely.


20、To increase oral expression at teaching in writed course is being a change of teaching methods and the change of the type of course.

21、The school emphasizes small-class teaching, stressing flexible, easy but informative teaching methodology to train listening, speaking, reading and writing which is popular among overseas students.该中心强调小班化教学,着重采用灵活机动、深入浅出的教学方法,系统培养学生听、说、读、写等方面能力,深受留学生喜爱。

22、The five-paragraph theme is a good way to learn how to write an academic essay.五段论是学术论文写作的入门方法。

23、Our teacher expounded his views on education to me at great length.我们的老师向我详细讲述了他的教育观点。

24、Dyslexics exhibit a wide range of problems with reading and writing language, and future research will be aimed at enabling teachers to tailor their approaches to each dyslexic learner, Dr. Wolf says.读写困难者表现为一种综合性的语言读写问题,未来的研究方向是希望老师能够为每位读写困难的学习者制订专门的学习方法,Wolf博士说。

25、Methods:Morphological, microscopical and UV spectral methods.方法:形态学、组织学和紫外光谱方法。

英文句子26:,26、On Improvement of SMS Students Writing Ability-from the Perspective of Genre Theory;作者认为体裁理论及其分析方法是提高辩护词写作教学与学习的有效途径。

27、He had studied under Kang Youwei the Western realism, and in Europe he was influenced by the traditional Western realism, especially by the French Academism.他曾师从康有为学习西方写实主义绘画,在欧洲又受到西方传统写实主义、特别是法国学院派的影响。

28、Whether in the development of dialects, or in the period of rewriting of literary history, literary dialect can not be bypassed.无论是处于方言学的发展,还是文学史的改写阶段,文学创作都无法绕开方言。

29、Such approach sees English writing as a non-recursive and linear one.此种教学方法视写作为一种不可反复的,直线型的活动。

30、Based on the idea of partial servo track writing(PSTW), a new servo track writing implementation method, named spiral servo track writing, for micro hard disk drives was introduced.基于部分伺服刻写的思想,提出了一种微硬(磁)盘半自伺服刻写实现方法——螺旋伺服刻写方法。

31、The present thesis mainly adopts the methods of the descriptive linguistics , attempting to proffer a panoramic view of the phonetic , lexical and grammatical features of Rudong vernacular.本文主要采用描写语言学的方法,力求较为全面地反映出如东方言的语音、词汇、语法等方面的特征。

32、The advancement of the concept of"life-writing subject"aims at establishing a kind of intuitionistic and writing study model.提出“生命写作学”概念,旨在建构一种直观、有效的写作学研究方法。

33、In the days that followed , I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many words.后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的方法,我学会了拼写很多单词。

34、Now it is obviously lag for the teaching contents, forms and methods of finance and economic practical writing.目前关于财经应用文写作的教学内容、形式及方法明显滞后。

35、This article discusses the teaching methods and the preliminary implementation effects of the reforms in the preclinical teaching program of prosthodontics .本文旨在探讨口腔修复学临床前期教学改革实践的方法和效果。采取的方法包括重新编写实习手册以规范教学内容;

36、The results show that the Multiple-level Model has greater effects on improvement of the students' writing skills than the traditional product approach.多层面的写作教学模式的教学实验明显地提高了实验班学生的作文成绩,在提高学生写作水平方面比传统的成果写作教学法更有成效。

37、There are mainly two methods of naming menu in a Chinese meal: impressionistic and realistic.中餐菜谱的一般命名方法有两种:写意性命名法和写实性命名法。

38、Take seriously the teaching of ways of writing while lightly the experiences of life and the accumulation of language.重视写作方法的教学,轻视生活的体验和语言的积累;

39、Among the recommendations is a proposal to teach reading and writing using the phonics method, which helps children to identify letter-sound combinations.建议书中涉及的其中一种教学方法是利用语音法来教学生阅读和写作,语音法可以帮助学生将字母和声音联系起来进行学习和记忆。

