蓝牙耳机用英语怎么说 蓝牙耳机英语翻译

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蓝牙耳机用英语怎么说 蓝牙耳机英语翻译

蓝牙耳机翻译为英语可以这样说:bluetooth headset,其次还可以说成" BlueTooth Earphone",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到77个与蓝牙耳机相关的短语释义和例句。


1. bluetooth headset

蓝牙耳机翻译为bluetooth headset。

示例:最好从耳朵里拿掉那些蓝牙耳机。 Better whip out those bluetooth headsets...


2. BlueTooth Earphone

蓝牙耳机翻译为 BlueTooth Earphone 。

示例:这就是为什么创造了蓝牙耳机,对不对? But then, that's exactly what they made those nerdy bluetooth headsets for, right?


3. headset -

蓝牙耳机翻译为 headset - 。

示例:这些法令促使人们去购买蓝牙耳机。 This prompted many people to buy Bluetooth headsets.


4. Bluetooth Headset

蓝牙耳机翻译为 Bluetooth Headset 。

示例:Wireless minicam and Bluetooth headset. 无线摄像头加蓝牙耳机。



1. Bluetooth(蓝牙技术

2. turricular( 蓝牙)

3. USB Bluetooth adapter( 蓝牙)

4. a2dp(蓝牙规范)


5. earphone(耳机

英语短语&俚语, Voyager PRO ( 者专业蓝牙耳机 )

Jabra Direct ( 捷波朗蓝牙耳机驱动 )

Bluetooth Headset Profile ( 蓝牙耳机协议 )

victoria stripes black silver victoria stripes black gold novero Victoria Stripes Black Gold ( 维多利亚黑金蓝牙耳机 )

Hi-Fun Gloves ( 蓝牙耳机手套 )

Super BT Mono Froyo Pro ( 蓝牙耳机听歌 )

BlueBuds ( 入耳式蓝牙耳机 )


nokia moto ( 蓝牙耳机原装 )


1. WearADay, the universal Bluetooth connector. Developer can use WearADay to test or experience your Bluetooth devices.

译文:万能蓝牙连接器,适配各种蓝牙设备,开发者可以用于连接和测试自己的蓝牙产品。 。

2. So much, it's possible it's become a new tic.


3. He now has a deep dislike for a man whose Bluetooth headset is welded to his head.


4. They hacked the Bluetooth.


5. And if we put those headsets back on, how old will Nate be when we take them off again?

译文:我们不能总是带着蓝牙耳机 因为内特一转眼就会长大了。

6. Users appreciate the convenience of wireless headsets, such as Bluetooth A2DP devices.


7. - Of course it has Bluetooth.

译文:- 它当然有蓝牙。

8. You should hear some of the phone conversations that i have with people on my Bluetooth in the shop.

译文:(笑声) 你们应该听听我在商店中用我的蓝牙耳机 与人进行的电话通话。。

9. VTech chose to use headset Bluetooth synchronization on the 5145 rather than hands-free synchronization.

译文:VTech则在5145电话上选择使用蓝牙耳机同步技术,而非免提同步技术。 。

10. Sambo: using Bluetooth Bluetooth Car, driving safer, more comfortable family.


11. AKK operates the host can choose wireless Bluetooth headset, mobile phone from the host range of up to

5 meters, camouflage, more practical.


12. Wait a minute,wait a minute,you want to make a hair barrette with Bluetooth?

译文:等等 用蓝牙做发夹?。

13. You should hear some of the phone conversations that i have with people on my Bluetooth in the shop.

译文:(笑声) 你们应该听听我在商店中用我的蓝牙耳机 与人进行的电话通话。 。

14. Nobody has conducted research looking at the health effects of Bluetooth earpieces.

译文:没有人研究过蓝牙耳机会不会对健康造成影响。 。

15. Plug in the phones, will you?



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