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关于”主谓宾句式“的英语句子44个,句子主体:subject-predicate-object sentence。以下是关于主谓宾句式的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:subject-predicate-object sentence


1、The subject with non-empty and the predicate with non-entire will limit the pattern that can portray all traditional inference.


2、In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula.


3、The classification with ⑻ formulary predication.


4、It, therefore, proposes that colleges, enterprises and governments take specific steps to push forward the implementation of work-and-study integration.


5、In Part Three, the author aims to discuss the musical characteristics from such perspectives as melody, musical form and scale.


6、The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.


7、Now Shanghai's transportation turned the stereometric formula from the plane formula.


8、He preceded his speech with a few words of welcome to the special guests.


9、So the 80s'conception is the feint and the cultural opportunistic.


10、But what is the Chinese model?


11、Her main activities have become

11)bingo , movies, and other forms of group entertainment.


12、In other words, if you're in capitalism, you might get lulled into thinking that no other mode of production is available.


13、In an affirmative statement with one verb, the direct object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb.


14、Figure of equivalence of ⑼ predicative logic and toe-int model type.


15、So this is a so-called format string.


16、How can the recent access to such living environment be a pattern of subjectification in Foucault's sense?


17、This article is a survey of the research on the development of the double object sentence , and it also points out the focus of disagreement and some questions still remaining unsolved well.


18、What is called the contradiction of Jugou Qingzhe does not exist.


19、Lexical cohesion, cohesion of sentence pattern, cohesion of rhetoric figure and parataxis cohesion are the main cohesive device of Chinese discourse.


20、The so-called transposition thinking, but a better mode.

21、Chiefly residential with a textile industry, it was the official capital of the Philippines from 1948 to 1976. Population, 主要为拥有纺织工业的住宅区,从xx年至xx年是菲律宾的正式首都。


22、In writing, words must have formal representation, called orthography .以书面形式,必须有正式的话代表性,所谓正字法。

23、See, it is nothing but the good-old chain rule.这就是所谓的“链式法则”

24、What is the usage of the object forms of pronouns?代词为宾格形式时,有哪些用法?

25、Therefore these so-called friends are only the past tenses.所以那些所谓的朋友只是过去式。

英文句子26:,26、At the plenary party, the host and main guest also act with due care and respect earth to announce a specialized to wish an alcoholic verba.在正式的宴会上,主人与主宾还会郑重其事地发表一篇专门的祝酒词。

27、A legitimate expression of the predicate calculus. That is, it is acceptable under the predicate calculus' syntax.一个合法的谓词演算表达式,即谓词演算语法所允许的公式。

28、So-called marketsocialism envisages a future in which the means of production would be sociallyowned, but where self-governing cooperatives would compete with one another inthe marketplace.∂所谓的市场社会主义面对的未来是,生产方式归社会所有,但是自主经营的合作社将在市场环境中互相竞争。

29、Non-local equality predicates in any of the subterms任一子项内的非本地等式谓词

30、Distinguished guests from New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honored and pleased to be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests.尊敬的新西兰贵宾,女士们、先生们,我能在此为新西兰贵宾主持隆重的欢迎仪式深感荣幸和愉快。

31、Representatives ofm marketing is the network marketing.米式营销可谓是网络营销的代表者。

32、Pattern starting with "%" in LIKE predicate.在LIKE谓词中以“%”开始的模式

33、Corporate representatives can attend major PR events such as tee-off, Pro-Am and welcome Gala dinner as special invited guests or guests of honor.企业代表作为冠军赛嘉宾或颁奖嘉宾出席赛事主要公关活动,如开球仪式、配对赛和欢迎晚宴等。

34、To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.用一句陈腐的话说,他在这里可谓“得其所哉”。

35、AIG’s so-called long-term performance units will be settled in cash, the firm said in May.xx月份,AIG曾表示,公司所谓的“长期表现部门”主要是以现金的方式来兑现。

36、The award rounds off a turbulent year for Miss Bruni.对布吕尼来说,获此殊荣可谓给今年的流年不利“画上了圆满的句号”。

37、Robyn Curnow has a look at the end of the Blaine saga.鲁宾•克劳将带我们去看看布莱恩如何为他的这一传奇划上句号。

38、Witnessed by Mr Tsang Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs(R2), the officiating guests complete the "Safe Community" signing ceremony.主礼嘉宾在民政事务局局长曾德成(右


39、These triples together comprise what is known as a graph pattern.这些三元模式共同构成了所谓的图形模式。

40、The outside form manifests itself through the visible exterior form of the interrogative pronouns.所谓语表形式是指疑问代词显露外在的可见形式。