40、The method for lecture is the dominant one of marketing teaching methods and basis for effective use of other methods.讲授法是市场营销学教学方法中的主导方法,是有效运用其他教学方法的基础。

41、The process approach and the length approach will help students overcome the psychological blockages. In the end the author supplies some effec…而过程写作法和写长法教学有利于消除写作心理障碍。

42、This research is concerned with scoring methods for classroom-based EFL writing at collegiate level.本文主要研究的是大学英语课堂写作的评分方法。

43、The best way to enjoy the book is to write some Erlang code as you go.学习该书的最好方法是在您读的过程中写一些 Erlang 代码。

44、Accelerated learning is a process of learning through music, visuals, writing, and workshops and so on.超前教育是一种通过音乐、视效、写作及手工等来学习的方法。

45、To improve students ability to write, it is a good way to often write observing diary.要提高学生的写作能力,练写观察日记不失为一种好的方法。

46、There were two kinds of writing.这两种书写方法

47、Proven methodology and new technologies can help the current generation of students achieve their full potential when writing an essay.有效的写作方法及现代科技为当代学生在写作中发挥其最大潜能提供了极大帮助。

48、He has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students.他被邀请给一个英语班的学生讲授他的写作方法。

49、Regarding the characteristics of civil engineering specialty of undergraduate course, the author has reformed the teaching material and teaching methods.为达到教学改革目的,在土建类力学教材的编写和教学过程中,要采用灵活多样的方法和手段,使教学具有特色。

50、Within you are so many answers.Understand , have courage be strong学会理解, 勇敢 坚强

经典英文句子51:学写的方法,51、The BOE manufacture and laser or electron beam writing are much riper methods. The BOE manufacture has disadvantages of long period, high cost and difficult alignment.衍射光学元件有很多制作方法,比较成熟的有二元光学元件加工方法和激光或电子束直写技术加工方法。

52、And so you'll learn over time both by seeing and by doing that there are generally some good ways, some okay ways, and some bad ways of actually writing code.久而久之,你们将通过看和实践来学习到,这里通常有很好的方法,还行的方法,很烂的方法来编写代码。

53、Under “treatment, ” the scribe concludes: “none.”在“治疗方法”下方,抄写员给出的结论是,“无”。

54、To adopt kinds of forms and ways makes students produce I-wanna-write conscious requirement.采取多种形式和方法,让学生产生“我要写”的自觉自愿的要求。

55、A linewidth stabilizing method for defocusing laser direct writing is proposed for further improvement of line quality of diffractive optical elements.为了提高激光直写加工衍射光学元件时的线条质量,提出一种离焦激光直写的线宽稳定方法。

56、He writes in a very individual way.他的写作方法别具一格。

57、Write the setup() and teardown() methods编写 setup() 和 teardown() 方法

58、The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu wrote many books about the social disparity in society.法国社会学家皮埃尔·布迪厄写了很多论述社会分化方面的书。

59、Boustrophedon:an ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right.交错书写方法:一种古代的书写方法,其中每一行交替地自右至左和自左至右书写。

60、Wen, Qiufang. 2001. Applied Linguistics: Research Methods and Thesis Writing.文秋芳,2001,《应用语言学研究方法与论文写作》。

61、The method can be over-ridden.可以覆写私有的虚方法么?

62、It is necessary for some lazy students to write the words on the blackboard.让学生上黑板默写单词。当然这种方法运对于比较懒惰的学生还是可行的。

63、Charles P. Ewing, a professor of law and psychology at the University at Buffalo Law School who has written about school safety issues, said he favored a strict zero-tolerance approach.布法罗大学法学院法学及心理学教授查理.艾文曾写过关于学校安全问题的文章,他表示倾向于严格的零容忍方式。

64、But as educators, we need to find ways to increase the code base that our students work with.但是作为教育者,我们要找到提高学生代码编写基础的方法。

65、This approach helps English learners to overcome their psychological obstacle to English learning, release their potential, and improve their English level.该方法主张以写促学,通过写长克服学习心理障碍,释放学习潜力,从而提高英语水平。


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