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关于”有关钱“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:About money。以下是关于有关钱的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About money

When you shine in your sneakers, the street admirers will cheer and stomp in the heat of your body. I think when you curl up on the court and your fingers are gray, my heart will break. You can never tell the snake from the winner, but your body and your face are straight every time, you can always make money easily.

The horse racing club will throw a glass on the square to show you the color of your crimson sling. We will take the money home and surround the house. My old dog can chew his bones for two weeks We can pacify Almighty money without trucks and little girls, put my bread in an old fruit can, drive you in a car, make you fat on the lucky star, make money easy.




Most people think that we can do anything with money. If you have a lot of money, you are considered successful. If you don't have money, you will be looked down upon.

Money can make us live a rich life, but not necessarily a happy life. Sometimes some people do some bad things to make money, so they are not happy, because they are always afraid that we should make money and spend reasonably.




Time is money. Money is not everything, but without money, everything is nothing. 3 money makes mares go.

Money is the root of evil. Everything is subject to money before gold, even if the king takes off their hat. Money is the key to all doors.

Beauty is powerful, but money is more potential wealth. With the increase of wealth, the miser hoards money to him There is no good in wealth. If it brings depression, he won't buy anything.

People's main purpose is not to make money. Those who believe that money can do everything are always ready to do everything for money. Wealth makes people worship wealth.

The people who have no money, little Karia, walk fast in the market. Don't let your money guide you.




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