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关于”外在美“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:External beauty。以下是关于外在美的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:External beauty

==Many people, especially women, when they hear someone praising them, she says, "Wow, Hello, beautiful", "you've become so beautiful". They always smile openly and pretend to be shy and respond: "no pull". But in fact, they are very happy.

This may be why few people have heard others say, "you are smart." this is a new era since promotion Internal beauty, why do people praise its hypocrisy, such as hypocrisy, vanity and so on, and people get great happiness because of praising it. This also shows that most people attach importance to their own beauty and are interested in pursuing their own beauty. However, on the charming appearance, they do not have a pure heart.

They will pursue the external rather than understand the inner essence. Such a person is like a driving shell It's hard to succeed in the increasingly fierce contemporary society. It will be very difficult to find your own foothold.

You will not let your beautiful appearance be covered, open up new ideas, and open up a brilliant road in your life with knowledge and talent.




As far as I'm concerned, beauty is the most important thing. First of all, no matter how beautiful you are now, you will grow old and ugly. Second, most people prefer to get along with good people rather than beautiful people.

Third, research shows that people's pursuit of external beauty is happier than that of beautiful people. Hawking, Helen Keller is disabled, but her inner body has won people's praise.




When a young man sees a sunset, he can't understand or express the emotion aroused by the sunset, so he comes to the conclusion that the sunset must be the gate to the world, and this is the door to the world beyond ourselves. In the strong aesthetic experience, it is difficult for any of us to resist the saying that we are seeing a light shining on us from another place The realm is different, because the experience is strongly moving, to a certain extent higher, although the flash is blind and dazzling, but whether they convey a greater than we know or imagine the implication of beauty and tranquility, but also larger than we can describe, because language is to convey the meaning of the world, it can not be easily reached For another purpose: all great things have this power, implying that a distant world is undeniable; in some emotions, nature has the same power; the sky in June is not so blue that it does not point to a bluer place; no sunset is so beautiful that it cannot awaken a greater vision of beauty, one in it If the world is more than a prank, life is a vulgar flash in the starlight, and existence is a hollow laughter through the mystery; if the behind and outside hints are not the evil humor of indigestion, or the devil sends us to mock and irritate us If beauty means something, we can't try to explain its meaning; if we glimpse something that can't be expressed, it's unwise to try to express it, and we shouldn't seek to give us meaning that we can't understand. As far as human meaning is concerned, beauty is meaningless.




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