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关于”描写家乡“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Description of Hometown。以下是关于描写家乡的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Description of Hometown


1、catch the world when you catch the centre of the world。


2、Chen Zhanmin s novels feature records of hardship to narrate the village life with meditations to show the villagers optimism not without some sort of helplessness.


3、King is still home to the countryside.


4、The author concludes: this book is an affectionate portraiture of Hardy's hometown and its people.


5、Qiu Xiaofei's depicts these reading primers according to their original proportions but with a technique that is situated between realistic and freehand rendering.


6、The homeland and wilderness, "the myth and the trap", the native place and the foreign land interweave and penetrate mutually, then they construct the dream city together.


7、Country roads, take me home.


8、Folks buy Papa's furniture.


9、Village life is portrayed as sequestered in a bygone age, with farmers trailing water buffalo through postage-stamp paddies and rural labourers trudging home in the twilight from Dickensian factories.


10、COL:How do you describe China to your home country friends and family?


11、Rizhao is exactly his hometown.


12、Morison's portrayal of the MacTeers tells us that the black people are possible to have a happy life.


13、In the Odyssey, Odysseus returns home to Ithaca

10 years after the Fall of Troy. He is the legitimate king, but his wife's suitors want his kingdom and his death.


14、The novel describes a vivi(d) pi(c)ture of life in a village.


15、The author has made some research about the collecting of materials of local history, the principles to compile the local history textbook, and the compiling electric local history textbook.


16、My hometown in Guizhou Zunyi. Northern winter home is not so cold, and no snow goose feather.


17、Strange rural atmosphere, rustic kind of rural people is the focus of its description, and as social development, rural areas and farmers, the world changes in ideas also has displayed her work.


18、Faulkner wrote mostly about his hometown of Oxford, in Lafayette County. Miss..


19、The modern countryside novel possesses a very long tradition, describes to those custom habits and social actuality, including the reminiscent subject with strong soil taste and region characteristic.


20、Bailu plain is a novel which describes and unfolds the Confucious culture from the frontage through various aspects.

21、The contrastive description soon helped him to form the style, which not only embodied writer's adherence to agrestic civilization, but also the transition of angle to view the society change.对城、乡的对比描写很快奠定了其创作的早期风格,这既是在转型时代固守乡土文明的体现,也是现代社会进程带来的原初视角的转换。

22、Hometown: Yenan. what does like?家乡:延安喜欢什么?

23、Writes John Bradshaw in his bestseller Home Coming: “All these feelings need to be felt.约翰.布拉德肖在他的畅销书《回家》中写道:“所有归乡之情需要表现出来。

24、Yes, own home is quite poor family.是的,本乡家是相当贫穷的家庭。

25、Eg. Country road, take me home.乡村之路,带我回家。

英文句子26:,26、Obtuse! Is it deliberate? The country club will have his old time cards! W-2s with his name on them!迟钝!你是故意的吧!那家乡村俱乐部会存有他的考勤卡!写着他的名字的税单!

27、Edmundo Vasquez wrote the piece Auzielle for guitar in a time he was homesick.当爱德穆都想起家乡的时候,他写下这首为吉他而作的作品。

28、Certainly it inspired New England's best writer in the genre , Jellett.这些作品肯定给了朱厄特不少灵感,朱厄特是描写新英格兰地方色彩最好的作家。

29、Based on the materials obtained from field-work this dissertation makes a study on the cultural interaction between two linked villages in southern Jiangxi in different periods.论文在田野作业获得的材料上,运用民族志的描写方法,研究一个赣南客家乡镇两个相邻村落在不同历史时期的文化互动。

30、过了好一会儿,我才记起我不是荷花,我是在看荷花呢. After a good while, I remember I am not a lotus, I look at this lotus.

31、Description of the novel the main town on the frontier fortress of emotional chores between men and women, with strong regional and local flavor.小说首要描写了边塞小镇上男女之间的感情琐事,具有浓烈的地区与乡土头土脑息。

32、The Huang family went to the countryside for vacation.黄家一家人去乡下渡假。

33、I worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska, I started a carpet cleaning company and now have four carpet cleaning companies, and I love to write.接着在家乡创建了地毯保洁公司,现在已经发展了四家连锁公司。 平时我还爱好写作。

34、It’s called Luliang. It’s my hometown.叫陆良。是我的家乡。

35、Country road, take me home.乡村路带我回家。

36、What"s his native language?"他的家乡话是什么?

