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关于”成功的方法“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Successful methods。以下是关于成功的方法的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Successful methods

Success has a lot of work and sweat, diligence is a very important point, as the saying goes, "diligence is the key to success", this is usually an idea, let people work, this may be an important thing, for high school students, they should always be tough, not afraid of challenges, diligence is necessary, more diligent than others is the key to their success.




In modern life, especially in the era of rapid development, many professional women have emerged. They have achieved success in their career. It can be said that they are really great in this competition.

It is not easy to be a successful woman. It is very important not only to have certain humanistic care, but also to have their own abilities, etc.




Christmas Day: with the exchanges between countries, Christmas is becoming more and more popular. Christmas is on December day, which is the largest and most popular holiday in the United States. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

The founder of christianity christmas is to celebrate. On that day, people decorate the Christmas tree with candy and gifts. As the saying goes, "Christmas tree one" A farmer brought delicious food to a poor child when he left.

He put a branch into the soil, and the branch immediately turned into a big tree. He pointed to the tree and said that on that day of every year, Santa Claus would be filled with gifts to reward you. Santa Claus was the most popular person on that day.

On Christmas Eve, children dressed as Santa Claus before going to bed. They would put one on the stove Christmas is one of the children's favorite festivals. The whole family is sitting at a big table under the Christmas tree for dinner.

They cherish Christmas songs very much. There are three songs: bell, Christmas Eve and listening to the bell jingle of the herald angel, silent night, listening to the pioneer angels sing. Now, we know more about Saint Do you like Christmas.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 真题 年级

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