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关于”对舞蹈热爱“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Love of dance.。以下是关于对舞蹈热爱的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Love of dance.


1、Love is the lodestone of life.


2、Fiona and Dom are teachers at a rural school. They share a passion for Latin dance and they're deeply in love. On weekends, they enter dance competitions around the country.


3、One of the hottest trends in dance classes and clubs is that of swing dancing.


4、The dancing was very vigorous.


5、Working at the museum greenhouse recently, I saw a pair of birdwing butterflies engaged in a courtship dance.


6、Objective:To explore clinical characteristics of Sydenham chorea, to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis.


7、Chapter III: The music and dance of 'Campus Guozhuang', which focuses on the relationship between Guozhuang music and dance and described each other separately.


8、Dance and provencal song and sunburnt mirth !


9、I also enjoy travel, going to the beach, learning new languages, eating, dancing, playing chess (both international and Chinese versions), watching funny videos and meeting new people.


10、Learn about hip-hop dance and music in this free choreography video for women over thirty from a dancing instructor.


11、Daning is a vision to sound (music).


12、If you have a blast on the dance floor, an aerobics class that includes dance moves would be a good bet.


13、The waltz originated in Germany from the energetic folk-dances of the country people.


14、Objective To show the clinical features and the results of auxiliary examinations in chorea-acanthocytosis cases.


15、Increase neck flexibility using modern dance neck stretches with tips from a professional dance teacher in this free modern dance video lesson.


16、Learn to warm-up for modern dancing with head and tail connection exercise in this free dance video from a professional dance instructor.


17、Dance sport, including sport, music and dance, is a newly developed sport event.


18、Caigaoqiao especially in the various dance, dragon dance, lion dance, Bohanchuan most famous of these lively dance, skills, modeling the United States, loved by the masses.


19、The audience rose to the dancers.


20、Learn the double hop move for Irish step dancing in this free instructional video on Irish dance.

21、She began a collaboration with Lilian Baylis at the Old Vic theater, teaching movement to the actors and giving ballet performances.莲·贝蕾斯合作,教授舞蹈演员舞蹈动作并上演芭蕾舞剧。

22、Contra Dance studied in this dissertation is a form of dance by pairs of dancers, which involves social function and self-entertainment.本论文所研究的“对舞”,是两人为对的舞蹈形式,是具有社交功能的自娱性舞蹈。

23、Learn the point-hop-toe dance steps in Irish step dancing in this free dance lesson video.学习在爱尔兰踢踏舞点跳脚尖舞在这个自由舞蹈课视频步骤。

24、Come join the fun as we party and cypher all night!加入我们的派对整晚舞蹈吧!

25、This article is to study, comb and explore this very special "Feng" School in an in-depth manner.本论文旨在对花鼓灯舞蹈中独树一帜的“冯派”舞蹈艺术进行比较深入地考察、梳理与探索。

英文句子26:,26、Learn how to add your own variation to the row the boat reggae dance move with expert reggae dancing advice in this free online dance lesson and choreography video clip.了解如何添加自己的变化对排在这个免费的在线舞蹈课和舞蹈视频剪辑船雷鬼雷鬼舞与专家意见舞步。

27、Learn to warm-up for modern dancing with leg extension exercises in this free dance video from a professional dance instructor.学习热身与腿部伸展练习现代跳舞从专业舞蹈老师在这个自由舞蹈录像。

28、But she is also demanding of her models - quite frequently they are women dancers - translating into the photo- graphic image an experience of the dance that is new for both artist and model.但是对她的模特儿也是非常苛求的,尤其是面对女性的舞蹈演员,在将舞蹈的体验转换成摄影图像的过程中,对于艺术家和舞蹈演员都是全新的体验。

29、Her powerful charisma and 30 years of accumulated passionate love for the dance of the Middle East kept influencing each student, and had in fact, unwittingly led us to a whole new realm of dance!她强大的个人魅力以及xx年积淀下来对于中东舞的热爱无时不刻在感染着每一位同学,不知不觉中带领大家提升到一个全新的舞蹈境界!