37、My family native place being also Mencius in Zou Cheng , we are fellow- townsman . Write some right away his English well-known saying.我家在邹城,也是孟子的老家,我们是老乡。就写些他的英语名言。

38、Take me home country roads.乡村路带我回家。

39、Besides, the author displayed his education viewpoint by the description of the declined official clan.并通过对缙绅家族沦落后的描写表现出了自己的教育意旨。

40、But the natives liked Bob.但是家乡人喜欢鲍勃。

41、My hometown is in Shandong province.我的家乡在山东

42、Other critics use the word tension to describe the opposition or conflicts operating within the text.其他批评家使用“张力”这个词来描写文本内部的各种对立性或冲突。

43、Home exists only in rural areas.家,只存在于乡村。

44、My hometown is in ningxiang, here beautiful, and the product is rich.我的家乡在宁乡,这里人杰地灵,物产丰富。

45、Country Mouse:Inom going bair conditioningk.乡下老鼠:我要回家了。

46、Rousseau is describing the experience of floating in a little rowing boat on the Lake of Bienne close to Neuchâtel in his native Switzerland.在书中,他描述了在家乡瑞士纽沙特其附近的比尔湖泛舟时的飘浮之感。

47、Step2 Show the pictures of new Xiajin.展示图片,引导学生用英语描绘家乡。

48、Many of the country people could neither read nor write.(当时)许多乡里人不识字,也不会写字。

49、The sprightly, lifelong Chicagoan grandmother apparently left her home city "kicking and screaming", according to one relative.根据一位亲属的描述,这位精力充沛而长寿的芝加哥祖母明显是“大声抱怨”着离开她家乡的城市的。

50、He finds his hometown greatly changed .他非常眷念家乡。

经典英文句子51:描写家乡,51、Yes, I was indeed “rotated” in the way it happens in the story.是的,我确实像小说中描述的那样“下过乡”。

52、Xiangxi is a regional land that was repeatedly written by many writers in the 20th century Chinese literature.在20世纪的中国文学中,湘西是一个被众多作家一再书写到的地域性乡土。

53、Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.莎士比亚对英国乡村生活的了解也是极为明显的。他的作品描绘了深山老林,描绘了乡村的鲜花以及农夫古老而流行的传统。

54、Ben Ben who his horse grass.人奔家乡马奔草。

55、In 1905, after years of living in Paris, Atlantic author Alvan Sanborn came home to a New York City that was, he wrote, "a wilderness of sprawling ugliness.xx年,在巴黎生活数年之后,《大西洋月刊》的一名撰稿人阿尔万·桑伯恩回到家乡。 他是这样描写纽约城的,“这是一个丑陋丛生的荒蛮之地。”

56、Describe your hometown, and tell your group 描述你的家乡,告诉你的小组成员,你喜欢的你家乡的三件事情和三个你不喜欢的。

3 things you like about your hometown and three things you don't like about it.

57、Early stars like Jimmy Rodger, known as "The Father of Country Music", and the Carter Family established its strong traditions - good song-writing, singing and playing.早期的歌星诸如号称为“乡村音乐之父”的吉米·罗杰以及卡特家族为乡村音乐奠定了牢固的传统——即一流的写歌、演唱、弹奏水平。

58、Starting from the mistake idea of female literature of 20th century, this article discusses on Wang Anyi, Fang Fang, Chi Zijian's works about country women since new century.本文从20世纪女性文学的误区入手,通过与男作家笔下的乡村女性作比较,论述了新世纪以来王安忆、方方、迟子建三位女作家描写乡村女性的作品。

59、Critics have also praised a book about current wars called "The Forever War" by Dexter Filkins.批评家们也赞扬了 Dexter Filkins的描写现代战争的永远的战争。

60、This novel describes the ups and downs of a big family during china's 1920's and 1930's.这本小说描写了20世纪xx年代中国一个大家族的兴衰沉浮。

61、Poet Du Fu (about 755 AD) after learning that his son was a victim of the famine in his village in western China.诗人杜甫(约公元xx年)获知儿子在位于西部的家乡死于饥荒后写下的。

62、A range of individuals eagerly took to the road, writing extensively about their journeys and returning home with elaborate accounts.一群人热诚地踏上旅途,对他们的旅行进行了长篇累牍的描写,并将详尽记述带回故乡。

63、The portrait of country life represented what those from the countryside hungered for.这些乡村生活的描绘正是那些来自乡村的人们所渴望的。

64、The depiction of banquet scenes contain the vicissitudes of the dynasty and a history of noble family.这些酒宴描写暗伏着家族的盛衰史,隐约透露出王朝兴亡的信息;

65、As a writer famous for depiction of wars, Astafiev is also a veteran who abhorred wars.阿斯塔菲耶夫是位擅长描写战争的作家,同时也是个痛恨战争的老兵。

66、Belle plain is a novel which describes and unfolds the Confucious culture from the frontage through various aspects.《白鹿原》是从正面描写儒家文化的力作,小说通过各方面展现儒家文化。

67、There is my beloved hometown.这就是我深爱的家乡。


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