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关于”用写一篇这次疫情“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write an article about the epidemic in English。以下是关于用写一篇这次疫情的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about the epidemic in English

Computer and modern life computer plays an important role in modern life, it has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages are as follows: the advantages of computers can help people save time and do more work. People can solve problems that they are not easy to solve with computers.

The number of families using computers is increasing rapidly. Parents only want to help their children use computers to improve their academic performance. But many students use computers to play games, so their studies are abandoned in some countries.

Millions of people play with computers because of playing with computers Brain unemployment has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, its quality only depends on the people who use it, not the computer itself.




Examples of inconsistency of general conditions: since the day of advertisement broadcast, with the rapid development of China, there are more and more advertisements between TV dramas about whether advertisements are good or bad. Discussions are also the theme of our class today. Students who agree to put advertisements on TV, burials and newspapers point out that advertisements contain a lot of information, which helps modern citizens better understand them life.

At the same time, some advertisements are very interesting and of great artistic value. Most importantly, the development of this industry has brought benefits to China, but it has a negative effect on the interruption of TV dramas by useless advertisements and the behavior of false advertisements treating consumers.




Sports around the world like sports to help keep people healthy and happy. For long-life sports, it is interesting to swim in warm weather with seasons. But skating in winter is very good.

Some sports are so interesting that people all over the world like sports, such as sports, for example Football swimming is very popular all over the world. In all countries near the sea or many rivers, some sports or sports can be traced back thousands of years ago, such as running or jumping Chinese martial arts. However, basketball and volleyball are relatively new.

People have been inventing new sports or games. Water skiing is one of them in sports families. It is one of them to come to China People from different countries may not understand each other, but after a game, they often become good friends sports help develop a person's character: hard work, fair competition, victory without pride, elegant defeat.




标签: 六年级 作文 真题 年级 疫情

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