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关于”房屋的变化“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Changes in housing。以下是关于房屋的变化的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in housing

In the past decade, great changes have taken place in China, attracting more foreigners to seek cooperation in China. One of the changes is the change of people's living standards. With the development of economy, many people start businesses and become rich, so they have the money to entertain themselves.

Now Chinese tourists are everywhere. They have made contributions to the world economy because more and more foreigners come to China to travel They fell in love with the food and culture here. They also felt that there was a huge market potential.

It was a good choice for them to pursue their dreams. I am very proud to be a part of this ancient great country.




I live in a city, and I have witnessed what happened in this city since I was a child. In my eyes, after so many years, the city has changed a lot, and the traffic has become unobstructed. Many years ago, there were fewer bus stops, and people always need to use a lot of bus transfer lines.

But now, almost all places can reach the bus, and people don't need to transfer to the second line Roads and buildings are expanding, which reflects the rapid economic development of the city. I can go to many new public places to play, some for children, some for the elderly. These are conducive to people's communication.

The changes in the city reflect people's progress with the times.




In the past, Chinese families have been very poor. Many children have increased poverty without enough food. They often starve.

What's worse, after China's reform and opening up in recent years, they can't get timely treatment when they are sick. Our family is no longer poor. We have enough money, enough food, enough clothes and good health We don't feel crowded and noisy at home because most families have only one or two children.

Our lives are improving and getting better and better.




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