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关于”最优美“的英语句子21个,句子主体:The most beautiful。以下是关于最优美的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The most beautiful


1、Best Offers will be preffered.


2、This series is with glass clean & clear, lines graceful, sound sweet, it is the perfect combination of the new discovery of high-tech and wine tasters.


3、As many as

2,000 people had to be taken to emergency centres in the Cotswolds, one of England's most picturesque regions.

4、· a cat may look at a king.猫也有权晋见国王。


5、This is the most wonderful day of my life- because Inom here with you now.


6、The truth, the goodness and the beauty are criteria that measure the practical activity, and the rhetoric is the graceful means to get the best result in communication.

7、· the news came as a bombshell这个消息犹如晴天霹雳


8、We use the best quality beans which are matured and hand-picked, perfectly processed and then mixed with the finest quality cane sugar and creamer.


9、Chang Xin take the good faith as an objective, take win both as the goal, provides the most outstanding product for the customer and the most perfect service.


10、By project average, the theoretical maximum desulfurization efficiency could be attained 97.7% in optimal conditions.


11、According to the statistical results, the optimal predictors and quantizers are designed.


12、The best for a woman who has nice figure is to turn around and leave.


13、Sexual selection has given the most brilliant colours, elegant patterns, and other ornaments to the males.

14、· a bad thing never dies.坏事传千年。

线条优美,券色彩鲜艳, 最新一款的摇控赛车。是送礼的好佳品。

15、Beautiful lines, coupons colorful, the latest section of the remote control car racing. Gifts is a good Jiapin.

16、· a bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人


17、Sleep is most graceful in an infant; soundest, in one who has been tired in the.



4: Optimization.


为您提供最先进的美黑设备, 当下流行的各种美黑产品, 海滩般舒适宜人的环境和专业优质的服务。 古铜屋务求成为广州最出色的美黑日晒中心。

19、Therefore, we provide you with the most sophisticated facilities, fashionable products in a seashore-like place and quality service. We aim to develop into the BEST tanning salon in Guangzhou.

20、· a covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。

21、· a clear conscience is a sure card.光明磊落,胜券在握。

22、Delicious! The largest island north integrated material optimal ingredients excellent quality quickly came to delicious tender in the plate scream!岛城北部最大规模综合日料最优食材绝佳品质快来听鲜美嫩物在铁板上尖叫!

23、Best choice and best discounts 最佳选择,最大优惠

24、This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。

25、Hermès brings together past, present and future in its application of traditional craftsmanship combined with the finest materials, to create innovative and beautiful products.爱马仕将传统手工艺和最优异的原材料完美结合,将过去、现在和未来融合在一起,创造出了创新、优质的产品。

英文句子26:,26、Secondly, it combines Doptimal regression design with BIBD to construct Doptimal design, and gives a method for obtaining new Doptimal design points.其次,组合D 最优回归设计和D 最优区组设计BIBD构造D 最优设计并给出寻找新的D 最优设计点的方法。

27、A hmmm,the most melodious music i have is by ACDC.who`s your favorite grouP then?恩,我这里旋律最优美的是AC\DC的了,那你最喜欢的组合是什么?

28、The variable ranges of vectors in consumption coefficient matrix for which the optimal solution or optimal basis remain invariable are determined.求出使最优解或最优基保持最优的消耗系数矩阵中列向量和行向量的可变范围。

29、That being said, the Lumia has probably the best, darkest blacks I've ever seen on a phone, which is a very good thing in an optionally black-heavy OS like Windows Phone.不过据说流光(Lumia)还依旧可能是最好的,至少在我所见过的的手机当中,它是显示最暗的黑色最优秀的,很完美的继承了WP手机在黑色显示方面的优秀传统。

30、The stationary property, Markoy Property and martingale property of the optimal solution sets process are discussed.研究了最优解集过程的平稳性、马氏性以及最优值过程的鞅性和最优解集过程的集值勒性。

31、· a clean hand wants no washing.身正不怕影子斜。

32、But the optimum R/R is 但是最优的风险回报率是

3:1. That is $1030 or 103 pips.


33、South America makes the best value Cabernet Sauvignon in the world, according to Decanter's expert judging panel.根据品醇客专家评选委员会的意见,南美生产的解百纳是全世界最优质的。

34、But, the Danxia Mountain is the largest and the most beautiful and typical of its kind.而丹霞山是世界上这类地貌中面积最大、发育最典型、风景最优美的地区。

35、Granada houses are Spain's best Moorish constructions, the most magnificent of which is the Alhambra.格拉纳达拥有西班牙最优美的摩尔式建筑,其中最壮观的是阿兰布拉宫。

36、It is difficult to obtain the closed-form solutions of optimal navigation law on the basis of an optimal quadratic performance of the optimal control theory.基于最优控制理论二次性能最优的条件下推导最优导引律的解析解通常是困难的。

37、Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋生物最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。

38、· a bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

39、He was the best wizard and she was the best swordsman.他是最优秀的巫师。 她是最优秀的剑客。

40、You are the old customers, so the price is the most favorable考虑到您是我们老客户,我们每吨货最多还可以给您额外优惠500美金。

41、Serving as Count Dooku's most-trusted assassin, Asajj Ventress was a lithe beauty possessing both serpentine grace and lethality.阿萨吉•文崔斯(Asajj Ventress)是杜库伯爵(Count Dooku)最信赖的刺客,她身形轻盈优美,像毒蛇一般融合了优雅的身躯和致命的毒性。

42、May everything fine-looking thed finest be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happlicationiness cheerfulness thed success.愿一切最优美的祝愿都能用这张贺卡表达,真挚地祝你幸运、快乐、获胜!

