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关于”一般将来时“的英语句子47个,句子主体:general future tense。以下是关于一般将来时的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:general future tense

一般来说,这样遍历的一组 ProtectionDomain 将包含 <=n个元素。

1、In general, the set of ProtectionDomains thus traversed will contain <=n elements.


2、When you've relaxed your feet, visualize all the tension in your body leaving through your toes as dark smoke.


3、She became deathly quiet.


4、In general, they should work on exercising their Sensing in a truly Extraverted sense.


5、Generally, it is possible to assign all recognisable properties to a variable.


6、Generally speaking, people reach their lowest between the ages of about 40 and 55.


7、Web CureNet! that will be released in the nearest future", general-director of Doctor Web, Boris Sharov commented."


8、In general, you should define any time-intensive or long-running tasks as installation tasks.


9、Generally speaking, the province’s climate is the best between May and October.


10、novel and keep it going, however, her net friends always gave support to her, encouraging her to work on, thus, the story was uncoiled slowly like

一般情况下,您将创建一个 JPanel 来包含应用程序的 UI 元素,然后将该面板添加到 JFrame。

11、Typically, you would create a JPanel to contain your application's UI elements, then add this panel to a JFrame.


12、Typically, evaluators need only spend about 30 minutes to provide their severity ratings.


13、Shewould only only makeen reviewing her lessons for this short while when her little sister interrupted her.


14、Cutting flat-rolled stainless steel into desired length normcome to best friend shipped flat-sthvacked.


15、Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.


16、An hour later, jack rushed out with her in his arms.


17、A hundred years is youth in a church and age in a house.


18、Courts do not have time to haul in the millions of ordinary users who pilfer copyright material online.


19、The company otherwise relies on resellers to get its products into the market.


20、Even then, conditions in a Martian greenhouse would be beyond what ordinary plants could stand.

21、Ajami argues that such a crisis will put the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a reputation of looking out for the common man, to the ultimate test.阿贾米说,这类危机发生时,将使向来以照顾一般大众为号召的兄弟会,接受最严峻的考验。

22、Immediately like thunder applause rang.掌声顿时如雷般响了起来。

23、The term PCM is used when path control modules are being discussed generically.一般来说,对路径控制模块进行讨论时,使用的是 PCM 一词。

24、The moon had freed herself above the poplars. and poured her unreality on the garden.月亮已经从白杨树中挣脱出来,将一座花园照得象幻境一般。

25、These platforms measure availability in months-to-years of scheduled uptime.这些平台的正常运行时间一般都是以月和年来度量的。

英文句子26:,26、It takes on average two years to study.一般人平均需要花上两年的时间才能将它学完。

27、This list defines the new element, mapping it back to the more general element—for instance, mapping taskbody back to the more generic body.该列表定义新元素,将它映射回更一般的元素 — 例如,将 taskbody 映射回更一般的 body。

28、Generally speaking, it takes more than one month to finish an embroidery product through over 一般而言,刺秀一件成品需十来道工序,耗时一个月之多。

10 processes.

29、It's more a place than a time, attainable by the futuristic bullet trains Wong renders in Matrix-like CGI.与其说是时间不如说是一个地点,在王家卫营造出来的《骇客帝国》般的场景里,一列未来的高速列车将开往那里。

30、In some cases, sudden cardiac twitch, and the kind of pain I felt as if about to leave the general.有些时候,心脏会突然抽搐起来,那种疼痛感,令我觉得,自己好像即将离去一般。

31、Coolroom panel is generally constructed from pre-finished steel glue bonded to steam expanded polystyrene foam.制冷舱板一般是通过将半成品钢粘合起来,以将水蒸气扩散至聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。

32、A typical yield is just one gram (0.04 ounces) for every 24 hours of work.一般来说,连续工作24个小时,每天产一克(0.04盎司)。

33、Young people ShouSui, is to prolong life of parents. 自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。

34、On their return, they would be hailed as heroes and their parents would be guaranteed entry into heaven.他们胜利归来的时候,将受到英雄般的欢迎,他们的父母也保证能进天堂。

35、Roosters are usually given a break of at least an hour before taking on another opponent.一般来说,斗鸡在两场比赛之间有至少一小时的休息时间。

36、In general, setting a property on a component automatically calls the appropriate invalidation method.一般而言,在组件上设置属性时将自动调用适当的失效方法。

37、A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest."虽然,那些鲜活而生动的记忆来自我生命的最初时光,但是,“牢房一般的阴暗将伴随着我的余生”。

38、Generally speaking, people reach their lowest levels between the ages of about 40 and 55.一般来说,在xx岁之xx岁之间,人们的幸福感将达到最低点。

39、North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered.目前,石油公司在开采石油时,一般将天然气重新注入地下以备将来使用。

40、Finished, God will disappear, as it first got here in general.?说完,上帝就消失了,正如它刚来时一般。

41、How long does it take for a typical filming day for Rise of the Tomb Raider?一般来说每天拍摄古墓丽影会花多长时间?

