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关于”杨颖“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Yang Ying。以下是关于杨颖的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yang Ying

If you want to be a goddess, naturally essential high-heeled shoes are especially outstanding in personalized design. In this red dress, white high-heeled shoes are matched with classic diorhandbacks, which is very elegant. The beautiful red makes angelababy shine more brilliantly, so it's not a good idea to go on a date with Huang Jiao.




Angelababy angelababy angelababy angelababy Angela in Chinese Baby, born in Shanghai in February, moved to Hong Kong when she was in love with the Chinese movie star "the whole city". Angelababy won the 13th China Film Media Award for the first time because of her love. In January [SMW Entertainment Weekly] magazine is one of the new generation of "four little flowers".

In the same year, she played the leading role and No The most popular actress of Beijing University Film Festival is running brothers, a variety show joined by Anji rabbi. In December, she starred in Gu Changwei's film "micro love". In October, angelababy and Huang Xiaoming, whose box office exceeded one million, held a "century wedding" in Shanghai Exhibition Center.


Angelababy Angelababy Angelababy Angelababy,中文名Angela Baby,xx月出生于上海,在中国电影女星电影《全城热恋》时移居香港,Angelababy凭借爱情首次获得第十三届中国电影传媒大奖,最受欢迎女演员奖“xx月[SMW娱乐周刊]杂志为新一代“四小花旦”之一,同年在徐克导演的电影《狄仁杰的神龙都是龙王》中担任女主角和第届北京大学生电影节最受欢迎女演员是在安吉拉比加盟的综艺节目《跑兄弟》,主演电影版xx月主演顾长卫导演的电影《微爱》渐入佳境,xx月票房突破百万的Angelababy与黄晓明在上海展览中心举行“世纪婚礼”。


About Chinese Ying Yang angelababy Name: Ying Yang / 2 / born in Shanghai and immature in Hong Kong at the age of 13, in the year of Chinese film actor, singer and model, and leading actor film year, angelababy won a love film, won the best actress award of the 13th China Film Media Award, and won the leading role of the play in the film directed by Xu Ke, and won the best popular actress award in the 10th Beijing University Film Festival.


关于中国人Ying YangAngelababy姓名:Ying Yang/2/出生于上海,xx岁不成熟的香港,中国电影演员,歌手和模特年,演主角电影年,Angelababy获得了一部爱情电影获得了第十三届中国电影媒体大奖“最佳女演员奖”年度,徐克导演的电影获得了该剧的主角,并获得了第十届北京大学生电影节最佳人气女演员奖。


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