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关于”有关摄影“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About photography。以下是关于有关摄影的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About photography

Photography photography [ˈ f ə t ə gr ˈ f ʊ t ə gr æ F] NVT & VII got on our boat, and Willis steered the boat to take photos. When you take a picture, try not to jerk at the camera. I don't know him very well.

I took his picture for a book he had written. Forget your photo. I just want to remind you to take photos tomorrow.

Sorry, we have to take them.




Exposure / structure / cannon Pro lens / shutter speed / b b b B shutter speed (manual shutter control) /EV exposure value (exposure compensation) / aperture priority / shutter priority / lens / sensitivity (ISO) / noise / flash control (burst) / shutter release / sunshade / soft box / reflector / soft umbrella / eye liner, lighting / white balance / snapshot / continuous / continuous) / portrait / saturation / tolerance /slr (single lens reflex) / resolution / pixel / / definition / contrast Degree / focus / defocus / minimum focus distance / macro / digital.


曝光/结构/Cannon Pro镜头/快门速度/B B B快门速度(手动快门控制)/EV曝光值(曝光补偿)/光圈优先级/快门优先级/镜头/灵敏度(ISO)/噪音/闪光灯控制(突发)/快门释放/遮阳板/软盒/反光镜/软伞/眼线,照明灯/白平衡/快照/(连拍/连续)/肖像/饱和度/公差/slr(单镜头反射)/分辨率/像素//清晰度/对比度/对焦/离焦/最小对焦距离/微距/数码。


In our modern world of automatic cameras, automatic cameras focus for us and adjust the exposure in a more perfect way (most of the time, the biggest difference between a good photo and an ordinary photo is the composition of each photo we take. We can decide where the boundary of the photo is, so-called clipping, and we can also choose the point of view if we are photographing people or ordinary photos Pictures of moving objects, so, usually, we also have the opportunity to arrange them in the shape we want.




标签: 作文 真题 专业

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