发出响声用英语怎么说 发出响声英语翻译

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发出响声用英语怎么说 发出响声英语翻译

发出响声翻译为英语可以这样说:ring out,还可以翻译为make a noise,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到64个与发出响声相关的短语释义和例句。


1. ring out

发出响声翻译为ring out。

示例:该电梯铃在四楼发出响声。 The lift bell pinged at the fourth floor.


2. make a noise

发出响声翻译为make a noise。

示例:那个旧沙发一坐上去就发出响声。 The old sofa scrunched when one sat in it.


3. oversleep

发出响声翻译为 oversleep 。

示例:床又咯吱咯吱地发出响声,我跳了起来。 The bed squeaks and I jump.


4. go off

发出响声翻译为 go off 。

示例:But off you go, and enjoy the Bolshoi Ballet. But off you go, and enjoy the Bolshoi Ballet.



1. popper(n. 发出砰的响声的人)


2. go-off(〈口〉出发;

3. reverberant sound(混响声)

4. soundclashes( 响声)

5. whoopee cushions(人坐上去会发出响声的坐垫)

英语短语&俚语, decrepitate ( 发出响声地烧烤 )

Without making a sound without a sound ( 没有发出半点声响 )

klingen geklungen-klang to blare utter ( 发出声响 )

bang popped popping pop ( 发出砰的响声 )

popped popping ( 使发出砰的响声 )


1. Her heels clacked on the marble floor.

译文:她的鞋后跟在大理石地面上发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。 。

2. She then pulled a yellow tube out of a purple tube, creating a squeaking sound.


3. [ Andre ] And the thing clicked?

译文:- 有东西发出响声吗?。

4. i started shaking my legs. The bars shuck with me, and with them shaking there was a noise. i shuck harder.


5. [phone rings] [toy rattles] [alarm beeping] [rooster crows] [phone rings]

译文:[电话铃声] [玩具发出的响声] [闹钟响声]。

6. Does the computer beep on power-up?

译文:电脑开机时发出“哔”的响声吗? 。

7. She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.

译文:她听见楼上的地板发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。 。

8. A sudden noise startled her.

译文:突然发出的响声吓了她一跳。 。

9. To make a rattling or clattering sound, especially by rushing or scampering.


10. 'That's the one that made the noise, yes? '

译文:就是它发出的响声 对吗?。

11. The joints in your fingers are the easiest ones to crack, but many people also crack the joints between vertebrae in their neck and back, and even their hips, wrists, shoulders and so on.

译文:你的手指中的关节是最容易发出响声的 但是很多人 颈部和背部的椎骨关节也可以发出响声 甚至臀部,手腕,肩膀等部位 。

12. The bed squeaks and i jump.

译文:床又咯吱咯吱地发出响声,我跳了起来。 。

13. in restaurants the tables groan from the large servings placed before the guests.

译文:在餐馆里,摆在客人面前的丰盛菜肴让桌子发出吱吱的响声。 。

14. i finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car.

译文:我最终设法解决了我汽车发出的格格响声。 。

15. The old wooden floor creaked as i stepped across the threshold of this aging house.



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