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关于”旧物改造“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Reconstruction of old buildings。以下是关于旧物改造的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reconstruction of old buildings

This morning, my father took me to school by bike. I was sitting in the back seat of my bike and eating bananas. I saw a building which was not very high.

It had five floors. It was an old building. Men and women often lived on different floors of the same building.

The building was European style. The roof was very round.




2:旧建筑物的重建,Datong is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in Shanxi Province. It is located in the north of Shanxi Province, km to the west of Datong City and km to the north of Taiyuan city. It is an important transportation hub with great strategic significance, which is composed of four districts and seven counties.

Datong covers an area of square kilometers and has abundant mineral resources. It is the most abundant mineral resources in Datong City, and it is also the nature of Datong City Datong is a natural tourist resort because the average temperature is only centigrade, so the best time to visit Datong is in July and August. Datong is a city with a long history.

As early as the Paleolithic age, there were ancients living in this area during the Warring States period BC. Datong area is the area of Yanmen County of Zhao state after Qin Dynasty unified China. The Great Wall was built in the west of Datong City and was named "Pingcheng County" because of the fierce fighting with Datong for many years.

During the Hun period of the southern and Northern Dynasties, Pingcheng, as the capital of the Northern Wei state, settled for many years In the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, Datong became an important strategic county. In the Liao Dynasty, Datong was designated as an auxiliary capital. In the Yuan Dynasty, Jin (Jin) kept Datong as a big city composed of seven counties and three towns.

Datong was subordinate to Zhongshu province and became a magnificent and beautiful city. Marco Polo, an Italian traveler in the Qing Dynasty, was subordinate to Shanxi Province during the reign of the Republic of China Datong County. Datong was invaded by the Japanese army and became the capital of the so-called Northern Shaanxi autonomous government.

Datong was finally liberated peacefully in Datong.





3:旧物改造,My school is in a noisy area. There is a building and two stationery shops. There is a tall building next to our school.

There is a supermarket behind our school. When we are hungry, we often eat there. There is a small park between the two stationery stores.

We often go there to play after school.




标签: 初一 英文 高分 作文

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