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关于”有关rules的小“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Little about rules。以下是关于有关rules的小的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Little about rules

Happy praise there are three people watching the sunrise every day. The first one to say "hello" to live under your means. Treat everyone as if you want to be treated.

Never give up anyone. Miracles happen. Remember someone's name.

Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage. Be strong. But gentle heart is more kind than you must be.

Don't forget that one's greatest emotional need is feeling Be grateful and be optimistic even if you don't feel it. Remember, overnight success usually takes years to make everything better than you find it. Remember, winners do what losers don't want to do.

When you get to work in the morning, let the first thing you say make everyone happy. Don't let it rain in other people's parades. Don't waste an opportunity to tell the people you love that you love them.

Leave something for yourself. Don't hurt the people you love. We all laugh.

We all hurt us. We all make mistakes. We all dream that this is life A journey, please follow these rules, your journey of life, your journey of happiness.




I'm always afraid of big and wide streets. I always use traffic lights and crosswalks. But many times when the traffic lights turn green, I'm afraid.

I still need to look in two directions to check the traffic. In many cases, a motorcycle or bicycle speeding, or a truck passing a red light and passing pedestrians. When I have a bicycle, I get off and walk across the street, but there are always people running the red light.

Once at the intersection near National Taiwan University, I saw an accident: a taxi stopped for the red light, and another truck came from behind For the sake of safety, it is very important for everyone to abide by traffic regulations. Traffic safety is everyone's business record shows that many people die in traffic accidents every year. Some accidents are caused by mechanical failure, but most of them are caused by careless and reckless driving.

Moreover, many people can avoid ignoring traffic signals and rules Regardless of the speed limit, driving through the red light, driving in the wrong direction, laughing while driving, turning at will, not slowing down when approaching the intersection, many people violate the traffic rules, we can not overemphasize the importance of traffic safety, only when everyone thinks that traffic safety is everyone's business, can we safely drive on the road and walk on the sidewalk.




Our school has a lot of rules. For example, we can't be late for school, we can't eat in the classroom, we can't run and sing in the classroom, especially in the corridor, we can't fight with each other, we can't ride bicycles on campus, we must wear school uniform. I don't like school uniform.

They are out of date as students. We must abide by the school rules.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 真题

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