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关于”最好的我“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The best me。以下是关于最好的我的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The best me

1、My best friend is three years older than me. We met him at school on a warm autumn afternoon last year, but he was a little taller than me, with short black hair. Even in the darkest night, his eyes were always shining, which attracted me.

2、When we met for the first time, he was not a social person. When we had dinner, he always sat quietly beside us and listened to us carefully. He was one of them He is a good listener and a good consultant.

3、I feel relaxed with him because he is the one who can be frank with me when I feel tired. I really want to talk to him. He is always the person who knows me best.

4、I think he is my best friend in the third grade. He works in school most of the time. He also does it in the laboratory when he is free Teacher, he prefers to listen to music and go to church with friends, which is why he is a loyal man.




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