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8 sentences about Beijing。

英文句子模板1:8 sentences about Beijing


1、Market in Beijing has been operating for

8 years, has a retail outlet in Weifang.


2、"Beijing Daily", the topics of "Collection World" and "The treasures of collection" had made the special introduction.

摘 要 介绍了北京市东西电子技术研究所(北京东西分析仪器有限公司)、开发生产的的GC-4400 型便携式光离子化气相色谱仪。

3、Model GC-4400 Photo ionization Gas Chromatograph development by Beijing City East and west Electronic Technology Institute is described in this article .


4、There are 1000 days until the opening of the Beijing Olympics on 08.08.2008.


5、A group of Chinese students explain how they are turning school kitchen waste into organic fertiliser.


6、Percussionists take part in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Beijing on August

8, 2008.

北京中心将主要做“科学为导向工程” ,据中心负责人章臣介绍。

7、The Beijing center will mainly do "science-driven engineering work", according to Zhang Chen, head of the center.



8 West Jiangtai Rd, Lido Hotel 1st Floor.


9、This article introduces the management experience of ward building after architecture in the first Hospital of PekingUniversity.


10、Thus company management decide to close Beijing office for one day on Fri Aug



11、The Goalball competition wrapped up on Day

8 of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.


12、Percussionists hit their Fou drums at the start of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Beijing on August

8, 2008.


13、The company is located in Beijing, Yuquanying Iron Street 6-8.


14、Deadline is

8:00am Beijing time on second day.



15、Seastar: hi, Lynn. do you know what's the theme of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?


16、According to local transportation authorities, Beijing now has over

4.5 million cars that clog and stress traffic conditions.


17、We discovered that Peking poplar trees have P_5 zone more than Daqin-gone at

8 ages when we were seperating peroxidase with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


18、Q: Please brief us on the China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue which is held in Beijing today.


19、Abstact: The 29th Olympics will grandly convenes in August

8, 2008 in Beijing.

昨天,中国举行了xx年北京奥运会倒计时一周年的庆祝活动。 北京奥运会将于北京时间xx年xx月xx日晚8时零8分开幕。

20、On Wednesday, China marked the one-year countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympics which will start

8.08 p.m. local time on the eighth day of the eighth month.

21、Construction of the Practical Teaching System for the Undergraduate Course Hydrology and Water Resources;介绍了北京师范大学水科学研究院在水文学及水资源领域的主要成就与发展进程。

22、Introduction we mainly introduced the social and cultural history, which are relevant to the forming of Beijing speech, including the concise developing history of geography, traffic, population etc.引论。 主要介绍了与北京话的形成发展密切相关的北京社会史和文化史,包括北京的地理交通、建置沿革、人口居民以及北京话的发展简史。

23、But Xiao Xun, head of the Women's and Children's Affairs Di vision under the Beijing Health Bureau, said the city has sufficient obstetrics resources, going on the current birth rate.据北京卫生局妇幼处处长肖珣介绍,按照目前的出生率,北京市并不存在产科资源紧缺的问题。

24、But Xiao Xun, head of the Women's and Children's Affairs Division under the Beijing Health Bureau, said the city has sufficient obstetrics resources, going on the current birth rate.据北京卫生局妇幼处处长肖珣介绍,按照目前的出生率,北京市并不存在产科资源紧缺的问题。

25、The Summer Olympic Games take place in Beijing from 8-24 August.夏季奥林匹克运动会于xx月xx日至xx日北京举行。

英文句子26:,26、Percussionists with their Fou drums stand prior to the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Beijing on August 敲击其缶鼓的立场之前,开幕典礼北京xx年奥运会在北京举行xx年xx月xx日。

8, 2008.

27、He cherishes the memory of those days in Beijing.在我曾经去过为数不多的所有地方中,我怀念北京。

28、The experiences of water saving irrigation and the main irrigation ways in agriculture were introduced.介绍了北京郊区县几种典型节水灌溉方式。

29、The AS revealed in January that Real had reached an agreement to play in Beijing on August 今年xx月西班牙《阿斯报》曾披露,皇马已同意于xx月8北京奥运会两周年之际,前往北京踢友谊赛。

8, 010 - the nd anniversary of the Olympic Games.

30、On the basis of addressing features of Beijing's geothermal resources, this article emphasis was given to the spatial-temporal evolution of geothermal resources exploitation in Beijing.简要介绍了北京地热资源特点,分析了北京地热资源开发的时空演变规律。

31、This is the readout circuit in the time-off light electronics for the Beijing Spectrometer, BES.本文介绍了北京谱仪飞行 时间法电子学中的读出 电路部分。

32、The recycling economy mode of Xiedao Holiday Eco-farm in the suburb of Beijing was investigated.全面介绍并分析了北京蟹岛生态农业度假村的循环经济模式。

33、As Beijing 2008 Olympic Games start on Fri Aug 北京2008奥运会将于本周xx月xx日正式开幕,届时北京市内将有多条道路于不同时段禁行。

8, many roads in Beijing will be forbidden.

