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关于”比较中西方新年“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Compare Chinese and Western New Year。以下是关于比较中西方新年的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Compare Chinese and Western New Year

Eating habits and customs Americans eat with a fork. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it seems that holding a knife in their right hand for more than a few seconds is considered a violation of good table manners. If it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take a fork in their left hand, cut a piece of meat or other things in the normal way, and then they put down the knife, move the fork to the right hand, and then put the food Put it in your mouth.

It's obviously ridiculous, but it's considered polite.




2:,All things are relative, and cultural differences are no exception. As the general mode of human behavior and its products, culture has gone beyond the geographical boundaries and historical conditions in many aspects. It has a strong penetration and integration.

With the development of economic globalization, the rapid convenience of modern communication, transportation and mass media, cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent, and the scale, scope and speed are all the same Unprecedented, the universality of culture is enhanced, and the reduction of cultural differences is an inevitable trend. It is not surprising to see that a unique phenomenon of culture exists in another culture. Therefore, some people even worry that when the behavior of all different nationalities is completely inconsistent, the world will become boring, the cultural accumulation formed over a long period of time is not easy to remove, the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation has strong consistency and continuity, and the culture of different regions and nationalities still has its uniqueness.

Therefore, in the context of cultural universality, we should study different cultures It is still of great significance. Generally speaking, linearity and circularity can be used to express the main differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Western culture is a general term here.

Put aside its internal regional differences and compare it with Chinese culture, a circle is a circle, and a line is a long and narrow continuous mark. The comparison between the linearization of western culture and the circulation of Chinese culture is reflected in the world outlook, core values, time outlook and thinking mode.





3:比较中西方新年,For a long time, people's belief in ancestors was conservative, such as superstitious numbers. Both China and Western countries have superstitions about bad numbers. They think it's best to avoid those numbers, or bad luck will happen to China at any time.

This number is considered the worst number because Mandarin sounds like death, and many businessmen avoid hotels People can hardly see the fourth floor because they jump directly from the third floor to the fifth floor. So if people see the fourth floor, they will feel uncomfortable in the West. This figure is considered as bad as that in China.

Westerners think that if this day happens on Friday, it must be an unlucky day, so they call it Black Friday. They try to stay at home to avoid bad luck. Whenever they see that day, they will feel panic.

There is no evidence to show the existence of bad numbers. The younger generation should not take it seriously. They just follow the routine and ignore superstition.




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