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1、Mehndi has cultural and social significance.


2、ANCA diagnoses it it is significant.

3、Living without you, life means nothing 生存中没有你,生命都没有意义。


4、As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death---Leonardo Da Vici, Italian scientist and painter.


5、And this is very meaningful and important.


6、With regard to ontology, benevolence embodies such value as humanism, awareness of equality, and voluntariness.


7、But again, both are meaningful as well as valuable.


8、Eugenics has a biological significance.


9、Sometimes, people define it as self-discipline which has a bias passive meaning.


10、I have argued further that we can view utterances as significant, and as synonymous or heteronymous with one another, without countenancing a realm of entities called meanings.


11、This is a Beltway detail of major significance.


12、Does it actually make sense to have jjs?


13、What's in a name? Well, when your name is James Bond, there's a lot.


14、Are we even sure that there is a significance?


15、Some prefixes have more than one meaning, sometimes even opposite meanings.

16、I love you more than life. 爱你比我的生命更有意义


17、So what are the clinical implications?


18、What does the equation mean?


19、⑦variety is the spice of life


20、The most of them are partial synonyms termed as near synonyms which are similar or little different in meaning.

21、And without meaning, the following would be an empty gesture.没有规矩,比赛就没有意义了。

22、Measurement implies that the thing being measured is meaningful.度量意味着被度量的事物是有意义的。

23、Very interesting. Is there any special meaning for having noodles on birthday.很有意思。在生日吃面条有什么特别意义吗?

24、Denotative meaning is the basic meaning of the word.外延意义是词的基本意义。

25、The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical.无覆盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。

英文句子26:,26、It all started to make sense.这一切都开始变得有意义。

27、According to model-dependent realism, it is pointless to ask whether a model is real, only whether it agrees with observation.按照依赖模型的现实主义,去问一个模型是否真实是无意义的,只有是否与观测相符才有意义。

28、I love you more than life.爱你比我的生命更有意义

29、What's the point? Again, you can have things that are syntactically legal but not semantically meaningful, and static semantics is going to be a way of helping us decide what expressions, what pieces of code, actually have real meaning to it. All right?重点是什么?重申,你可以有东西在语义结构的逻辑上有意义,但是在语义上无意义,而static语义,将是一个帮助我们,决定哪些表达,哪部分的代码实际上,有意义的途径,好么?

30、It wants to look at what it means to be Chinese-American today and what it will mean looking forward.它也想了解如今身为一名美籍华人有什么样的意义,将来又有什么意义。

31、This kind of meaning must be very clear without any misunderstanding.这种意义一是一,二是二,不能有丝毫歧义。

32、The subcategories of pragmatic meaning are: illocutionary force, implicate meaning, figurative meaning, reference, emotional tone, and perlocutionary effect.语用意义可分为六类,即言外之力、隐含意义、修辞意义、所指意义、情感内涵及言外效果。

33、It holds dualism, symbolism, symbolic arbitrariness, meaning representation and non-metaphorical meaning.它主张二元论、符号主义、符号任意观、意义表征论和非隐喻性意义;

34、But there was no meaningful agreement.然而,有意义的协议并没有出现。

35、These are, like tautologies and contradictions, they have no sense.他们和同义反复和矛盾一样,他们没有意义。

36、The glory of Notes of the Land of Peach Blossoms lies in its progressive ideological meaning and social significance.《桃花源记》的光辉在于它有进步的思想意义和社会意义。

37、Clearing the non-public economy socialist nature is of great significance.明确非公有制经济的社会主义性质具有重要意义。

38、Evolutionarily, that makes sense.这在进化上,是非常有意义的。

39、The practice proved: the implementation of this class course has the theoretical and practical significance.实践证明:班本课程的实施具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。

40、Every flower has a meaning.每一朵花都有其特别的意义。

41、They also have special meanings.它们还有特殊的象征意义。

42、The doctrine of the mean thought to now constructed the socialism harmonious society still has the model significance and the practical significance especially.中庸思想尤其对当今构建社会主义和谐社会仍有借鉴意义和现实意义。

43、Therefore more study to make on interdisciplinary science bears a realistic and strategic significance.因此,加强交叉科学的研究,具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。

44、Great theoretic and realistic significance lies in putting forward the economic paten of comprehensive market.“综合市场经济模式”的提出,具有一定的理论意义和显著的现实意义。

45、Impossible to answer also.这也是没有意义,无法回答的。

46、The Y-intercept has no meaningful interpretation, orY轴截距没有有意义的解释,或者

47、It was a very productive lunch.真是一顿有意义的午餐。

48、Analysis of the meaning of English modals by case study shows that the main factors for indeterminacy of the meanings of the English modals are gradience and merger.从应用语用学的角度来分析情态动词的语义,情态动词的意义不确定性的主要原因有意义渐进和意义重合。

49、The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice!在那个时刻,你们说:‘我的正义有什么意义!

50、The author of the report, Stephen Overell, points out that meaning is a subjective thing: what counts as meaningful work to one person won't to another.这份报告的作者斯蒂芬•奥弗雷尔(Stephen Overell)指出,意义是一种主观上的东西,对一个人有意义的工作,未必对另一个人也有意义。

经典英文句子51:有意义,51、We are the same. We have affection and faith. We are doing one meaningful thing together.我们都一样,有情有义,一起做一件有价值有意义的事情。 。

52、If worship is mindless, it is meaningless. You must engage your mind.无意识的敬拜是没有意义的,你必须用意念敬拜。

53、I think that must be very significative.我想那将非常有意义。

54、Also sometimes thought of as 'associative' meaning.也有时被看做“联想”意义。

55、Some significative conclusions were obtained.得到了一些有意义的结论。

56、It is significant to do research into the legal consciousness of citizens.研究市民法律意识是有意义的。

57、They entail a corresponding set of obligations, and obligations are only meaningful where there is the capacity to carry them out.它们引发了一系列相关的义务,而只有当义务得以履行,义务才有其意义。

58、You want your work to be meaningful.你想你的工作更有意义。

59、But, for the right-hand side to make sense, and therefore for the equality to make sense, we need the vector field to be defined everywhere inside the region.但是,要让等式右侧有意义,也就是等式要有意义,需要向量场在平面区域上处处都有定义。

60、Therefore, the study of cheating problems in MMOG has significant academic meaning and actual meaning.因此对MMOG中欺骗问题的研究有着重大的理论意义和现实意义。

61、That truth endures today.今天,这一真理仍然具有现实意义。

62、We find the resolution very meaningful.我们认为该决议非常有意义。

63、In reality, the word humanism has two very different meanings.说实在话,人道主义有两种完全不同的意义。

64、Use variable names that make sense.尽量用有意义的变量名字。

65、And this method has some practical significances.具有一定的实际意义。

66、Our minds make meaning by disambiguating the meaningless.我们的心理通过在无意义中消除歧义获得意义。

67、So how is the essence of addition of decimals related to the essence of addition of whole numbers?这样看来,小数加法的意义与整数加法的意义有什么关系?

68、The undraped human figure,sometimes allegorical.无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。

69、The costs of the expeditions are significant.考察队的花费是有意义的。

70、So it makes sense to index selectively.因此有选择地建立索引会具有意义。

71、It’s a very positive thing.这是一件有积极意义的事。

72、Note that there can be an unescaped ;注意,可以有一个非转义;

73、No results of entwine, meaningless.没有结果的纠缠,毫无意义。

74、And without rules, the competition has no meaning.没有规矩,比赛就没有意义了。


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