34、Model GC-4400 Photo ionization Gas Chromatograph development by Beijing City East and west Electronic Technology Institute is described in this article.介绍了北京市东西电子技术研究所(北京东西分析仪器有限公司)、开发生产的的GC-4400型便携式光离子化气相色谱仪。

35、She grew up in northern China, she says, in a family of Beijing Opera stars.听张冉介绍,她生长于北京的一个戏曲世家。

36、Chapter Three aims at the design and implementation of the Signal Monitoring System at BMCC.第三章介绍了北京移动信令监测系统的设计实现方案;

37、Peking time now is 00:00, Aug. 8th, 2008-------Peking Olympics has come! ------It's a dream we have longed for it for 100 years!现在是北京时间:xx年xx月xx日凌晨零时-------我们企盼已久的北京奥运会终于到来------我们的百年梦!

38、Research progress of chaos optimization algorithm and its application in hydrology and water resources;介绍了北京师范大学水科学研究院在水文学及水资源领域的主要成就与发展进程。

39、I am writing to introduce Li Jing, one of my college classmates in Beijing.我写信是要介绍我在北京时的大学同学李剑。

40、They’re staying for the first two weeks of August.xx月份的头两个星期他们将呆在北京。

41、In the speech, director Zhao is the first director of the Traffic Committee of Beijing Since it has been established.介绍了北京市成立交通委员会后她作为首任交通委主任感觉到北京市的交通,一个突出的问题就是“堵”。

42、Saturday, 星期六晚八点,北京时间。

8 p. m. , China time.

43、Mr. Peng Su, representative of NYSE Euronext giving a speech on European capital market.纽约泛欧交易所北京代表处代表苏鹏先生在会上介绍欧洲资本市场。

44、The AS revealed in January that Real had reached an agreement to play in Beijing on August 今年xx月西班牙《阿斯报》曾披露,皇马已同意于xx月xx日北京奥运会两周年之际,前往北京踢友谊赛。

8, 2010 - the 2nd anniversary of the Olympic Games.

45、Haire overall kitchen Beijing General Manager Zhang Bin introduced that at present Haire sped up the opening a shop speed in Beijing market, north four link shops soon start doing business.海尔整体厨房北京总经理张斌介绍,目前海尔在北京市场加快了开店速度,北四环店即将开业。

46、Below by Beijing Dragon City Hospital expert introduced how the cervix of the uterus cyst is a matter.下面由北京龙城医院专家介绍宫颈囊肿是怎么回事。

47、The commissioning process of the second phase of CAST WWTP in Beijing Economic and Technical Development Zone is introduced.介绍了北京经济技术开发区污水处理厂二期工程的调试过程。

48、The application of whole pressure filtration technology of tailing pulp in the all sliming cyanidation CIP plant of Jingdu Gold Smeltery of Beijing was introduced.介绍了尾矿浆全压滤工艺在北京市京都黄金冶炼厂的全泥氰化炭浆厂中的应用实践。

49、I am writing to introduce Gao Jian, one of my college classmates in Beijing.我写信是要介绍我在北京时的大学同学高建。

50、Q: Could you tell us the arrangement of activities for Foreign Minister Lavrov in Beijing?问:你能否详细介绍一下俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫在北京的活动安排?

经典英文句子51:8句介绍北京,51、The Beijing standard time on August 北京时间xx月xx日,xx年北京奥运会举重比赛在北京航空航天大学体育馆咯开战幕。

9, in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games weightlifting competition opens in the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics stadium.

52、Welcome to BeiJing, now let me introduce Beijng to you.欢送到北京,我来介绍北京给大家。

53、In I have ever been to a few of all the places, I miss Beijing.怀念北京那一席美味的菇宴,记忆里甚至还留著金秋xx月里那时的气味。

54、This is the first day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. The students are introducing themselves to each other. They are going to write about themselves.这是北京阳光中学开学的第一天。学生们正在互相作自我介绍。他们要写自我简介。

55、Established on August 北京奔驰汽车有限公司(简称北京奔驰)是北京汽车集团有限公司与戴姆勒股份公司、戴姆勒东北亚投资有限公司组建的合资企业,于xx年xx月xx日正式成立。

8, 2005, Beijing Benz Automotive Co. , Ltd. (BBAC) is a joint venture founded by BAIC Group, Daimler AG and Daimler North East Asia Ltd.

56、The release comes a few months ahead of the Aug. 8-24 Beijing Olympics.该片会抢在xx月xx日至xx日的北京奥运会前几个月推出。


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