42、I know how it willhappen. I can picture, quite vividly,the sequence of events that will lead tothe discovery.我知道事情将会怎样发展。我能想象到未来将发生的一系列事件,清晰地如同正在眼前发生一般。

43、She sat down wearily , tucking one foot under her, and her heart swelled up with misery, until it felt too large for her bosom.她疲惫地坐下,将一条腿盘起来,这时心脏难受得发胀,好像快要从胸膛里爆出来一般似的。

44、We will be swimming in a crystal blue sea in two weeks time.将来两周时间,我们会畅游在水晶般蓝色的海洋中。

45、I feel revived and energetic for another week's work-load.如此一来,我将有如再生般的充沛活力,去面对下一星期的工作量。

46、They lifted me up and threw me out like a rag doll.他们将我举起,把我像布娃娃般扔出来。

47、Most of the time I keep the longer cord attached to my power adapter, but sometimes I like (or need) to have it set up in the more compact form.平时一般都将电源线插在电源适配器,但是有时候我需要多腾出来一点空间。

48、Q: How long does it usually take for global policy changes to permeate to action at community level?问:一般来讲,从全球政策转变到将其渗透到社区层面的行动中需要多长时间?

49、Normally, bronchial breath sounds are sometimes heard over the manubrium .一般来讲,支气管的呼吸声有时能在柄状体处被听到。

50、In general, simultaneous functions such as this one are preferable.一般来说,象这样的同时的函数更可取。

经典英文句子51:一般将来时,51、In general, a collector will display some information or questions in the top-right area of the panel.一般来说,收集器将在面板的右上区域显示一些信息或问题。

52、Use timed profile activation for a movie time and Handy Profiles will activate General profile, when the movie ends.使用定时活化为一部电影的时间和掌上型剖面将启动一般概况,当电影结束。

53、In general, there are two complementary ways to compare two sequences.一般来说,比较两个序列时还有两种互补的方法。

54、"It's an extraordinary moment of realisation for many women, " says Polden.波尔顿说,“对许多女人来说,这是一个非同一般的觉醒时刻。

55、Flat dimensional chain is always changed into linear dimensional chain using projection method.解平面尺寸链时,一般用投影法将其转化为直线尺寸链求解。

56、Death normally comes after a period of weakness and confusion, followed by a coma.一般来说,死亡来自一段时间的衰弱和意识模糊,紧接着是昏迷。

57、Typically this e-mail will come out by 一般来说,我会在早上八点半将邮件发出去。

8:30 AM.

58、In general, the associated service specification is published (as metadata) as well.一般来讲,同时还会作为元数据发布关联的服务规范。

59、Generally, this port is specified when the remote VM is launched.一般来说,该端口是在远程 VM 启动时指定的。

60、Although sell mutually and generally, also concession.虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。

61、As a general rule, the kind of comedic set-up that appeal to you will be the kind of humor youl feel the most comfortable writing.一般来说,在将吸引到你自己的幽默形式运用于写作时你会感觉最棒。

62、A sum of borrowed money (principal) that is generally repaid with interest.借来的金额的总数(本金),偿还时一般都付以利息。

63、Usage: Use a capful to 30-50 with water for usual cleaning.使用说明:一般清洗:将本品一份加水三十至五十份用于清洗一般。

64、Although sell mutually and generally, also compromise.虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。

65、Practice it in community: Be together. Be brilliant with light. Be powerful with prayer. Be prosperous. Face the future with an open heart and open arms.在社区里练习:在一起。 像光般精采。 像祷告般强而有力。 是富足。打开内心和张开胳膊来面对将来。

66、Then I will answer teasingly that actually I'm waiting until she comes to help me.那时候,我将打趣儿般地回答她:我正在等着你回来帮忙呢。



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