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关于”充满希望“的英语句子44个,句子主体:full of hope。以下是关于充满希望的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:full of hope


1、may your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.


2、Happy people are hope-filled.


3、humbler, but still, just about, hopeful.


4、You will start to see more possibilites in your everyday life.


5、Maria and I want your life to be filled with both.


6、My sunlight, because I be full of to the future fine hope.


7、May every day of you life bring you fresh hopes for tomorrow_because hopes give us all our reason for trying.


8、There was a time when every moment was infused with hope and wonder.


9、The road is continuing here, in future be filled with bright with hope.


10、It includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair.


11、Full of hope inspired dream day big guy.


12、Ann: I don’t think so. I think it’s hopeful, and the baby is the hope.


13、Their professional life in 2011 will start promisingly.


14、Smile is in the hearts of the Yi Shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope.


15、This is a young and intercross subject, full of youthful spirit and expectation .

May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles 希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。



17、The whole town are all agog with expectation.


18、"Then I pray to God that you are lying", his wife said hopefully.


19、Qixi a is a lifeful pl a ce, full of hope.


20、It is a world of scalpels and syringes, of radiation and medicines that inflict misery and inspire hope.

21、The kindness of Mrs. Jones filled the boy with hope and gratitude.琼丝太太的善良使男孩心里充满了希望和感激。

22、Indonesia is a big developing country full of vigor and promise.印尼是一个朝气蓬勃、充满希望的发展中大国。

23、Wish LuChen's miracle could send you a surprising festival!希望刘谦的奇迹可以送给你一个充满惊喜的妇女节!

24、We are a people of improbable hope.我们是一个充满希望的民族。

25、And like, a lot of his art is just very like... it's hopeful.他的很多作品就非常……充满希望。

英文句子26:,26、To a farmer, though, this is a sight full of great promise.而对于一位耕耘者,这却是充满希望的一幕。

27、Do not prophesy evil, but good. Men of hope come to be fornt.心里充满希望的人总能走在前面。

28、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

29、They are the source of happiness, love in return hope and love to hope that the wings, so that heart forever vibrant.它们是幸福之源,爱换来希望,爱让希望插上翅膀,使内心永远充满活力。

30、Qinzhou is a hopeful and dynamic development of open land.秦州是一片充满希望与活力的开放开发热土。

31、 May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles 希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

32、Young people are always brimful of new ideas and hope.年轻人总是充满新思想和希望。

33、A wellprepared mind hopes in adversity and fears in prosperity 有充分准备的人,在逆境中充满希望,在顺境中不忘担忧。

34、I hope the students: a civilized, studious, independent, co-operation.你们能够茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美好与希望。 希望同学们:文明、好学、自主、合作。

35、Today's qingyuan is full of business opportunity and hope.现在的清远充满了商机和希望。

36、I wish this world filled with love and happiness.嗯,我希望这个世界充满了爱和幸福。

37、I recover some hope," he says.我又充满了希望,他说到。

38、On the contrary, he is very courageous and hopeful and aspires for something good in the future.恰恰相反,他勇气十足并充满希望,他对未来的美好满怀热望。

39、For Amalia and Willie, life must have seemed to be bursting with promise.对于阿玛利亚和威利来说,生活充满了希望。

40、It's a beautiful scence, full of hope and promise.这一幕是那么美丽,充满了希望。

41、As Akala knew the prospect of Xinjiang Aviation would depend on the younger generation of Kaxia-a name rich in poetic flavor and hope.“卡霞”一个多么充满诗意、多么充满希望的名字,因为老阿卡拉知道未来民航的希望在他们的身上。

42、But Comolli wants the club's brightest prospects nailed down to Liverpool.但是科莫利希望留下这位充满希望的利物浦本土球员。

43、Talk to your family about this —how can we find ways to be hopeful, thankful, cooperative?与你的家人讨论——我们怎样做才能充满希望、充满感激、相亲相爱?

44、We want you to build lives of hope and peace.我们希望你们建设充满希望与和平的生活。

45、You wii always be the only for me. 因为有你,我的生命充满了希望。

46、The attendant should make the patient happy and hopeful.探视病人应使患者充满希望和快乐。

47、I hope your Sunday is fun and filled with happiness!我希望您的星期天是乐趣和填装充满幸福!

48、He desisted of the future.他们对前途充满希望。

49、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracle.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

50、The years ahead hummed and glowed with promise.未来的岁月充满生机,闪烁着希望的光辉。

经典英文句子51:充满希望,51、My life is fulled with hope because of you.有你,我的生命充满了希望。

52、I'm just desperate to play on Saturday, I hope I'll play and I'm looking forward to the new season.我非常渴望能打周六的比赛,我希望能上场并且对新赛季充满希望。



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