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关于”最开心的周末“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The happiest weekend。以下是关于最开心的周末的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The happiest weekend

Hello, I'm going to have a happy weekend on Saturday. I'm going to visit my uncle. He lives in a small country.

When I'm going to visit him, I'll be very happy. On Sunday, I'll go shopping. I'll buy a lot of things I like, so it's going to be a happy weekend with you.




I've been curious about beaches since I was a child, because I never had a chance to see a real beach in my hometown. It happened that my friends planned to go to the North Sea this weekend, so I was very excited to join them. It took us four hours to get to the North Sea.

I saw the beach in the car. The water was so clean and there was so much. When we found the hotel, people took a walk on the beach and put everything down.

We went to the beach for barbecue. I had a good time with my friends. I realized it My dream is to have a happy weekend.




This weekend, our family had a big party. My grandparents said they hadn't seen us for a long time, so they asked us to go home at the weekend. My uncle's family and my family all came home on time.

Their adults had a good time talking. I played with my little cousin. I haven't played this weekend for a long time.

I can play, eat big meals, receive gifts, and love family time.





标签: 四年级 作文 年级 满分

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