41、Herbert Spencer had already incorporated Lamarckism into his popular philosophy of progressive free market human society.赫伯特•斯宾塞曾将他的受到众人欢迎的渐进自由市场式人类社会哲学与拉马克主义相结合。

42、All guests are requested to dress formally.每位宾客皆须穿著正式服装。

43、Besides showing off his new tablet, the talk was kept mostly to phones.除了炫耀自己的新式平板电脑外,鲁宾讨论的主题还是紧紧围绕手机。

44、Baur's Tubingen school of Protestantism eventually turned out to be an extreme form of anti-supernaturalism.鲍尔在图宾根的新教学校最终被证明是反超自然主义的某种极端形式。

45、At the News of the World, as editor, she also engaged in so-called campaign journalism, touting populist causes to attract readers.在《世界新闻报》任主编时,布鲁克斯还参与了所谓的“运动式新闻”,走民粹主义的路线来吸引读者。

46、It is recommended that nursing scientists pursue Rubin's nursing care model as a research model.护理科学家应继续卢宾的「护理照顾模式即研究模式」。

47、In one social entrepreneurship-focused course, guest speakers would make weekly appearances to discuss their for-profit business models. Mr.在一门以社会公益创业为主的课上,学院每周邀请嘉宾来和学生们讨论盈利性业务模式。

48、At 晚上七点钟,联欢会正式开始,首先女主持人潘征为我们介绍了晚会的特别来宾,俱乐部指导老师沈涛老师以及随同沈老师到来的一位女嘉宾。

7 o 'clock, the get - together began on time. First of all, the girl- emcee introduced the especial guest Songtao, the guilding teacher of MSTC club, and his woman guest.

49、Yibin Jinsha River large bridge is the midheight-deck reinforced concrete arched bridge. It's span is the largest of this type of bridges in the world.宜宾金沙江大桥是中承式钢筋混凝土拱桥,主拱跨度在这种桥型中居世界之首。

50、Namely, that if we have introduced jouissance, it is in the logical mode of what Aristotle calls an ousia, a substance.换句话说,假如我们已经介绍了「欢爽」,那是以亚里斯多德所谓的「物质」在逻辑上的模式。

经典英文句子51:主谓宾句式,51、The formula in question is the so-called Gaussian copula function.话题的公式是所谓的高斯相关函数。

52、I remember the scene there was a female honored guest got together with an male honored guest at last, but the man asked her:would you accept the naked wedding?记得有一场,有一位女嘉宾最后愿意跟男嘉宾走,可是男嘉宾问了一句:请问你接受裸婚吗?

53、Guiding by theory of "Three Level", this thesis chooses the non-subject-predicate sentence "Zhe NP"as our study object , mainly studies its pragmatic functions .本文在“三个平面”理论的指导下,以“这NP”的非主谓句形式为研究对象,重点对其语用功能进行了考察。

54、Chinese appellations vary in their origin and formation with different attitudes and feelings they express.汉语称谓词来源和构成形式多种多样,不同的称谓词可以表现不同的态度和感情。

55、It is the host's responsibility to serve the guests, and at very formal banquets people do not begin to eat until the host has served a portion to the principal guest.主人有责任招待好客人。 在非常正式的宴会场合,主人为来宾中的首导夹菜之前,其他人是不能开始用餐的。

56、Sometimes, male host for professing for esteeming highly guest, amity, also visit relatives from pour wine for it.它具体所指的是,在正式宴会上,由男主人向来宾提议,为了某种事由而饮酒。

57、The cultural knowledge introduced should be concise and immediately relevant to the phrases under consideration, and should not overwhelm the language instruction proper.有关中国文化知识的介绍,要简明,详略得当,与所讲解的字词句要紧密联系,不能喧宾夺主,冲淡了语言教学。

58、This is known as “spear-phishing”.这就是所谓“鱼叉式钓鱼”。

59、The reason which leads to the asymmetry is that these nouns experienced changes from predicate-object verbal phrase to predicate-object compound noun in their construction process.原因在于其在形成过程中经历了由“述宾式动词词组”到“述宾式复合名词”的演变。

60、It concretely what to point BE, at the formal party, from male host usually guest overture, the by way of a certain origin of matter but drink alcohol.它具体所指的是,在正式宴会上,由男主人向来宾提议,为了某种事由而饮酒。

61、It relies on so-called "passphrases, " which are longer but much easier to remember.它依靠所谓的“口令句”,更长一些,但是记起来要容易得多。

62、The main products include ceramic-star hotel with hotels, gift porcelain, Chinese and Western dishes, tea and coffee equipment and so on.公司产品主要包括星级酒店宾馆用瓷、礼品瓷、中西式餐具、茶具及咖啡具等。



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