30、Effective today IDSF will begin to integrate IPDSC Professionals into the IDSF DanceSport Academy as an institute of education for all DanceSport people.今日起,IDSF将开始把 IPDSC专业人员结合进IDSF体育舞蹈学院,使之成为对所有体育舞蹈爱好者的培训机构。

31、Krishna temple. Lots of singing, dancing and blessings. Loved it.讫里什那神寺庙。 许多歌唱,舞蹈和祝福。 爱它。

32、Sydenham chorea (St. Vitus dance) is usually associated with rheumatic fever. It usually occurs Between ages 西德纳姆氏舞蹈病(或圣维杜斯舞蹈病)常常和风湿热有关。本病多累及五~xx岁的女孩。

5 and

15, more often in girls.

33、But she struggled to come all the way to Hollywood with the desire of dancing and acting. Meanwhile she got the chance of acting in a new TV series.但是艾米凭借对舞蹈和表演的热爱,毅然决定向好莱坞进军,同时她也得到了在电视台的新剧饰演主角的机会。

34、Now, china dancing net has made the dancing door of little famous energy of life.现在,中华舞蹈网已经成为小有名气的舞蹈门户。

35、In 2004, a Turkish dance, named "Fire of Anatolia" triggered a pervasive fever for belly dancing in China.xx年,土耳其舞蹈史诗《安纳托利亚之火》在中国激发了一场肚皮舞的热潮。

36、The military band played the national anthems of both countries and some Congolese people performed passionate folk dance.刚果民众表演了热情奔放的民间舞蹈。

37、“I loved dancing, particularly with nice-looking boys, ” she wrote in an earlier memoir.“我热爱舞蹈,尤其是跟帅哥们一起,”她在早前的自传中写道。

38、Bending knees and bouncing in the modern dance hangover stretch increases the warm-up.弯曲的膝盖和在现代舞蹈解酒伸展弹跳增加热身。

39、Get comfortable dancing in a Latin style with a demonstration from a professional dancer in this free video on Mambo dance lessons.在这个自由获取视频曼波舞蹈课舒适的具有示范拉丁风格的舞蹈中,从一个专业舞蹈演员。

40、This is, of course, a delicate dance for Yahoo.当然,这对雅虎来说是纤弱的舞蹈。

41、Objective : To explore clinical characteristics of chorea , to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis.目的:分析小舞蹈病的临床特点, 以提高对小舞蹈病的认识,减少临床误诊。

42、Learn a variation on the 'give them a run' reggae dance move with expert reggae dancing advice in this free online dance lesson and choreography video clip.对变化的了解,给他们一个运行'雷鬼雷鬼舞与专家建议,在这个免费的在线舞蹈课舞步和舞蹈视频剪辑。

43、For the moment, the dance which is in progress is a quadrille.目前,该舞蹈是在建的是一个四对舞。

44、Group dance:The dance of the Xijia people is going to big scale, and luckily there is no commercial component at the present time.集体舞蹈》石板寨西家人的舞蹈相对规模化,暂时还没有商业味道!

45、Mark was torn between his interest in sociology and his strong love for music and dance.马克既对社会学感兴趣,又酷爱音乐舞蹈,他很难做出选择。

46、"Besame Mucho" and "Dancing in the Dark" are sultry romances wafted on light Latin beats.“和”黑暗中的舞蹈“拉丁节奏的轻飘荡闷热的恋情。

47、Learn how to do reverse waves in hip hop dance warm-ups from a professional instructor in this free dance video.了解如何从一个专业教练反向波的街舞热身在这个自由舞蹈录像。

48、Learn the basic side steps for men for dancing the cha-cha in this free video dance lesson for beginners.为了解在这个自由的舞蹈视频舞蹈课对初学者恰恰男子基本方的步骤。

49、The dancing is very vigorous.舞蹈很刚健。

50、Therefore, the choreographies of Chinese ethnic and folk dance become a very important object of contemporary Chinese culture study.因此,中国民族民间舞蹈创作成为当代中国舞蹈文化研究中的重要对象。

经典英文句子51:对舞蹈热爱,51、The meal was follow by elaborate performances including a lion dance, violin recital, Chinese orchestra, taiko drums, Chinese cultural dance, dragon dance, and more.接著精彩热闹的表演节目——舞狮、小提琴、中国国乐、太鼓、中国民族舞蹈、舞龙等随即展开。

52、Learn the basic side steps for ladies for dancing the cha-cha in this free video dance lesson for beginners.学习为基本方女士在这个自由的舞蹈视频舞蹈课对初学者恰恰步骤。

53、But ever since I was young, I loved singing and dancing, and then I was admitted into a dance academy.不过,我从小就热爱唱歌和跳舞,后来也进了舞蹈学院。

54、The music. The dance.这音乐。这舞蹈。

55、What are our stage shows about?热爱梦妮嘉的舞台秀!

