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关于”订单确认“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:acknowledgement of order。以下是关于订单确认的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:acknowledgement of order

Dear Mr. / MS, this is from China. I am writing to confirm whether my application letter has been received.

I sent my application letter to your university about two weeks ago, but I have not received any reply. Please help me to have a look. If you have received it, please let me know.

Thank you for your loyalty,.




Ltd email address telephone fax date sales confirmation s / C no Messrs ref order no shipping market company Dear sir, we confirm that we have sold the following goods to you on the following terms and conditions, payable by an irrevocable and confirmed L / C at sight in our favor. Please deliver the goods within days after receipt of the L / C remarks, advising by L / C of Bank of Taiwan, Taipei headquarters.


有限公司邮箱地址电话传真日期销售确认s/c no messrs ref order no shipping Market company Purchase亲爱的先生,我方确认已按以下条款和条件向你方出售以下商品,以我方为受益人的不可撤销保兑即期信用证付款,请在收到信用证备注后天内发货通过台湾银行台北总部信用证通知。


I told them a good breakfast at another hotel breakfast, and I made a delicious bacon and a delicious breakfast in their room and put it aside so it would be a bit cold toast, and when you smash it with a butter knife cut directly from the deep freeze, it's impossible to spread it out. A pot of very light coffee, warm, this is a complex dish. Sir, said the confused waiter, it may be difficult for guests to answer, and I don't understand - that's what I got yesterday.




标签: 中考 英文 作文 万能 范文

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