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关于”我丢失了我的钱包“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I lost my wallet。以下是关于我丢失了我的钱包的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I lost my wallet

One fine day in spring, it was Monday and April. I found a black wallet lying on the road on my way to school. At that time, there was no one around me.

I didn't know whose wallet it was. So I opened my purse and saw some money and some business cards. In the wallet, I was very happy to find an ID card, but I didn't know her So I called a business card and told him the name of the lost wallet and ID card.

Fortunately, the person told me the phone number of the owner of the ID card. They were good friends. Then I went to school.

When the school was over, the owner of the wallet was waiting at the school gate. She was very happy and said thank you to me.




Yesterday, my friend Liang Yurong and I went to the people's Park for a picnic. The sunshine was good and we were all happy. When we were going to the park, my friend happened to see a purse on the road, so she picked it up and saw that there was some money, an ID card and some things in it.

We were not sure about its owner, so we stayed there and hoped that the owner would come back to get it. After a long time, an anxious looking woman came up to her and asked her, "are you looking for something?" The woman is very excited. She keeps nodding and smiling.

Thank you.





Lost her purse a woman lost her handbag, was found by an honest little boy, and returned to her purse, and she said, "well, that's interesting. When I lost my bag, there was a dollar bill in it, and now there are 20 one dollar bills." The boy quickly replied, "yes, ma'am, the last time I found a lady's purse, she didn't have any change to reward her.".




标签: 专八 英文 作文 万能

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