43、It probably is the most beautiful, elegant, literary English translation that will ever be produced.它可能是最美丽,优雅,书生气的英文译本,将永远不会再有。

44、This is the most wonderful day of my life- because Iwim here with you now.此日是我一世中最优美的一天,由于我目下当今和你在一起。

45、The research object of hydraulic aesthetics is the order structure of mountain, water, and hydraulic building, which is the optimized disposition of shape, light, sound, and color.水工美学的研究对象是山、水、水工建筑物的序结构,是美学四载体形、光、与声、色的最优配置。

46、Their biggest draws?单反最大的优点?

47、But the most impressive feature of the car is what’s given under its sleek skin.它仍然是一部家庭用车,但给人印象最深的是在优美腰身下的内在魅力。

48、· a book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。

49、It's permeated with flower-like fragrance and elegance, you will get some idea of the beauty of flowers' blooming and withering in the music rising and falling.她还以美式音乐最纯净的颜色,她洋溢着花香般的优雅芬芳。你可以领略到盛开与凋零两种美感。

50、The white swan - with its long, graceful neck - is among the most beautiful of birds.白天鹅以其修长而优雅的颈部跻身于最美鸟类的行列。

经典英文句子51:最优美,51、best choice and best discounts 最佳选择,最大优惠

52、Elegantly designed and finished to perfection, this prized Service Apartment is situated in the heart of Johor Bahru.优雅的设计和完美,最珍贵的服务公寓是位于新山的心脏地带。

53、· a clear conscience is a soft pillow.问心无愧,高枕无忧。

54、Lace is always more delicately and beautifully woven when the worker himself is in the dark and only his pattern is in the light.最优美的花边,都是工人坐在黑暗中织成的」。

55、The best style is that of "sailing clouds and flowing water, " like the prose of Su Tungp'o.最优美的文体就是如苏东坡的文体一般的近于“行云流水”。

56、To have a good life, learn that your "signature strengths" are and use those strengths.为要生活美满,就要知道自己最大的优点,并加以运用。

57、By Ann Patchett. One of the most beautiful books, a must-read if you haven’t yet.作者安·帕契特,最优美的小说之一,如果你还没看过就赶紧找一本来看看吧。

58、The optimal consumption and portfolio in a complete market is also considered, and the framework to find the optimal consumption is got.考察了完全市场中的最优消费和最优投资组合问题,给出了求最优消费的理论框架。

59、Under certain conditions, we derive the first order optimal conditions by Fritz-John conditions.用不可微优化理论与方法证明了模型最优解的存在性与一阶最优性条件。

60、That's 20th century thinking at its finest - and narrowest. The 21st century is about changing the world.这已经是属于上个世纪的最优美、同时也是最狭隘的的想法了。

61、with friends at one's side, the life displays all its value.有了朋友,生命才完整。

62、This lovely wine is an elegant and fruity expression of a well done Merlot.这款可人的葡萄酒彰显了最优秀的梅罗特的雅致和对果味的完美表达。

63、One of the foremost rock climbing areas in the world is Yosemite valley, and one of its premiere climbs is the ascent of El Capitan.优胜美地谷是世界上最有名的攀岩圣地之一,其中最大的岩壁就是El Capitan;

64、"Deep-US" unique products, superior performance is the production of aluminum alloy grades in southern China up to the brand.“深美”产品独具特色,性能优越,是华南地区生产铝合金牌号最多的品牌。

65、A prominent landmark around Lincoln, Lincoln Cathedral is one of the finest gothic buildings in Europe.林肯大教堂是林肯郡周围最显眼的一个路标,是欧洲最优美的哥德式建筑之

66、Garden beautiful environment and community 300, the geographical position is superior, the airport expressway, whatever investment or self living is the best choice.花园300平,社区环境优美,地理位置优越,紧临机场高速,无论投资还是自住都是最佳的选择。

67、The best city would necessarily be one that seeks to produce the best or highest type of individual.最优的城邦必然是,寻求孕育,最优或最高等级个体的所在。

68、· a bad beginning makes a bad ending.恶其始者必恶其终。

69、· a bad workman quarrels with his tools.拙匠常怨工具差。

70、It's the fastest, neatest, and most elegant and readable way to put a large string together.那是最快速的,最简洁的并且更优美,更易读的组成一个大字符串的方法。

71、So the arts teacher just appease the "valuable advice" who can do a excellence teacher, he or she can't been a educationalist.所以,我们的美术教师如果仅仅满足于“金口玉言”,最多就是一名优秀美术教师,绝对成不了教育家。

72、Travelocity have a promo code where you can get $10 off a hotel booking (with no minimum spend).任何酒店,均可以获得10美元的优惠减免,无最低消费要求。

73、At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada.最少有xx年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。

74、· a beggar´s purse is bottomless.乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

75、Beauty indications comprehensive solution: According to customer demand, customized beauty solutions to the most optimum combination to create the most value for customers.美容适应症综合解决方案:针对客户需求,量身定制美容解决方案,以最优化组合为客户创造最大价值。

英文句子模板76:The most beautiful,76、This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii.科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋生物最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。

77、The optimum parameters include the optimum frequency spacing, average damping ratio, and tuning frequency ratio.最优参数包括最优频率间隔、最优平均阻尼比和最优调谐频率比。

78、Two optimality functions for above optimal control models arc introduced, and the cquiva-lence between the optimality function and the one-order necessary optimality condition is concluded.定义了最优控制问题的最优性函数,并证明了最优性必要条件与最优性函数的零点等价的结论。

79、· he is really on the ball他真的思路很敏捷


标签: 优美 英文

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