56、Familiar songs always accompany dances, forming collective dance and praising unity of various nationalities, love for hometown and joint creation of beautiful future life.熟悉的歌曲,伴随舞蹈的始末,改编成集体舞,歌颂了各民族的团结和对家乡的热爱,携手共建未来幸福的生活。

57、Julia loves to dance, and she loves her team. But she's not sure if she can overcome her stage fright and dance well.茱丽雅很喜欢跳舞和热爱她的舞蹈队,但她无法确定她是否能克服演出怯场而跳好舞。

58、The final section uses all 最后一节14个舞蹈演员全部登场,舞蹈的节奏也变快了。

14 dancers and becomes much faster in pace.

59、In such a wide variety of Dai dances, the Peacock Dance is one of the most beloved and most familiar one with the biggest changing and extending rate.在种类繁多的傣族舞蹈中,《 孔雀舞》是人们最喜爱、最熟悉,也是变化和发展幅度最大的舞蹈之

60、A combine of ballroom dance, ethnic dance and aerobics Dance.结合社交舞,民族舞和有痒舞蹈。

61、The Indian dance Bharatanatyam also places special importance on the costumes of the dancers.印度舞蹈Bharatanatyam也对服饰的舞者的特殊重要性。

62、In 2004, a Turkish dance, named "Fire of Anatolia" triggered a pervasive fever for belly dancing in China.xx年,土耳其舞蹈史诗《安纳托利亚之火》在中国激发了一场肚皮舞的热潮。

63、Sue and Lily have both taken dancing lessons. They want to be famous dancers, I think.苏和莉莉都选了舞蹈课,我想她们都想当舞蹈家。

64、Beijin Academy for Dance.北京舞蹈学院。

65、The dancer whirled across the stage.这位舞蹈演员会重返舞台吗?

66、What does dancing mean to Luca & Loraine?舞蹈对你们来说意味着什么呢?

67、Growing up in England along with her younger brother James, Thandie was originally passionate about dance.詹 姆斯一起在英格兰长大,她从小就热衷于舞蹈。

68、Spanish dancing is very passionate and untrammeled. I really like it.西班牙的舞蹈热情奔放,我很喜欢。

69、A lively dance, originating in France in the18th century, having varied, intricate patterns and steps.舞蹈一种快活的舞蹈,源于18世纪法国,具有变化的、。

70、Both on and off stage, team members win the hearts of people around the world as they communicate enthusiasm, love and friendship.台上台下,舞蹈队员热情洋溢,充满友爱,博得世界各地人民的喜爱。

71、Kathak dance is the national dance of Pakistan and remains popular in South Asia.卡萨克舞蹈是巴基斯坦民族舞蹈,并一直在南亚流行。

72、Julia: Yes. I think I should quit the team.茱丽雅:对。我想,我应该离开舞蹈队。

73、From these 在十几年的艺术实践中,积累了丰富的舞蹈素材,舞蹈作品,舞台经验和教学经验。擅长芭蕾舞,现代舞,由其是对不同风格的东方民族民间舞蹈,有着深入的研究。

10 years of artistic practice, Pan Dan has accumulated a wealth of stage, choreographic and teaching experience in Ballet, modern and a special concentration in many Oriental folk dances.

74、I absolutely love dancing.我绝对是个舞蹈迷。

75、Learn the fifth position break move for dancing the cha-cha in this free video dance lesson for beginners.第五位学习在这个自由的舞蹈视频舞蹈课对初学者恰恰打破移动。

英文句子模板76:Love of dance.,76、Lets show our warmest welcome to the dance crew from Debbie Allen's Dance Academy.让我们向来自Debbie Allen 舞蹈学院的舞者们表示最热忱的欢迎。

77、Make proper outside turns with help from a professional dance instructor in this free video on Bachata dance.在这对Bachata的舞蹈免费视频适当的帮助从专业的舞蹈老师轮流外。


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